
Fumin County Industrial Workers Series Report | Zhang Lunbin: A stranger in the workshop with green mountains

author:Kunming Federation of Trade Unions
Fumin County Industrial Workers Series Report | Zhang Lunbin: A stranger in the workshop with green mountains

Memories are like flowing water, going back to 14 years ago, he took a car from Sichuan all the way to Kunming, Yunnan Province, and then found a titanium factory in this small county town, and stayed for 14 years.

Fourteen years, can be plain, but also countless times to make themselves unforgettable, "like a friend" work, Zhang Lunbin said, the conversation is full of relaxation and humor, the first time I contacted him on the phone, he said that he is not a model worker, will waste my pen and ink, I thought to myself is it difficult to refuse my interview? After several contacts, it wasn't until the day we met that I realized that this was a very simple, very real and very pure worker.

Like many workers, he shuttles through the workshop every day, walks in the factory, wears a gray uniform, wears a hard hat, and his eyes sweep every corner of this factory, day after day, it seems that the monotonous work is repeated, but in his heart, every day is different and gorgeous.

Maybe he is just an ordinary one among many workers, but there is also his own greatness in the ordinary, and people living in the world, as long as they give full play to their personal light and heat, they are worthy of respect and praise.

A boat across a thousand mountains

In October 2010, Zhang Lunbin, from Deyang, Sichuan Province, worked for a titanium factory in Sichuan Province for several years, and then went to another titanium factory in Panzhihua to work as a worker for more than two years. He went south alone and found the titanium factory of Kunming Fumin. This way to the south, like a flat boat, he drifted through thousands of mountains and rivers, walked through the street corners of the city, and many people hurriedly passed by, and came to the county seat in the northwest of Kunming. Looking at the palm-sized county, he was at ease with the encounter, entered the village, the sunset shone on the green hills, the top of the secondary road is a newly built titanium factory, the surrounding is desolate, dusty, this is the first time he came here, this factory looks like in his memory.

"There was a mess around, there was nothing, and I was a little skeptical of my decision at the time, but I didn't hesitate for long before I decided to settle down here." He said this, it was a brave choice, and it was also the first time Zhang Lunbin had walked such a long way. The climate in Kunming is pleasant, although the company is a little desolate, but the surrounding villagers are very rustic. When he first arrived for half a year, as a foreigner, the locals knew that he was from Sichuan as soon as they heard his accent, and the province with the most migrant workers in the country came from the province, and he did not bully his life, but was very friendly and helped him. But for Zhang Lunbin, there is a difficulty that he can't understand the dialect spoken by the locals at all, so it lasted for half a year, and after he slowly got acquainted with it, he finally understood part of it.

This Ye Bian boat was finally about to dock, he didn't expect this stop, so he stayed here for fourteen years. Until now, he has become half a wealthy person, and his wife and children have moved to this county, and he has lived here for many years.

When I first came here, it was because of my original intention, and I also had the idea of going to a place outside my hometown. Although his ship did not ride the wind and waves, it was still safe and comfortable to shine in this land.

"Every place has something good about every place." When recalling Deyang, Sichuan and Panzhihua and the rich people of Kunming, he said this sentence with a smile, very peaceful and quiet, and naturally free and easy. He is a person with a positive attitude, serious work, and a sudden enlightenment, a reflection of a worker among the more than 400 employees of Kunming Donghao Titanium Industry Co., Ltd., and the shadow of countless workers in the development of the country.

It used to be a leaf boat, and the road traveled thousands of mountains. has also done things for many years, and it has become a cloud.

A city floats and a dream

As an employee in the production room of a factory specializing in the production of titanium dioxide, Zhang Lunbin is well aware of his mission. Since he came to this county town and got this job, he has been grateful, as if he cares for his hard-to-get fate, and meticulous work needs to be done seriously and hard every day.

"I've seen the development of the city, you know? At that time, I only saw the houses in Liyangsheng City, and then countless high-rise buildings sprung up, and I felt that this county, which once looked like a small town, was rising and taking off. He impassionedly said how he felt when he first came to this city, as a foreigner, coming here, for many years, I can't help but be in awe, but he feels that this is his obligation, to do a good job, to live a good life, isn't it everyone's dream in this era? Although he doesn't know his long-term goals, he has fallen in love with the streets and scenes of this county since he came to this county.

"My eldest child is studying in primary school here, at that time it was the leaders of the factory to help me coordinate, my child was able to successfully enter Yongding Primary School, the younger child is still young, and he will be able to study here smoothly in the future, I now work hard every day during the day, and go back at night to teach my children homework, in fact, this kind of work and life is also very good." For Zhang Lunbin, who currently lives in Kunming, he finally moved to his newly bought house last year, and his wife and children are also very healthy, which is a lucky thing in life.

"Parents are always concerned about their children, no matter how old we are." This is a faint sentence in his thoughts about his parents in his hometown, every year Zhang Lunbin can only take his wife and children to hurry home to reunite with his parents during the Spring Festival and see his relatives, but this is a satisfying life for him.

"It's not a big county, but it's comfortable. I'm used to everything here, and I'm going to settle here for the rest of my life. Although I say that I am a foreigner, I am also a foreigner who can settle down. He also didn't forget to make fun of himself, and the unique witty humor of Sichuan people was revealed, and he was a little comfortable joking. He took me to walk around the factory, looking at the mountains in the distance, the scorching April sunny day, and took me to the factory to have a working meal. I met other employees in their factory who were in the same position as him, and they kept teasing about all kinds of things in life, and they looked very relaxed and fun.

"Sichuan is far from here, but several of us are from Sichuan, and we are all fellow villagers." Zhang Lunbin said that in fact, many of their employees are from Sichuan, from Jiangsu and other provinces.

"We're all quite used to it, and I even went to the red vulture to eat pig-killing rice, and our local staff took us to eat it." He saw that I was a little surprised, these were all outsiders, and he was worried about whether they would be able to adapt to local life, so he explained.

"Then isn't it quite far for you to drive back for the holidays, I'm afraid you will have to drive for hours?" I asked.

"I've driven tens of millions of cars back, and I've driven hundreds of millions of cars back." Everyone laughed, he should have said that he took the train and took the high-speed train to go back.

"It's very good here, I'm very satisfied with our factory, the boss is very good to us, and nothing is perfect." He has always said that it is a kind of fate to do things in Fumin, and it is also appropriate. In Zhang Lunbin's heart, he sincerely believes that although this land did not give birth to him and raised him, it is his own parent-like existence, and he has a fate with this place.

This place of peace is my hometown, and everyone has their own city, and that city is loaded with his dreams.

A mountain bears wind and rain

The first time I came to this titanium factory, I felt the specialization of the production of the titanium factory. The sustainable development of Donghao titanium industry is inseparable from the efforts of countless workers, Zhang Lunbin said that they need more than 400 workers to unite in every link, and they need to work together to face the difficulties in their work. After working for 14 years, the factory was not called Donghao for the first seven years, but after being replaced by Donghao in 2017, he changed from the original workshop worker to the deputy manager of the workshop. Although he did not go home to work in the factory for countless days and nights at first, after solving the difficulties, Zhang Lunbin seemed to feel the relief of "the light boat has crossed the ten thousand mountains", and he tempered his will, exercised his perseverance, and improved his ability to solve problems after every difficulty.

Life won't always be easy, and neither will work.

The work may be the same, but in essence it is very different, every output needs to be cautious and careful, every link needs to be strictly controlled, and some thorny problems in production are encountered, Zhang Lunbin is always the first time to face it with other workers.

"As long as I can ensure the smooth production of titanium dioxide, everything I do is worth it." There is very little time after work, and most of the problems immersed in the work, for the current Zhang Lunbin, are no longer as anxious as before, but a kind of peace and calmness, he has seen that after solving countless problems over the years, his mentality is stable like a mountain in the distance, standing tall.

"If you ask me to talk about specific difficulties, I really can't think of them for a while, and my mind is confused. But I know how I felt at that moment, and I was really accomplished and felt like I had overcome the difficulties. Zhang Lunbin, who is not good at words, always uses the most simple words to tell his work, and he uses his pragmatic and knowledgeable side to let me see the appearance of countless workers.

Every employee in the factory needs a little bit of a lonely mentality to come to Donghao Titanium to work, because the factory is not in the city, there are not so many forms of entertainment, Zhang Lunbin feels that he has no hobbies, but the only regret is that he did not study hard. In fact, all human beings are like rivers, and they will eventually run to the sea, and before they merge into the sea, they will run on their own path.

Zhang Lunbin, who has seen the mountains countless times, has seen the changes in the factory over the years, and he always adheres to an optimistic and positive attitude towards the current operation and production status of the factory, with his ordinary and great dreams.

Dedicated to becoming a craftsman

Each factory has its own corporate culture, Zhang Lunbin, who was very serious about doing things, also took me to read the text on the corporate culture propaganda board, and I smiled and watched him explain the meaning of each sentence sentence by sentence.

Labor achieves a group of people, so that a group of people can realize their ideals in labor. Zhang Lunbin is one of them, he learned to unite and cooperate from the labor in the factory, learned to move forward bravely, and also learned the craftsman spirit of excellence, these years of work experience made him more clear about his goals, he must be in his own position with ordinary work to achieve himself, to be a craftsman.

"Attitude, details, goals, actions, our goal is the boss to think with us, in fact, they are much more difficult than us, I mainly have to maintain a good attitude in personal aspects, attitude determines everything, which detail in the work determines success or failure, very important, each of our actions determines our future, you say yes, if I don't have these ideas, in fact, I can't do things, so I must be sober-minded, do what can be done, we are responsible for these work are small and weak, in fact, every industry has the difficulties of each industry, I understand, but as long as I don't have a bad attitude and I do it seriously, it will always get results. ”

He is well aware of the high repetition rate of his work, the merits of his character, recognizes himself and strives to shape his label, he is a worker, but he is also a man of flesh and blood. In the past 14 years, he has also received olive branches from some factories, but he refused, because he knew that he wanted to work hard to become a craftsman in Donghao Titanium Industry, and he never hesitated, even when the factory was the most difficult, he would grit his teeth and persevere.

He always talks about some things about his work, such as his daily excellence in his work has extremely high requirements, the pursuit of every detail to achieve his ideal effect, and constantly looking for room for improvement and optimization. In the work, he leads the workers to pay attention to every detail, from the selection of materials, the use of tools to the mastery of technology, and strive to achieve better quality titanium dioxide. Workers are also not satisfied with traditional crafts and methods, they dare to try new techniques and methods, and constantly pursue innovation. They are willing to take risks, explore uncharted territory, and bring new breakthroughs and advancements to their work.

Zhang Lunbin said that they are not afraid of difficulties and have the courage to face them. Even in the face of setbacks and failures, they will persevere until they reach their goals. Every progress is not only personal progress, but also an important driving force for factory work. They use their own hands and wisdom to create satisfactory titanium dioxide, which is sold at home and abroad, bringing value to the society. At the same time, in the days when Donghao works, the dedication and excellence of the workers also inspires others to pursue excellence and promote the development of the entire factory.

It seems to be doing the smallest thing, in fact, it is doing the most suitable thing for itself in his own mind, the production value of Donghao titanium industry has also made some progress in recent years, and it is inseparable from countless employees like Zhang Lunbin, who work selflessly and face difficulties.

Of course, in addition to Zhang Lunbin, there are countless people like him who have become their own stars.

The birds are happy

A flower blooming is not spring, and thousands of flowers bloom in spring.

All the flowers bloom in the spring, all the time to start and start from the spring. When interviewing Zhang Lunbin, he always told me that the work he does cannot be done alone, but needs all colleagues to work together, unity is the strength, and their workers, like spring flowers, are open in their respective positions, in their own life course, integrate into others, and create new life.

Every day when the sun rises, Zhang Lunbin comes to the factory, counts the number of people, walks around, and inspects every production link, which is very different from what I originally thought was that the deputy manager was going to run business and sit in the office to deal with affairs. Although this kind of work is boring, but everyone's repetition does not make Zhang Lunbin feel bored, and actively put into production, they work from half past eight in the morning to half past eleven in the morning, and work from two to five in the afternoon, and the rest time is like a friend, and Zhang Lunbin, who is strict with them at work, can automatically switch his state every time, take into account the thoughts and feelings of his colleagues, and coordinate his day's work.

The work of the workers is so single and boring, but interesting people will make the work easier, and Zhang Lunbin, who often sends a smile, can always adjust his mentality to face the job. He is a foreigner from Sichuan, with the heart of a local to love his work, doing his own thing, he is one of thousands of workers, but shining his own light. And many workers are also like him, insisting on doing things seriously, producing seriously, living seriously, becoming the sea, becoming the galaxy, becoming an indispensable member of Donghao Titanium Factory, and becoming a member of the rich people to guard their hometown, and a good son and daughter of the great rivers and mountains. Spring is coming, and they are like those singing birds, singing the music of their lives, and it is another symphony, echoing in the valley of the town of Luofu, in the sky......

The mountains are full of flowers, spring goes to autumn, the sun and the moon change, ordinary and have their own color.

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