
Civil Code Publicity Month|May Law Popularization Look at it, the "reliable rule of law" is busy with the "code"!

author:Rule of law in Shanghai

May this year is the fourth Civil Code Awareness Month. In order to effectively strengthen the study and publicity of the Civil Code, all streets (towns) in Putuo District have organized and carried out various forms of legal popularization activities, guiding the masses to consciously respect the law, study the law, abide by the law, and use the law, and create a strong atmosphere of rule of law.

Civil Code Publicity Month|May Law Popularization Look at it, the "reliable rule of law" is busy with the "code"!


Changfeng New Village Street

In order to deeply study and publicize the newly revised "Company Law of the People's Republic of China" (hereinafter referred to as the "Company Law"), and further enhance the legal awareness and risk identification ability of street staff, on the afternoon of May 10, Changfeng Xincun Street carried out the "Five Advances" activity of "Model Worker Craftsman Yaosuhe" Model Worker Craftsman Service, and invited Jin Bingyi, a model worker in Shanghai and director of Shanghai Runyi Law Firm, and lawyers to preach the key points and interpretation of the revision of the Company Law for more than 40 Changfeng Xincun street staff, and give full play to the leading role of model workers. Guide administrative staff to further respect the law, learn the law, abide by the law, and use the law, better serve enterprises and employees, and help the high-quality development of Putuo.

In the lecture, the lawyer vividly preached through cases from the aspects of the revision of the Company Law, the improvement of the company establishment system, and the optimization of the corporate governance mechanism. After listening to the lecture, everyone said that they should base themselves on their own positions, learn and refine the laws and regulations, promote the work to show new results, and escort the high-quality development of enterprises in the jurisdiction.


Taopu Town

On the morning of May 8, Taopu Judicial Office, Ruixiangyuan Community Neighborhood Committee and Shanghai Shendao Law Firm jointly held a rule of law lecture on "Resisting High Bride Prices and Advocating Civilized Marriage Customs" at the Ruixiangyuan Community Residents' Committee, using the power of justice to promote the bride price to change customs.

The bride price is an integral part of the traditional folk customs of the Chinese nation, but the high bride price not only violates the original intention of the bride price, but also has a huge adverse impact on the family and marriage. On the one hand, a high bride price is easy to cause bride price disputes, and on the other hand, a high bride price may also involve illegal acts such as soliciting property through marriage and buying and selling marriage, which seriously affects the people's simple yearning for marriage. During the lecture, the residents gave enthusiastic responses to the lawyer's in-depth analysis of the high bride price and the use of cases to explain the law. Audience members said they were acutely aware of the negative impact of high bride prices on their families and society. The purpose of this lecture is to better guide residents to establish a new concept of marriage, so that the concept of resisting high bride price will be deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.


Miles of streets

On the morning of May 11, Wanli Street held a unique lecture on law popularization in the Wanli Mingxuan Neighborhood Committee, and the legal counsel of the village focused on the inheritance regulations in the Civil Code, which attracted the active participation of many community residents. The purpose of this activity is to enhance the public's understanding and application of the inheritance provisions of the Civil Code through vivid case analysis, and to promote the popularization of legal knowledge and the concept of the rule of law.

Starting from the principle of inheritance of family property, the lawyer explained in detail the difference between statutory inheritance and testamentary succession, the order of inheritance, the loss and restoration of inheritance rights, and the handling and distribution of inheritance. Through a series of practical cases close to life, such as common disputes in real estate inheritance, how to effectively make a will to avoid family conflicts, etc., it not only analyzes the logic and spirit behind the legal provisions, but also provides many practical legal advice and solution strategies to help residents learn how to use legal weapons to protect their legitimate rights and interests when encountering related problems.


Ganquan Road street

Recently, Ganquan Road Street has actively carried out the theme activity of Civil Code Publicity Month, which specially chose to set up a stall in the small square of the neighborhood committee to provide on-site free legal consultation services for community residents, aiming to improve residents' awareness of the Civil Code, enhance legal awareness, and jointly create a harmonious community environment under the rule of law.

At the event site, the staff and volunteers of the Ganquan Road Judicial Office were enthusiastic, prepared a wealth of publicity materials for the Civil Code, and introduced the relevant contents of the Civil Code in detail to the community residents through the distribution of brochures and on-site consultation and answers. At the same time, it also provides professional legal advice and answers to common legal issues in residents' daily life, such as marriage and family, neighborhood disputes, property management, etc. In addition, in order to enhance the fun and interactivity of the event, the Ganquan Road Judicial Office also prepared a series of legal publicity materials, such as civil code brochures, publicity fans printed with civil code propaganda slogans, publicity mobile phone holders, publicity ice sleeves, etc., which attracted the active participation of many residents. Residents said that through this activity, they have a deeper understanding of the Civil Code and have learned how to use legal weapons to protect their legitimate rights and interests.


Changshou Road street

On May 14, Changshou Road Street brought an enthusiastic rule of law publicity activity to the surrounding residents in the public space of Suzhou Creek in Tian'an.

At the event site, the staff of the Changshou Road Judicial Office patiently and meticulously explained the relevant legal knowledge in the Civil Code to the residents who came to consult. In response to the recent high-value bride price incident, the staff helped citizens understand the legal issues closely related to their lives based on the specific precedents of the court and the latest promulgated laws and regulations. Through face-to-face and accurate legal popularization and publicity, the residents present learned to use the rule of law thinking to solve the problems they faced, such as marriage and family, and property inheritance.

A total of more than 100 copies of civil code brochures, publicity materials and promotional handbags were distributed in this event, and more than 50 people were consulted by residents. Through this legal popularization activity, the residents' awareness and understanding of the Civil Code have been improved, and the legal awareness of residents to protect their rights and defend their legitimate interests in accordance with the law has been continuously improved, so that the people can truly feel the importance of understanding the law.


It's really like a town street

Zhenru Judicial Law Firm, together with Pumao Law Firm, Fu Xuanjie Law Firm, and Bohe Hanshang Law Firm, went deep into various communities to carry out concentrated publicity activities with the theme of "Classic" Bright Life.

During the activity, the staff of the Zhenru Judicial Office and the legal counsel of the village gave detailed explanations on the relevant laws and regulations such as marriage and family, civil disputes, and property security through the distribution of legal knowledge leaflets and on-site explanations, and guided the community residents to comply with the relevant laws and regulations in their daily production and life. The staff led the residents to read some chapters of the Civil Code, felt the solemnity and sacredness of the law together, and gave patient answers one by one in combination with the relevant provisions of the Civil Code, enthusiastically and meticulously provided legal advice, and reminded the masses to pay attention to the Civil Code in their daily work and life, and to safeguard their legitimate rights and interests through learning and using the law, which ignited the enthusiasm of the masses to respect the law, learn the law, abide by the law, and use the law, which was well received by the masses.

A total of 3 community "code" activities were carried out, more than 50 copies of the Civil Code brochure were distributed, and 32 legal consultations were answered. Zhenru Judicial Office will always adhere to the supremacy of the people, continue to carry out in-depth legal popularization activities, promote the Civil Code into thousands of households, integrate into the daily life of residents, and use the "code" of the Civil Code to brighten up a better life.


Long March Town

During the Civil Code Publicity Month and the 2nd Shanghai Rule of Law Culture Festival, the Long March Judicial Institute organized a series of publicity activities to create a good atmosphere for the rule of law. From May 6th to May 15th, Changzheng Town organized community residents to hold relevant lectures in Huayuan, Meier, Meibei, Meibeier, Nuer, Jiande, Jiansan, Jinsha Yayuan, Meiyi, Wanhao, Future Block, Yunwang, Marriott, Xiangyuan Lido, Meiliu and other neighborhood committees.

"Face-to-face" explain the content of the Civil Code to the masses, and at the same time collect the people's legal needs and opinions and suggestions, so as to provide a useful reference for future legal popularization work. "One-to-one" answers to the public's questions, patiently explains the legal knowledge of marriage, family, neighborhood disputes and other legal knowledge that is closely related to residents' lives in the Civil Code, and guides residents to learn to use legal weapons to protect their legitimate rights and interests.

On the morning of May 15, at the Xincheng Party and Mass Service Center, in conjunction with the National Day for the Disabled, relevant legal advice was provided for the disabled and surrounding residents, and legal publicity materials were distributed.

On May 16, combined with the theme of "Reliable Rule of Law and Active Governance", 12 people's mediators and rule of law leaders in the town were organized to go to the Putuo Court to observe the trial of civil cases, and through on-site interpretation of the law, improve the rule of law level of grassroots governance "rule of law partners", and empower the creation of a community rule of law atmosphere.


Yichuan Road

During the Civil Code Publicity Month in May, the Yichuan Road Judicial Office carefully organized various publicity activities in various residential areas under its jurisdiction, and the village legal counsel held civil code publicity lectures for the cadres of the neighborhood committee, "people who understand the law", community party members, volunteers and the community masses. It is also more down-to-earth, imperceptibly making the Civil Code deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and improving the awareness and ability of the masses to respect the law, learn the law, abide by the law, and use the law.

At present, 8 lectures on the Civil Code have been held, more than 50 copies of publicity trifolds have been distributed, and 26 legal consultations have been received, creating a strong atmosphere of rule of law in the whole region.

Civil Code publicity activities in various streets and towns in Putuo District

Realize the "study of the law and popularization of the law" around you

Let the Civil Code truly go to the hearts of the citizens

Guiding the lives of citizens

The law enters the hearts of the people, and the "classic" brightens life

Source: Putuo District Bureau of Justice

Editor: Feng Xiaoyu

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