
Protecting enterprises with law, "Dian" Lianggang City - the theme publicity activity of "Civil Code Publicity Month" in Qingshan District in 2024 was launched

On the morning of May 16, the launching ceremony of the 2024 Qingshan District "Civil Code Publicity Month" and the theme publicity activity of "Government and Enterprise Linkage to Help Optimize the Business Environment" was held in Wuhan Baoye Center. Liu Xintao, member of the Party Committee and deputy director of the Wuhan Municipal Bureau of Justice, Wang Qingmei, member of the Standing Committee of the Qingshan District Party Committee and executive deputy head of the district government, Liu Jingjing, member of the Party Working Committee and deputy director of the Wuhan Chemical Industry Park Management Committee, attended the event, and more than 40 enterprise representatives and relevant functional departments participated in the event.

Protecting enterprises with law, "Dian" Lianggang City - the theme publicity activity of "Civil Code Publicity Month" in Qingshan District in 2024 was launched

The scene of the event. Photo courtesy of the correspondent

In order to implement General Secretary Xi Jinping's important statement that "the rule of law is the best business environment", the theme of this year's "Civil Code Publicity Month" focuses on optimizing the business environment, and continues to carry out in-depth publicity of the Civil Code and other relevant laws and regulations in response to the urgent and difficult problems of business entities and the people, so as to help promote the development of new quality productivity and create a good legal atmosphere for high-quality development.

In order to accurately serve private enterprises, listen to the demands and voices of private enterprises in a timely manner, and escort the healthy development of private enterprises. Before the event, representatives of 11 private enterprises and relevant functional departments were specially invited to conduct discussions and exchanges on injecting "legal power" into the high-quality development of the private economy, and respond to the demands of enterprises on the spot.

At the launching ceremony, Liu Jingjing, member of the Party Working Committee and deputy director of the Management Committee of Wuhan Chemical Industry Park, delivered a speech and said that in recent years, Qingshan District has thoroughly implemented the deployment requirements of the central government, provinces and municipalities, promoted high-quality development with high-quality law popularization, established a service station for conflict and dispute mediation of private enterprises, opened the "Qingshan Shugu Judge Studio", created the brand of "judicial service through train into enterprises", and carried out the activity of "public legal services into the park and enterprises to optimize the business environment" on a regular basis, so as to help the high-quality development of Qingshan's digital economy and high-tech enterprises. All units should deeply understand the importance of serving private enterprises, give full play to their functional advantages, fulfill their duties, be a good "shopkeeper" of service enterprises, and provide more powerful legal guarantees and high-quality legal services for the healthy and orderly development of the region's economy.

In his speech, Liu Xintao, member of the Party Committee and deputy director of the Wuhan Municipal Bureau of Justice, fully affirmed the characteristic work of Qingshan District in the publicity and education of the rule of law, and at the same time put forward three opinions on the next step of the legal popularization work in Qingshan District. Truly integrate the study and publicity of the Civil Code into all grassroots governance activities in accordance with law, integrate publicity resources, exert force in the same direction and resonate at the same frequency, and strive to form a new pattern of civil code popularization in urban areas that are in step with extensive participation, and act together. The second is to comprehensively increase the popularization of special laws to optimize the business environment. It is necessary to conscientiously publicize and implement the regulations on optimizing the business environment, actively carry out activities such as "sending the law into the enterprise", "bringing the rule of law into the park" and "legal examination" to facilitate enterprises and benefit enterprises, and strive to improve the legal risk prevention ability and legal management level of enterprises. The third is to continue to do a good job in the rule of law to benefit the people and enterprises. With the joint creation of a better environment and a happy life as the carrier, we will deepen the practice of "going down to the grassroots level, investigating the people's feelings, solving people's worries, and warming the hearts of the people", actively respond to the new needs and expectations of the masses and enterprises for the construction of the rule of law, and do a good job of benefiting the people and enterprises under the rule of law.

Protecting enterprises with law, "Dian" Lianggang City - the theme publicity activity of "Civil Code Publicity Month" in Qingshan District in 2024 was launched

Lectures on law popularization. Photo courtesy of the correspondent

After the launching ceremony, a lecture on law popularization was held. Li Mingxia, a lawyer from Hubei Yangzi Law Firm, gave a lecture on the theme of "The Impact of the Civil Code on the Operation and Management of Enterprises".

Protecting enterprises with law, "Dian" Lianggang City - the theme publicity activity of "Civil Code Publicity Month" in Qingshan District in 2024 was launched

Rule of law publicity display boards. Photo courtesy of the correspondent

A legal consultation area and a legal physical examination area were also set up at the event site to provide professional legal services for enterprises. More than 20 exhibition boards were set up on the spot, more than 300 copies of publicity materials were distributed, and more than 20 legal consultations were provided, which had a good publicity effect.

【Error correction】Editor: Qiu Lingpeng

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