
Fumin County Industrial Workers Series Report | Yan Xiupeng: Walk with your head down and look up at the starry sky

author:Kunming Federation of Trade Unions
Fumin County Industrial Workers Series Report | Yan Xiupeng: Walk with your head down and look up at the starry sky

At night, look up at the starry sky, the quiet canopy is full of stars. We were all children who counted the stars, and as we counted, we went through childhood and adolescence. When I was younger, I had a dream of riding on wings and traveling into space, but now this dream is as far away as the stars. But I still like to look up at the starry sky, it's so vast and deep. Immanuel Kant famously said, "There are two things in the world that shake people's hearts: one is the high moral standard in our hearts; The other is the brilliant starry sky above our heads. "In our short lives, we may not really reach the peak of truth, but we still have to look up to the stars, because that's where dreams set sail. After experiencing many joys and sorrows, do you still have a pure heart and live as you like?

The protagonist to be introduced today is named Yan Xiupeng, who works in Kunming Dingcheng Technology Co., Ltd. and is a mechanical R&D engineer. Engineers should be the company's knowledgeable and master the core technology. Before we met, I had a lot of portraits of engineers in my mind. Wearing glasses, serious and deep, may be arrogant, a little "dragging", not easy to get along with.

The first time I met Xiupeng was in the parking lot, I was talking to the corporate liaison, and a big boy ran next to him, and the liaison quickly introduced: "He is Yan Xiupeng." "Just one glance, and I'm happy. He is extremely cute, with a tiger head, a pair of clever eyes, a pair of small dimples, a special smile, and a sunny appearance. Originally, he was going to take the elevator to the third floor together, but he might have something in the car and wanted to get it, which was a step too late. When we got to the third floor, he jumped up the stairs to get there first. This guy feels like a lively and active big boy!

Xiu Peng graduated from Nanjing University of Science and Technology, majoring in weapon systems and launch engineering, and worked in a military enterprise in Hubei after graduation. It is said that Yunnan people are hometown treasures, and they can't leave their hometown wherever they go. But in fact, the Honghu who flew out and wanted to make a big difference, but flew back back, always had a reason. That year, when my grandfather was dying in his life, he wanted to see his precious grandson. Xiu Peng transferred to planes, trains, and cars, and he didn't dare to stop for a moment on the way, but unfortunately he was still a step too late to catch up. When he returned to the village, he was already a bleak scene of mourning and sorrow. Since then, he has been separated from his grandfather by yin and yang, and separated from thousands of mountains. This incident became the regret of Xiu Peng's life, and he deeply felt the helplessness of being too far away from home. His parents are getting older, and he has worked hard to raise himself, but he can't serve him, and all kinds of tastes hit him, making him more and more entangled in whether he should come back.

What made him make up his mind was that at the end of 2015, he met his wife, a kind and beautiful girl from the same country. has always been concerned about his parents and family, coupled with the power of love, so that he gave up his promising job outside the province and embarked on the journey home without hesitation.

After Xiu Peng returned to Yunnan, he submitted his application materials to two companies. Later, both companies threw an olive branch to him. He did not choose Kunming Dingcheng Technology Co., Ltd. at the beginning, considering that the company's headquarters is in Fumin County, not in the main urban area, I am afraid that it is inconvenient to commute to work. After a year at another company in Kunming, he resigned again because the company's production only stayed at the assembly level, without its own scientific research team, and without core creativity. Xiu Peng is an innovative and creative person, he likes challenging work that can create miracles. It's not that the comfortable and leisurely environment is bad, but for a young person with dreams and pursuits, the waves can inspire the brilliant light of life. Ordinary work, after all, you can't play what you have learned, and you can't make it feel powerful, if you use a more "drag" sentence to describe it, that is, heroes are useless.

There is a saying that is quite interesting: "What can make a woman crazy is love, and what can torture a man to death is career." "When a person treats his work as a career, he will do his best to overcome obstacles. Even if there is a bleak wind and cold rain behind him, he will not look back.

Good things are grinding. After several rounds, in August 2018, Xiu Peng came to Kunming Dingcheng Technology Co., Ltd., this time, he came for his dream, and wanted to practice hard and dance with a sword.

The company's first impression of Xiupeng is that it is clean and tidy, the management is standardized, and every employee is very busy, and there is no idle state, which is not the ideal working environment for aspiring young people? What attracts him more is that Kunming Dingcheng Technology Co., Ltd. has its own core technology, its own R&D team, high technology content, and high-grade products. In today's increasingly fierce market competition, enterprises can always be invincible if they master the core technology, they will have tenacious vitality and will always be invincible. When the company's development is promising, employees have a sense of security. The company has creativity and a platform, and Xiu Peng believes that this is the place where he planted his dreams, rode the wind and waves, and sailed away.

The road to scientific research is not all smooth sailing, and the product development department is a newly established department. Like all those who cross the river by feeling the stones, they have also gone through a period of confusion. At first, there was no direction and no breakthrough to be found. At the beginning of 2019, half a year after joining the company, Xiu Peng and the department leaders went to Shanghai to visit the Industrial Expo. The expo exhibited the most advanced smart equipment at home and abroad, which opened his eyes and in his own words, "It's amazing!" It's like Grandma Liu entering the Grand View Garden. His brain was strongly stimulated by the dazzling array of equipment, which was full of intelligence, robotics, and numerical control...... Too much incredible, too much euphoria. I felt that my blood was boiling, as if there was a force that wanted to gush out of my veins, which strengthened Xiupeng's ideal and belief that he wanted to give full play to his wisdom and take the road of scientific and technological innovation.

After returning from the study, they determined the company's current R&D direction on the basis of preliminary market research and started a journey of innovation and creation. The process of breaking out of the cocoon into a butterfly must have been very difficult, and I asked Xiu Peng to tell me about the process of thinking and scratching his ears and cheeks when he first designed the drawings. He laughed, and he said, "It's not that painful." Sometimes you have the answer in a flash of inspiration, and if you ask me how I came up with it, I don't know how it happened, and that feeling really can't be expressed in words. It's like...... It's like ......". Xiu Peng was very cute, he was afraid that I wouldn't understand, and gave me a lot of examples to describe the feeling of creativity. He was very eloquent, very lively and sincere, but unfortunately I was still confused. There is no need to dwell on this question, just like a poet writing a poem, if he dreams back to the Tang Dynasty and asks Li Bai how he can write such good poems, it is estimated that he will not be able to answer it. The apple fell to the ground, triggering Newton's exploration of the earth's gravity. Beethoven saw a blind girl playing the piano in the moonlight while walking, which touched his heartstrings, and he quickly composed "Moonlight Song" that night. This is inspiration, people who are gifted in a certain aspect are often able to open their minds and show genius thinking in a certain moment. I believe that Xiu Peng is inspired and a genius in the innovative design of equipment. To put it more rationally, his solid professional knowledge, strong logical deduction ability, scientific research attitude of excellence, systematic thinking and super brain are the basic advantages of his invention and creation.

The process of creation is exciting, especially when a new idea is generated and a solution is designed, and I wish I could turn a drawing into a textured object in no time, just like the magic pen Maleonn. But this kind of anxious feeling can't be understood by others, but Xiu Peng is an acute child. Once, the company's production workshop received a large sales order, and the customer was in a hurry and had no time to make internal R&D orders. This Xiu Peng was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot, and he went to the workshop many times to urge the progress, but to no avail, he couldn't help but go to the workshop director to make a big noise. In this matter, his colleagues sweated for him. Ouch, young man, just came, the courage is not small, and the company leaders dare to provoke it? Xiu Peng talked to me about the theory of finding the workshop director later, and the speed of speech was much slower, and I didn't know where to put my hands, obviously a little embarrassed. He didn't think too much about it at the time, just focused on his work, hoping to get the finished product out of the box quickly so that he could move forward with the next step. Although this incident did not cause any bad consequences, it still produced a psychological burden to some extent, making him feel that he was too impulsive and had an inappropriate way of communication. I believe in Xiu Peng's frankness, and I also believe that an enterprise that can provide a broad stage for scientific researchers to display their talents is broad-minded.

At the end of 2019, the innovative products developed had a prototype. During that time, I worked overtime until late at night every day, but everyone ignored the hard work and busyness. parts production, assembly, adjustment, and after problems are found, they are modified, assembled, and adjusted...... I can't remember how many times I've tossed around. It's been a long time coming! In 2020, the first prototype was finally made. The next step is to seek customers to try out the new product, which is not easy. Xiu Peng and his colleagues visited a number of enterprises in the province to promote the company's new products, but even if it was free to install and try for free, customers did not accept it. Because the customer has too many concerns, they think that the original equipment is still basically usable, and they are unwilling to toss. And it's a new thing, no one has used it, they haven't seen the effect, who will believe it? In addition, there is a certain risk in upgrading the original equipment, and if it is not changed well, it will become a pile of scrap iron, which will affect normal production.

There is a classic saying – "Risk and return are often proportional!" "But in reality, there aren't many adventurous people, especially for investors. Although there are some minor problems, it is almost impossible to innovate and find new ways while maintaining stable income. Unless, encountering unavoidable problems, you are forced into a desperate situation by reality. The first enterprise that dared to "eat crabs" was indeed so. The original equipment is gradually worn out and malfunctioned, affecting the quality of the product, and facing the suspension of production across the board. In this case, the company took the initiative to get in touch with Xiupeng's company and was willing to try out the new product they had developed. Xiu Peng was very excited and finally had the opportunity to try the new product.

I remember that it was in the winter of 2020, and after negotiating with the other party, the company packed and transported the products to the customer's factory overnight, along with four staff members. As a R&D personnel, Xiu Peng is naturally among them. They rushed to the company non-stop and spent two days assembling and adjusting. "It's very nervous, although the performance advantages of the new product are well in mind, but there is a run-in process to do local transformation, and there is no bottom for the compatibility of new and old equipment." In the first week, the four of them stayed in the factory all day, monitoring the operation of the equipment 24 hours a day, and did not go to live well in the hotel after opening a room. A week later, from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., he stayed on standby the rest of the time. For months, they didn't leave the city. There were also some small problems in the on-site trial, but fortunately, the company has a good reputation in the industry, and their door-to-door service attitude is very good, so the other party can also tolerate and allow them to continue to adjust until the best. This process has also accumulated a lot of valuable data and experience for the research and development of new products in the future.

"It was stressful and I didn't go home for months. On the one hand, I don't dare to go, and on the other hand, I don't want to go ”

"It's understandable that you don't dare to go, why don't you want to go?"

"This is the first product I have developed with my colleagues since I came to the company, and I have put a lot of effort into it. Before installing and debugging the equipment, we predicted various problems that may arise and made multiple filings in a targeted manner. But the whole process of installation and use went much smoother than expected, which made me very excited and fulfilled! I felt that at that time, the whole person was like chicken blood, and I didn't feel tired after working seventeen or eighteen hours a day. I was so happy to see the machine working normally that I was reluctant to leave. It's like looking at your own child, you can't get enough of it! "When Xiu Peng shared this experience with me, his face was full of joy and his face was full of joy. He downplayed the fact that during that time, his father was sick and hospitalized and could not accompany him personally. It's just that when I signed before the operation, my whole body was trembling, and I rushed back to work immediately after the operation, which was difficult for my mother and wife. said it so lightly, as if he was a man with no sense of responsibility. However, the person who gave up a bright future for the sake of his family, does he still need to question his love for his family? He's just not good at sensationalism and too lively and outgoing.

"You are so cheerful and funny, your colleagues in the company must like you very much!"

"Not necessarily. I also have shortcomings, such as speaking too straight, and sometimes, when I find other people's mistakes in my work, I can't help but point them out. There is no malice, what could have been done without concern and hung high, but I just didn't want to go, and I didn't want the other party to take a detour. I feel that I can't get over the hurdle in my heart, right is right, wrong is wrong, and there is no middle ground to go. This habit is not good, and it is a bit unpopular. It's like when you watch two people play chess, and you find that you make a wrong move and point it out, and you are wishful thinking, and others may not be happy. ”

"I don't think this is your shortcoming, and those who engage in scientific research should have the courage to stand up for the truth. Thinking too much about other things can distract you, affect your creativity, and keep you distracted. ”

Xiu Peng didn't refute me, and I don't know if it's right or not, maybe it's not complete, or it may be prejudice. But one thing is certain, although he speaks straight and thinks he is easy to offend, everyone is sure of him. Otherwise, there would not have been this interview. I think a lot of times, others may pay more attention to your performance, your strength, than anything else.

When I communicated these ideas with Xiu Peng, he said that the company gave him a good platform and moved him a lot. I remember that when the new product was being tried, they squatted in the field for a few months, and during the Spring Festival, the leaders went to visit them. I happily told them that the user was very satisfied and had offered to pay for their company's new product. But the company refused to accept the payment and insisted on letting the other party try it for free. Because considering that the new product has just been put into use, there may be some minor problems that need to be further improved. Leave more room for researchers to try and make mistakes, and don't put too much pressure on them.

Love is a two-way street. There is nothing more warm and happy than touching and cherishing each other.

The sea is wide and the fish jumps, and the sky is high for the birds to fly.

Congratulations to Xiu Peng, you can have such a good stage!

On this stage, Xiu Peng did not stop running. The newly developed product has completed three generations of iterations, and will be officially sold from the second half of 2023, and more than 10 units have been sold in only 8 months. After the conclusion of the scientific research project, in September 2023, Xiu Peng took over a new R&D task, and made a major technological breakthrough in only 3 months. Fight for your dreams, live endlessly, and create more than ......

"Xiu Peng, can I take a picture of you?"

"Yes! Wait for me to put on my work clothes. ”

I smiled again, moved by Xiu Peng's rigor and sincerity, which stemmed from his innovative and creative scientific research ideals.

Even if you are in a ravine, look up at the starry sky.

For thousands of years, the search for the value and meaning of life has never gone out of style. History is not nothing, and the future is not nothing; The sublime is not nothingness, the ideal is not nothingness; Value is not nothing, meaning is not nothing. Every generation has the right to question and seek the meaning of life, and every generation also has the responsibility to question and pursue the meaning of life. While we walk with our heads down, we should not forget to look up at the starry sky.

Hegel Cloud: "A nation must have a group of people who look up to the stars, and only then can there be hope for the nation." "People who look up to the stars are explorers, dreamers, innovators, and their presence inspires the whole nation to a brilliant future.

A drop in the bucket

The stars shine eternally

People who look at the stars

Not really looking at the stars

It's when you look at the stars

You can look up

Look up to your dreams

Source: Fumin County Federation of Trade Unions

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