
The 48-year-old aunt soaked in water with lotus seed hearts and drank it, and she never gave up for 1 year, and the results of the examination made the doctor very impressed

author:Traditional Chinese Medicine Physician Shen

The protagonist of today's story is a 48-year-old ordinary middle-aged woman, Aunt Zhang.

These questions are like a bunch of naughty elves who jump out from time to time to make trouble, which greatly reduces her quality of life.

By chance, Aunt Zhang heard about the miraculous effect of lotus seed heart, which is said to clear the heart and calm the nerves, and can also lower blood pressure.

With the mentality of giving it a try, she began the habit of soaking water in lotus seed hearts every day.

The 48-year-old aunt soaked in water with lotus seed hearts and drank it, and she never gave up for 1 year, and the results of the examination made the doctor very impressed

At first, she didn't expect much, but she thought the fragrance would bring her a hint of peace.

But with the passage of time, Aunt Zhang's physical condition has improved significantly.

A year has passed, and Aunt Zhang came to the hospital again for a comprehensive physical examination.

When the test results came out, even I couldn't help but let out an exclamation!

Her blood pressure was stable within the normal range, the symptoms of insomnia were almost gone, and even the wrinkles on her face seemed to be much less, and she looked refreshed and radiant.

The 48-year-old aunt soaked in water with lotus seed hearts and drank it, and she never gave up for 1 year, and the results of the examination made the doctor very impressed

The lotus seed heart, this small treasure, is actually the germ part of the lotus seed;


As a common Chinese herbal medicine, lotus seed heart has the effect of clearing the heart and calming the nerves and lowering blood pressure;

Therefore, it is particularly suitable for:

People with insomnia: Lotus seed heart has a certain effect of calming the nerves and helping sleep, which can alleviate the symptoms of insomnia and dreaminess and difficulty falling asleep.

The 48-year-old aunt soaked in water with lotus seed hearts and drank it, and she never gave up for 1 year, and the results of the examination made the doctor very impressed

People with high blood pressure: Lotus seed heart helps lower blood pressure and is suitable for people with high blood pressure.

People with poor mood: Lotus seed heart can play a certain role in regulating emotions and relieving the symptoms of restlessness.

People who are weak: Lotus seed heart can supplement vitamins and trace elements for the body, and is suitable for people who are weak.

It should be noted that

The 48-year-old aunt soaked in water with lotus seed hearts and drank it, and she never gave up for 1 year, and the results of the examination made the doctor very impressed

It is advisable to consult a medical professional before using lotus seed hearts.

Here are the steps on how to soak water with lotus seed hearts:

Preparation materials: Lotus seed hearts are the green germ in lotus seeds, you can peel them from lotus seeds, or you can choose to buy lotus seed hearts directly.

Cleaning: Put the lotus seed heart into a large bowl or teapot, add an appropriate amount of water, and gently rub the lotus seed heart with your fingers to remove impurities and dust from the surface.

Soak and drink: Soak the washed lotus seed heart in warm or hot water, and drink it directly after a period of time, and the specific soaking time can be adjusted according to personal taste.

The 48-year-old aunt soaked in water with lotus seed hearts and drank it, and she never gave up for 1 year, and the results of the examination made the doctor very impressed

Boil water: If you like, you can pour the soaked lotus seed hearts and water into the pot and add an appropriate amount of water.

Once the water is boiling, reduce the heat and cook for 10-15 minutes.

After boiling, pour the water into a cup and wait for the lotus seed heart to cool slightly before drinking.

Lotus seeds are cold in the heart, and those with spleen and stomach deficiency should use with caution.

If you experience uncomfortable symptoms such as diarrhea, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, etc., you need to stop drinking it immediately and seek medical attention in time.

The 48-year-old aunt soaked in water with lotus seed hearts and drank it, and she never gave up for 1 year, and the results of the examination made the doctor very impressed

It is not advisable to drink a lot of lotus seed water at night as it may cause frequent waking up at night.

Lotus seed hearts can be paired with a variety of Chinese herbs to enhance their healing properties.

Here are some common combinations:

Lotus seed heart with wolfberry, wheat winter, lily: the combination of these herbs can reconcile yin and yang, and relieve uncomfortable symptoms caused by excessive internal fire, such as palpitations and insomnia caused by heart and kidney disconnection, and loss of appetite caused by spleen deficiency.

The 48-year-old aunt soaked in water with lotus seed hearts and drank it, and she never gave up for 1 year, and the results of the examination made the doctor very impressed

Lotus seed heart with hawthorn, chrysanthemum, cassia seed, honeysuckle, lotus leaf, tangerine peel: these herbs can help improve digestion and absorption, lower blood pressure, clear the liver and eyes, etc.

Lotus seed heart and Coptis chinensis, lily, honeysuckle, bitter gourd, monk fruit, cassia seed: these herbs can enhance the effect of clearing heat and relieving the throat of lotus seed heart, and are suitable for treating pulmonary fever and cough, whooping cough, sore throat and constipation.

If uncomfortable symptoms occur, discontinue use immediately and consult a physician.

The 48-year-old aunt soaked in water with lotus seed hearts and drank it, and she never gave up for 1 year, and the results of the examination made the doctor very impressed

Aunt Zhang's story tells us that health is not an overnight thing, it needs to be constantly cared for and cultivated in our daily life.

Just like planting a tree, we need to water, fertilize, and prune it to see the day it thrives.

So, dear friends, you might as well start today and plant a healthy seed for yourself.

Whether it is lotus seed heart soaking in water, or any other healthy little habit, as long as we stick to it, I believe that in the near future, we can also harvest our own health miracle!

Come on, let's work together for a healthier tomorrow!

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