
A large number of hormone eggs entering the market? Reminder: 6 types of eggs, try to eat as little or no as possible

author:Dr Ho Health Talk
A large number of hormone eggs entering the market? Reminder: 6 types of eggs, try to eat as little or no as possible

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When she woke up in the morning, Ms. Zhang sneezed and went downstairs to prepare breakfast as usual.

She opened the refrigerator and was greeted by a box of brand-new eggs. Eggs from local farms are printed with a cute "Certified Organic" logo on the packaging.

She cracked the egg into the bowl, but suddenly caught a glimpse of an eerie color distorting the whites that should have been blue. Ms. Zhang's heart sank, could it be ......

A large number of hormone eggs entering the market? Reminder: 6 types of eggs, try to eat as little or no as possible

The suspicions were quickly confirmed by the news. The city's largest supermarkets and chains have removed some eggs from their shelves after multiple brands of eggs were found to contain excessive amounts of hormonal growth promoters.

As a person who is extremely sensitive to food safety, this undoubtedly made Ms. Zhang feel a chill down her spine. She looked through the relevant information and found that the harm of this kind of "hormone egg" is multifaceted.

A large number of hormone eggs entering the market? Reminder: 6 types of eggs, try to eat as little or no as possible

The first is the impact on children and adolescents.

A study (Tsai et al., 2021) found that eating foods containing hormonal growth promoters can interfere with the development of the endocrine system in children, which may lead to precocious puberty, reproductive system abnormalities, etc.

And there is evidence (Sirikulchayanon et al., 2019) that this exogenous hormone may also have an impact on children's brain development, increasing the risk of attention deficit and ADHD.

A large number of hormone eggs entering the market? Reminder: 6 types of eggs, try to eat as little or no as possible

For adults, the problem should not be underestimated.

An epidemiological study from the United Kingdom (Tian et al., 2020) found that long-term consumption of hormone eggs was significantly associated with the incidence of hormone-dependent tumors such as breast cancer and prostate cancer.

Moreover, the burden of hormones on the liver and kidney is not small, which may cause a series of metabolic diseases, such as diabetes and hypertension (Cui et al., 2020).

A large number of hormone eggs entering the market? Reminder: 6 types of eggs, try to eat as little or no as possible

Faced with such a difficult public health challenge, it is necessary for the government to take decisive action.

Under the Food Safety Law, the production and operation of food containing hormonal substances of abuse is subject to penalties ranging from fines to revocation of licenses.

At the same time, the supervision of pesticide residues and the abuse of veterinary drugs should be strengthened to prevent "hormone eggs" from entering the market.

A large number of hormone eggs entering the market? Reminder: 6 types of eggs, try to eat as little or no as possible

As ordinary consumers, we also need to be vigilant.

Carefully check the product information on the egg packaging and choose the eggs that are certified organic; If you find that the egg white or yolk has an abnormal color, you should never eat it cheaply.

After all, health is above all else. Let's work together to monitor food safety and create a better life.

A large number of hormone eggs entering the market? Reminder: 6 types of eggs, try to eat as little or no as possible

Ms. Zhang thought about it again and again, and finally threw the suspicious box of eggs into the trash.

On the same day, she decided to switch to fruit salad and whole wheat bread.

Over the course of her long life, she will learn to make wise choices and take responsibility for her own health and that of her family.

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