
The 48-year-old eldest sister drinks tangerine peel tea every day and insists on it for a period of time, what is the change in her physical condition?

author:Old prescription medical miscellaneous

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"Oh, why is my medical report like this?" Sister Ma took a piece of paper, her face full of doubts and worries, and walked into Dr. Yu's consultation room.

Sister Ma, a 48-year-old bank clerk, has a high pressure and a fast pace of life on weekdays. Recently, in order to regulate her body, she insisted on drinking tangerine peel tea every day, hoping to reduce the physical discomfort caused by work pressure. A month later, she went to the hospital for a physical examination as usual, but the report was unexpected.

The 48-year-old eldest sister drinks tangerine peel tea every day and insists on it for a period of time, what is the change in her physical condition?

Dr. Yu is an experienced veteran doctor, and after reading Sister Ma's report, his expression was serious. "Sister Ma, have you had any unusual changes in your eating habits recently?"

"It's just that I drank tangerine peel tea, nothing else has changed." Sister Ma replied.

The 48-year-old eldest sister drinks tangerine peel tea every day and insists on it for a period of time, what is the change in her physical condition?

Tangerine peel, that is, sun-dried orange peel, has the effect of dissolving phlegm and relieving cough, regulating the spleen and stomach. However, Dr. Yu found some unexpected changes in Sister Ma's physical examination report. Sister Ma's liver function indicators were abnormal, which surprised Dr. Yu a little, because there was no record of tangerine peel directly affecting liver function.

The 48-year-old eldest sister drinks tangerine peel tea every day and insists on it for a period of time, what is the change in her physical condition?

After detailed questioning and further examination, Dr. Yu found that although tangerine peel has many health benefits, long-term consumption of tangerine peel tea may be due to the burden on liver metabolism due to some of its components, such as certain oils and flavors in citrus peel. The abnormal liver function of Sister Ma may be related to this habit.

The 48-year-old eldest sister drinks tangerine peel tea every day and insists on it for a period of time, what is the change in her physical condition?

Dr. Yu explains, "Although tangerine peel has many health benefits, more is not always better. Some compounds contained in tangerine peel accumulate too much in the body, which may increase the metabolic burden on the liver. ”

The peel of citrus fruits is rich in bioactive substances such as naringenin and hesperidin, which help improve vascular health, lower blood pressure, and more. However, these components also require the liver to be involved in metabolism, and when consumed in excess, can have a negative impact on liver function.

The 48-year-old eldest sister drinks tangerine peel tea every day and insists on it for a period of time, what is the change in her physical condition?

Dr. Yu advises Sister Ma: "You can continue to drink tangerine peel tea in moderation, but it is recommended not to exceed two cups a day, and if possible, it is best to stop drinking for a day or two every once in a while to give the body a chance to adjust and recover." ”

Dr. Yu continued to explain: "Sister Ma, in fact, in addition to the liver function problems mentioned earlier, tangerine peel has other unknown benefits. Tangerine peel also contains a special kind called hesperidin, which also has a certain regulatory effect on our blood lipids. ”

The 48-year-old eldest sister drinks tangerine peel tea every day and insists on it for a period of time, what is the change in her physical condition?

Sister Ma was very curious, "What's going on?" ”

"Hesperidin helps lower bad cholesterol in the blood and raises good cholesterol. Especially for office workers like you, who are under a lot of pressure at work on weekdays and may not have so much time to pay attention to their diet, moderate intake can help maintain healthy blood lipids. ”

The 48-year-old eldest sister drinks tangerine peel tea every day and insists on it for a period of time, what is the change in her physical condition?

"The antioxidant properties of hesperidin can help reduce the oxidative stress response within blood vessels, which is one of the main culprits in arteriosclerosis. Therefore, through the moderate intake of tangerine peel tea, it is actually helping your blood vessels to 'decompress'. Doctor Yu explained to Sister Ma in detail.

The 48-year-old eldest sister drinks tangerine peel tea every day and insists on it for a period of time, what is the change in her physical condition?

"But," Dr. Yu added solemnly, "it doesn't mean that you can drink tangerine peel tea in unlimited quantities. Because an overdose on anything can backfire, including the good. ”

The 48-year-old eldest sister drinks tangerine peel tea every day and insists on it for a period of time, what is the change in her physical condition?

Sister Ma nodded, expressed understanding, and asked again: "Then how should I judge whether the amount I drink is appropriate?" ”

Dr. Yu replied, "There is no absolute standard for this amount. However, it is generally recommended to have two cups a day, each brewed with about 5 grams of dried tangerine peel. If you have special conditions or discomfort, it is best to come to the hospital for a check-up or consult a professional dietitian. ”

The 48-year-old eldest sister drinks tangerine peel tea every day and insists on it for a period of time, what is the change in her physical condition?

As the conversation deepened, Sister Ma's understanding of tangerine peel tea gradually deepened. Dr. Yu's explanation was detailed and easy to understand, which surprised and delighted her. She decided to follow her doctor's advice to drink tangerine peel tea in moderation and monitor her physical condition regularly.

One day a few months later, Sister Ma came to the hospital again, with an latest physical examination report. "Doctor Yu, how is my report this time? I feel much better. ”

The 48-year-old eldest sister drinks tangerine peel tea every day and insists on it for a period of time, what is the change in her physical condition?

After Dr. Yu reviewed the report, "Liver function has returned to normal, and blood lipids have also improved significantly. Continue with your current lifestyle and have regular check-ups, and you should be able to maintain good physical condition. ”

Sister Ma felt relieved in her heart, and she couldn't help but ask, "Doctor Yu, can I still drink other Chinese herbal teas occasionally?" For example, chrysanthemum tea? ”

The 48-year-old eldest sister drinks tangerine peel tea every day and insists on it for a period of time, what is the change in her physical condition?

Dr. Yu said: "Chrysanthemum tea clears heat and detoxifies, is also good for the eyes, and is especially suitable for working in front of the computer for a long time. However, as with tangerine peel tea, remember to do everything in moderation. Sister Ma listened to this, smiled with satisfaction, thanked Dr. Yu for his advice, and decided to continue to follow these healthy lifestyle habits.

The 48-year-old eldest sister drinks tangerine peel tea every day and insists on it for a period of time, what is the change in her physical condition?

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The 48-year-old eldest sister drinks tangerine peel tea every day and insists on it for a period of time, what is the change in her physical condition?

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