
【Qingshan Lake Current Affairs】May 17

author:Attraction Aoyama Lake
【Qingshan Lake Current Affairs】May 17

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1. The city's Youth League work site will walk into Qingshan Lake

2. Nie Yuhua and his entourage went to the "Home of the Revolutionary Committee of the Kuomintang" in Qingshan Lake District to investigate and guide the work

3. Qingshan Lake District held a scheduling meeting for the high-quality development of the cultural industry and the deepening of the reform of the cultural system

4. Wang Haibo investigates the construction of the project

The city's Youth League work site will walk into Qingshan Lake

On May 16, the city's Youth League work site will enter Qingshan Lake District. Liu Zhongxing, Secretary of the Youth League Municipal Committee, Wan Qi, Deputy Secretary of the Youth League Municipal Committee, led the main responsible comrades of the Youth League (Work) Committees of various counties and districts, the main responsible comrades of the Youth League Working Committee of the Municipal Organs, the Youth League Committee of the Municipal Colleges and Universities, and more than 30 youth representatives from the Municipal Youth Federation, the Municipal Federation of Students, the Municipal Young Workers Committee, the Municipal Youth Zhi Association, and the Municipal Youth Enterprise Association came to the Qingshanhu District Red Spinning Chain Party and Mass Service Center, Jiangxi Haochi 5G Smart Factory, and Luojia Town Xie Bu Old Street for guidance and research. Hu Jianguang, deputy secretary of the district party committee, accompanied.

【Qingshan Lake Current Affairs】May 17

In the Qingshan Lake District Red Textile Chain Party and Mass Service Center, the research team learned in detail about the six major plates of Qingshan Lake District, which uses the "knitting industry chain" as the needle and thread, and strings together the organization and system chain jointly built by the party and the caucus. Then came to Jiangxi Haoch 5G smart factory, under the leadership of the commentator, we saw that Haochrich, as a leading enterprise in the knitting industry chain, carried out in-depth cooperation between "government, school and enterprise" and contributed youth strength to the development of his hometown. In Xie Bu Old Street, Luojia Town, the Youth League and District Committee closely follow the party and government center and serve the development of young people. The entire Xie Bu Old Street has integrated volunteer service, youth entrepreneurship, youth friendship, Young Pioneers and other youth league work, and has taken responsibility for the high-quality development of Qingshan Lake District with the power of youth.

Source: Youth League District Committee

Nie Yuhua and his entourage went to the "Home of the Revolutionary Committee of the Kuomintang" in Qingshan Lake District to investigate and guide the work

On the morning of May 15, Nie Yuhua, chairman of the CPPCC District, and his party went to the "Home of the Revolutionary Committee of the Kuomintang" in Qingshan Lake District to investigate and guide the work. Wu Minghua, deputy secretary and vice chairman of the CPPCC district party group, and Ao Aihong, vice chairman of the CPPCC, attended.

【Qingshan Lake Current Affairs】May 17

The research team visited five major areas such as the Political Participation Hall and the Party Member Meeting Room and six functional sections such as "Minggu and Mingyuan", learned in detail about the functional settings and exhibition content of each functional area, and fully affirmed the effectiveness and role of the construction of the House of the Revolutionary Committee of the Kuomintang.

Subsequently, discussions and exchanges were held, and CPPCC members talked about their feelings about the performance of their duties and the work of social conditions and public opinion. Nie Yuhua expressed the hope that the CPPCC members will further give full play to their role in the work of social conditions and public opinion, combine their respective work realities, and take a highly responsible attitude towards the cause of the party and the people, gather wisdom and strength, offer more pragmatic strategies, and contribute more CPPCC strength in serving the society and promoting development.

Source: District CPPCC Office

Qingshanhu District held a scheduling meeting for the high-quality development of the cultural industry and the deepening of the reform of the cultural system

On the afternoon of May 14, Qingshanhu District held a meeting to promote the action of deepening the reform of the cultural system in the whole district. Gong Jing, member of the Standing Committee of the District Party Committee and Minister of the Organization Department, attended and delivered a speech, and Xiong Shanyang, deputy head of the district, presided over the meeting.

【Qingshan Lake Current Affairs】May 17

The meeting conveyed and learned the spirit of the special scheduling meeting for the high-quality development of the city's cultural industry, listened to the report on the investment promotion of the cultural industry in the district, and arranged and deployed the next key work.

The meeting emphasized that it is necessary to vigorously practice the "front-line work method", be problem-oriented, and plan to promote reform. It is necessary to grasp the promotion of benchmarking and table, and do a solid job in the upgrading of the cultural industry and the promotion of investment, so as to pave the way and make a good start for the creation of literary and artistic masterpieces of the 18th "Five One Project". It is necessary to strengthen the idea of "a game of chess", promote the reform of the cultural system, better meet the needs of development and the aspirations of the people, and inject strong impetus into the construction of a high-quality cultural strong area.

Source: Propaganda Department of the District Committee

Wang Haibo investigated the construction of the project

On the morning of May 16, Wang Haibo, member of the party group and deputy director of the Standing Committee of the District People's Congress, investigated the construction of the project.

【Qingshan Lake Current Affairs】May 17

Wang Haibo and his entourage successively came to the Jiangfang 1953 Cultural and Educational Industrial Park, Huafang Health Care Center, and Qinghu Port Project Site in Tangshan Town, Qingshan Road Street, to learn more about the construction of each project and put forward opinions and suggestions.

Wang Haibo emphasized that it is necessary to strengthen coordination and linkage, refine the division of tasks, cooperate closely, solve specific problems encountered in the promotion of the project in a timely and efficient manner, and effectively ensure the smooth construction of the project with high-quality services. It is necessary to strengthen the supervision of the whole process of construction projects, strictly implement the relevant engineering construction standards, and make every effort to promote the speed and efficiency of project construction under the premise of implementing the project quality, safety and progress supervision.

Source: Tangshan Town, Qingshan Road Street

Preliminary Trial|Li Yiman

Review|Editor|Xu Bin

Final review|issuance|Xiong Huanming

【Qingshan Lake Current Affairs】May 17

Submission email: [email protected]

【Qingshan Lake Current Affairs】May 17
【Qingshan Lake Current Affairs】May 17

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