
The 2024 "Visiting the Coastal Canal City" Cultural and Museum Tourism and Art Activity Week will be launched soon

author:Qinzhou Municipal Bureau of Culture, Broadcasting, Sports and Tourism

On the occasion of the arrival of "5.18 International Museum Day", "5.19 China Tourism Day" and "5.23 Guangxi National Art Popularization Month", the reporter learned from the Municipal Bureau of Culture, Radio, Television, Sports and Tourism that the 2024 "Traveling in the Coastal Canal City" Cultural and Museum Tourism and Art Activity Week is about to kick off, when nearly 30 theme activities will be staged in turn, inviting citizens and tourists to visit Qinzhou together and explore the infinite charm of cultural and art tours.

This year, 18 May marks the 48th International Museum Day, with the theme "Museums Committed to Education and Research". On the day of the International Museum Day, the exhibition of witnesses of the construction of the Pinglu Canal project of the "Sky Whale" will be held in the study of Liu Yongfu's former residence until June 18. At the same time, the 2024 "Pomegranate Seed" Red Scarf Explainer Education Activities, Rubbing "Tiger" Fun, Unity to Create "Blessings" - Handmade Rubbing Group Fan Social Education Activities, and the Unveiling Ceremony of the Sketch Creation Practice Base will continue to enrich the content of the activities.

In the series of activities of "5.19 China Tourism Day", the "5.19 China Tourism Day - Qinzhou Coastal Canal City" lawn music will be sung on May 18, enriching the night cultural tourism industry with cheerful music performances and creating a good atmosphere for activities. On May 19, the theme activity of "5.19 China Tourism Day - Reading Guangxi and Reading Qinzhou" will be launched, "Popularizing Legal Knowledge and Escorting the Cultural Tourism Market" Law Popularization Publicity Activity, "5.19 China Tourism Day" Tourism Promotion Gala, 2024 Qinzhou "Square Café de Coral" Mass Cultural Activities and "5.19 China Tourism Day" Publicity and Art Gala, and some major scenic spots in the city will launch ticket discounts and special activities.

In the series of activities of "5.23 National Art Popularization Month", activities such as "big exhibition" for national art popularization and appreciation, "big exhibition" for fine products, "big forum" for skills, and "big service" for popularization will kick off on the stage of the Municipal Mass Art Museum, the Municipal Library, and the "Square Everyone's Music" to promote the whole people to approach, participate in and enjoy art.

The 2024 "Visiting the Coastal Canal City" Cultural and Museum Tourism and Art Activity Week will be launched soon

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▍Source: Qinzhou Daily

▍Graphic arrangement: Publicity and Foreign Exchange Section

▍Submission email: [email protected]

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(Produced by Qinzhou Municipal Bureau of Culture, Radio, Television, Sports and Tourism, please indicate the source for reprinting)

The 2024 "Visiting the Coastal Canal City" Cultural and Museum Tourism and Art Activity Week will be launched soon
The 2024 "Visiting the Coastal Canal City" Cultural and Museum Tourism and Art Activity Week will be launched soon
The 2024 "Visiting the Coastal Canal City" Cultural and Museum Tourism and Art Activity Week will be launched soon

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