
"Shenzhen Poetry" Chen Meiling | The Three Character Classics of Party History

author:Shenzhen poetry

About the Author

Chen Meiling, Ph.D. in Economics, Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, researcher of traditional Chinese culture, is currently working in the Party History Literature Research Office of the Shenzhen Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China (Shenzhen Municipal People's Government Local History Office), with the main research directions of THE history of the Communist Party of China, local history of Shenzhen, and regional economy. His works have been published in newspapers and periodicals such as Yongxing Bridge and Shenzhen History, and his works include "Research on Spatial Optimization of Urban Agglomerations in the Pearl River Delta Bay Area: An Ecosystem-Based Perspective" and listed in the Shenzhen Reform and Innovation Series (Series VI).

"Shenzhen Poetry" Chen Meiling | The Three Character Classics of Party History


In the past, China had a vast territory, a vast land, a large population

Long history of culture, zu yan huang number China

Since Pangu opened the world and passed down from generation to generation, it has been endless

The First Three Emperors and the Five Emperors tribe became clans

Heaven and Earth Cast the Soul of the Clan Diligent, Good, Courageous, and Peaceful

Yao Shunyu pushed Zen to let the rulers choose the best

Xia Shang Zhou to Spring and Autumn Feudal dynasty stream

The Warring States and the Unification of Qin and the Two Han Dynasties and the Three Kingdoms

The two Jin Dynasties extended from the South to the North and the South shun, and the Sui and Tang Dynasties were divided into five generations

Song Yuanming and the Qing Dynasty and ancient civilization are in the same vein

From the heavens and currents to farming, good neighbors and friends are not in dispute


The national gate was locked and the well sat in the late Qing Dynasty

The great powers coveted the strong ships and guns and fought for them

Selling opium destroys the body and spirit destroys the nation

Lin Zexu angrily sold smoke humen guan the war was prolonged

The Nanjing Treaty was forced to sign both land and money

The Dream of the Heavenly Dynasty was broken

Britain and France invaded the Yuanmingyuan again and burned the evil

The peasant army is the largest and the most popular way to survive in the Taiping Kingdom

Fight feudalism, attack aggression, move the foundation, and oppose oppression

Chinese and foreign forces have jointly suppressed the rebel armies and are unable to govern

Pushing foreign affairs is to strive for self-improvement, and to strengthen one's skills and to control one's strengths

Introduction of technology, running a factory, building a water division, opening a school

The Battle of The First and Fifth Sino-Japanese War, the Beiyang Massacre, the nation was in danger, and the horses were forced to pass

The Xingzhong Association in Guangzhou has tried to save the dead and frequently use force

In the year of Wu Shu, there was Kang Liang and the six gentlemen who were killed

The Eight-Nation Army invaded the Boxer Rebellion and was destroyed

The social change is semi-colonial and semi-feudal

The prefectural army is invincible to contend for power and warlords

Pulling up the division of territory and expanding the power of the people wept bitterly

Lost and displaced, there is nowhere to avoid China, and there is no good place

The League of The BourgeoisIe, the Three Peoples, the Three Governments

Expelling the Tartars, restoring China, creating the Republic of China, and equalizing land rights

The Battle of Xinhai took the lead in the qing dynasty and the Qing Emperor retired to the republic of China

First consult Yuan and then defend the country, the idea of revolution is more stylistic

May Fourth Tide, Mass Awakening Translation Manifesto Fax Reasoning

The Communist Party was founded with a new democracy that opened up the world

The Second National Congress of the Communist Party of China distinguishes the current affairs and the revolutionary road is divided into two steps

Anti-imperialist nationality anti-feudal democracy arose

The three major parties of the party are determined to cooperate in the united front of the other party

The Kuomintang joined forces with the Russian Communists to support peasants and workers

The four party congresses took the lead in building alliances and leading the masses

Northern Expedition Destroy Beiyang Yi Banner Northeast King

412 715 The Great Revolution devastated and suffered

The Five Major Party Congresses have failed to carry out the major problem of right-leaning tendencies

Nanchang Yi was founded on August 1st by armed uprising

Eighty-seven will point the direction of the gun out of power

Autumn Harvest Charity Build a stronghold from the countryside to encircle the city

Jinggangshan Assembly Division Zhu Maojun changed to Red Fourth

Divide the fields, guard the territory, and gather the main forces to fight guerrillas

The Sixth National Congress of the Communist Party of China criticized the situation in Soviet Russia

GuTianhui Shinsen Xun September Letter Party Management Army

September 18 The Northeast Fell the Japanese Empire and tried to invade and occupy

Orient Field World War II The same hatred against foreign enemies

Founding regime Yangsu District first founded the country Of Ruijin

Partial Kanto, Fu Pseudo-Manchu, Bears Great Righteousness, Encircles and Suppresses Urgently

Protect the fire, evacuate quickly, and the history of the Long March is shocking

Break through the defensive line, swim in a narrow gap, cross the Wujiang River and occupy Zunyi

Zunyi will set the status and turn the tide and save the revolution

Crossing the Chishui Ring Four Times the Jinsha River is a clever crossing

Dadu River forcibly crossed the Luding Bridge and flew to seize it

Snow-capped mountains over grassy terrain, bitter environment

Kyukyu 1 year or more 11 provinces 20,555

The line to the white to red Shaanxi Gansu poly strong basis

129 Ben Hu Wai Wai Wai Cho Cho United Anti-Japanese Resistance

Double Twelve Xi'an Changed Governor Imperial Outsiders

The 77th Change of The Country Is In Danger, the Anti-Japanese Empire and reunification

The Songhu War was the most tragic and the first victory was the Pingguan Pass

Taierzhuang fought to the death to lose Xuzhou and defend Wuhan

Rapid annihilation of China can not be obtained Since then, the war has been stalemate

General Xue Tianlu defeated the Japanese army to protect Changsha

Wang Puppet House Real Puppet Divides and Resists Etiquette and Strives for Orthodoxy

A hundred regiments came out of the cage and broke the scale of the loud and powerful

Southern Anhui Province Became Martyred and Indignant The army was rebuilt

Yu Xianggui retreated in a great rout and lost his army and prestige

Millions of members of the Seventh National Congress of the Party set the line and established their thinking

After the fall of World War II, Japan surrendered the fate of the country and Chongqing talked about it

Sign an agreement to seek peace and safeguard democracy The civil war has ceased

Only to announce the violation of the sudden difficulty of self-defense

Defend first, then counterattack, and then fight against the three major battles

Break the dictatorship of the People's Liberation State and become independent

New China was initially established, consolidating political power and restoring the economy

Learn from the Soviet Union, build a system, strengthen industry, and strengthen national strength

The Volunteer Army Bravely Aided the DPRK and Defended the Homeland and fought in bloody battles

Shangganling Artillery Fire Dense 38th Line National Prestige

Five martyrs Sun Zhanyuan Yang Gensi Yang Liandi

Huang Jiguang was born in flames

To save Tibet, a million slaves had to turn around and be liberated

The 35th Five-Year Plan against major reform and the abolition of private ownership

The social system was established as a primary of the public

Strong Art Hundred Flowers Bloom Strong Academic Hundred Songs

The Eighth National Congress of the Party Analyzed Contradictions, Grasped Production, and Concentrated All Efforts

Reforming the Poor, Weak, and Strengthening the Economy, Urgently Seeking Success, and the Great Leap Forward

Large-scale steelmaking, pouring the whole people, smashing pots and pans, iron, and supporting the national industry

Cooperatives become communes, cauldron rice, and communism is urgent

Productivity suppressed natural disasters to three years of hunger

We should make four cleanses, prevent and oppose revision, and stress class struggle

GongdaQing Nongdazhai, The People's Liberation Army

Ten years after the Cultural Revolution, the people were devastated and the people were in turmoil

The Red Guards broke the four olds and marked the reforms

Everyone knows that the youth go up and down to the countryside and go to the farm to join the queue

The Great Criticism of the Unjust Case the Gang of Four usurped the party in vain

The Ninth National Congress of the Communist Party of China was chaotic and advocated criticism and the dictatorship

The Tenth Party Congress continued the road ahead and sought great rule through great chaos

Courageous resistance, adjustment, counter-revolution, and finally crushed

The Eleventh National Congress of the Cultural Revolution ended and the restoration of the original business wandered forward

Xiaogang Village, a large bag of cadres, agreed on the truth and set standards

The Third Central Committee will make a big turning point in opening up externally and carry out internal reforms

The Twelfth National Congress has raised its characteristics and opened a new situation to re-build

Thirteen major three steps to one center and two basis points

The Fourteenth National Congress established theory of reforming the system and building the market

The large-scale modernization construction has brought hong Kong and Macao into practice two systems

Revitalize culture, strengthen science and technology, and people's self-confidence are established one by one

The Fifteenth National Congress raised the banner to carry on the past and continue

Sixteenth National Congress of the New Century Three represents with the advancement of the times

The Seventeenth National Congress is still harmonious and the concept of development is to respect science

The Eighteenth National Congress deepened the reform and went to the decisive battle

Globalization Proposes the Belt and Road Initiatives to Increase Mutual Benefit

Nineteenth National Congress Orientation New Strong Mission Ming ChuXin

Anti-new crown carrying the big banner De Neng prepared medical care

We must extricate ourselves from poverty and vigorously tackle tough problems, and the millennium dream will finally be realized


The history of this period is a hundred years, and if the sea changes into a mulberry field

The country is getting richer and the people are also stronger, and the new atmosphere is changing people

Studying party history, clarifying the truth, and the Communist Party has justice

Stressing politics means that the people's will will win the war for the people

The Kuomintang betrayed the three people and forgot its original intention

Choosing the Right Thing and Taking the Right Path Firmly believe that the mind is invincible

In the new era and with the times, strengthen party building and increase governance ability

Internal and external troubles will continue to exist in the great cause of the party

The Chinese Dream seeks rejuvenation, spreads friendship, and delivers civilization

Globalization is irreversible, and all mankind shares the same destiny

Common Development, Safeguarding Peace, Joining Hands and Joining Hands, And The Great Unity is Near

"Shenzhen Poetry" Chen Meiling | The Three Character Classics of Party History

Micro Magazine Studio

Editor of this issue: Wang Minjian

Executive Editor-in-Chief: Yang Baoming

Editor of this issue: Liu Hongyan

Correction for this issue: Jiang Zhenghua

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