
The highest way to live for the rest of your life is not a party, not dancing, not health, just one word

author:Art Scene

The Tao Te Ching says:

"The widow is the opposite of the many;

静者,躁之反也。 ”


If a person pursues many and complex things excessively, it will lead to confusion and exhaustion of the mind.

The pursuit of simplicity and scarcity can keep the mind quiet and peaceful.

Whether a person can get better and better depends on whether he pursues simplicity or complexity.

External prosperity does not bring true happiness and fulfillment, and one can realize one's worth in peace, so the better life one lives.

So, a sign that a person is getting better and better is "widowhood".

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The highest way to live for the rest of your life is not a party, not dancing, not health, just one word

Lack of desire to nourish the heart

Yuan Mei was a famous writer, poet, essayist, and gourmet in the Qing Dynasty, and his poetic works were widely circulated.

However, when he was an official, he did not seek power, but chose a lifestyle of lack of desire.

Yuan Mei held many positions when he was an official, and he was not keen on power and status, but paid more attention to his literary creation and quality of life.

He often uses his free time to write poems and paintings, taste good food, and enjoy the pleasures of life.

This way of life and attitude of his attracted the attention and praise of the people of the time.

In the more than ten years he has been an official, he has always maintained the spirit of independence, not following the crowd, and not chasing fame and fortune.

Later, he chose to resign, stayed away from the rights and wrongs of the imperial court, and returned to Suiyuan at the foot of Xiaocang Mountain in Jiangning.

In Suiyuan, he lived a free and easy life, devoting himself to the world of inner peace every day, enjoying the calm and beautiful mood.

Yuan Mei's literary creations also reflect his inner world.

His poetic works are full of in-depth thoughts and perceptions of nature, life, and emotions, and rarely involve fame and fortune.

His poems are fresh and natural, with far-reaching artistic conceptions, showing his love for life.

His prose is full of observations and reflections on life, reflecting his understanding and perception of life.

The highest way to live for the rest of your life is not a party, not dancing, not health, just one word

There is a saying about desire:

"Fame tastes so luscious, so we love everything that has to do with it, even death."

This sentence speaks of people's pursuit of fame, and they think that the taste of fame is so sweet.

So much so that people are willing to give everything, even their lives, for it.

Excessive lust often leads people to scourge and disaster.

When a person reduces his desire for desire, his heart will be at peace.

Xue Xuan has a good saying:

"If you want to be light, your heart will be weak, if your heart is weak, your breath will be clear, and if your heart is clear, you will be clear."

Therefore, to be a person with few desires, indifferent desires can make the mind quiet, the soul is quiet, the breath is fresh, and the breath is fresh and clear.

The highest way to live for the rest of your life is not a party, not dancing, not health, just one word

Seek to nourish the gods

I like a quote:

"The ideal of life is for the ideal life."

The ideal of the writer Li Yu's life is to pursue a better spiritual life.

Li Yu was a dramatist, opera theorist, and aesthete in the late Ming and early Qing dynasties.

He is known as the "Ancestor of Chinese Theatre Theory", "Master of World Comedy" and "Oriental Shakespeare".

His life was full of legends.

One of the most praised is his spirit of seeking the true meaning of art instead of fame and fortune.

He traveled extensively throughout his life and made many friends with literati and dignitaries.

But he was never moved by power, and always maintained a normal heart.

Li Yu has been intelligent since childhood, diligent and studious, proficient in poetry, opera, music, painting and other arts.

After failing in the imperial examination, he chose a different path, devoted himself to the creation and theoretical study of opera, and became the founder of Chinese theater theory.

In his life, he did not seek to be known to the powerful, but only to pursue truth and perfection in the field of art.

He focuses on the charm and value of art itself, rather than pursuing commercial interests.

His opera works are full of ideology and artistry, and their literary and ornamental value are very high.

But he does not pursue box office success, but pays more attention to the artistic effect of the work and the inner experience of the audience.

Li Yu placed more emphasis on spiritual abundance than material enjoyment and vanity.

The highest way to live for the rest of your life is not a party, not dancing, not health, just one word

With his talent and wisdom, he has made great contributions to the development of the art of opera.

Romain Rolland once said:

"The spirit is not a servant of anyone. We are the servants of the spirit. ”

The spirit possesses independence, like a free-flying bird, and should not be controlled.

Instead, listen to the call of your heart, and take the initiative to shape and develop, so that the spiritual world can become colorful.

Everyone has an inner garden, and he is the gardener.

Don't always wait for the wind outside to sow the seeds for you and the rain to water you.

People should cultivate their own spiritual world, rather than passively accepting external pleasures.

A happy person is one who has a rich spiritual dimension and an independent self.

The highest way to live for the rest of your life is not a party, not dancing, not health, just one word

Lack of thought

During the Jiajing period of the Ming Dynasty, Xu Jie and Sun Chengen, the two scholars, not only served as officials in the same dynasty, but also lived quite closely.

Xu Jie's home is often full of guests and is very lively.

Sun Chengen, on the other hand, is introverted and prefers to be quiet.

After the court, he went home and went home, so he closed the door and enjoyed his alone time.

One day, Sun Chengen was dressed in simple cloth clothes and was basking in the sun in the sunny courtyard while reading a book intently.

At this time, the servants of the family were whispering on the side, and although their voices were not loud, they still reached Sun Chengen's ears.

The servants commented:

"It's the same Shangshu, and the cars and horses of Xu Jie's family come and go, and there is an endless stream.

But our father-in-law didn't even have a visitor, and he was so deserted that he didn't even want to come.

What future do we have for him if we follow him? ”

When Sun Chengen heard this, he did not get angry or blame, but was very calm.

The highest way to live for the rest of your life is not a party, not dancing, not health, just one word

He beckoned his servants to come and said to them gently:

"If you feel that there is no future around me, then go and find your own path.

I'm here alone. ”

Sun Chengen did not have too much internal friction in this regard, so as to maintain his temperament.

He is introverted, unassuming, and pays attention to cultivating his own heart.

Later, he became a well-known writer and wrote books including:

"Sun Wen Jian Gong Yingxi Thatched Cottage Collection", "Yi Hexagram Tongyi", "Huating County Chronicles", and so on.

Among them, "Sun Wen Jian Gong Yingxi Thatched Cottage Collection" has reached 58 volumes.

His poetry is profound and elegant, and he is widely praised.

There is a saying that says:

"Excessive anxiety makes a person weak."

Sun Chengen did not feel worried because he was different from others.

In the face of the criticism of his servants, he also responded calmly and insisted on his own way of life.

Excessive thinking can cause people to lose courage and even doubt whether what they are doing is right.

This can be a huge burden psychologically.

When a person worries too much about something, he or she may feel unable to handle this pressure, which affects his or her emotions.

Only by thinking less and relaxing more can you be yourself with confidence.

Lao Tzu said:

"The husband is the only one who can't fight, so the world can't fight with him.

The so-called song of the ancients is complete, what a lie! Sincerely. ”

People live in the world, and because they don't fight with others, no one will fight with them.

Seeking perfection if you are wronged means seeking perfection in the "widow" and "few".

In this way, only by having few desires, asking for nothing, and thinking less can we enjoy peace.

I hope that you and I can uphold this simple philosophy of life, find inner peace in the widowhood, and become an indifferent person.

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