
Traditional Chinese Medicine: Most people with good qi and blood have these 5 characteristics

author:Palm Taurus

In life, people with ruddy complexions will be described as having sufficient qi and blood; On the contrary, if the face is sleek and the spirit is haggard, you may reap the sentence "You should replenish your qi and blood".

In the eyes of traditional Chinese medicine, what manifestations indicate that people's qi and blood are not bad?

Traditional Chinese Medicine: Most people with good qi and blood have these 5 characteristics

"Life Times" (search for "LT0385" in WeChat to follow) invites TCM experts to tell you the answer and teach you a few tricks to nourish your qi and blood.

Experts interviewed

You Zhaoling, a national famous traditional Chinese medicine practitioner and chief physician of the Department of Gynecology of the First Affiliated Hospital of Hunan University of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Sui Jing, Director of the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine of the First Affiliated Hospital of Tsinghua University

Xu Jingyu, chief physician of the Fourth Department of Cardiovascular Diseases, the First Affiliated Hospital of Heilongjiang University of Traditional Chinese Medicine

What exactly is "qi and blood".

"The Yellow Emperor's Neijing" says: "The owner of man, blood and gas ears." This means that qi and blood are the foundation of life, and if the human body is compared to a running machine, qi and blood are the most fundamental driving force.


It refers to the power that makes the human body function, and there are many sources, including the innate essence from the parents, the essence from the water valley from the diet, and the pure qi (oxygen) that exists in nature, which are generated through the combined action of the physiological functions of the lungs, spleen, kidneys and other viscera.


The so-called "blood" refers to the "blood" flowing in the vasculature, which has the physiological function of nourishing and nourishing the whole body; The second refers to the running carrier that is in the same place as "qi".

In the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, qi and blood are interdependent, qi can produce blood, and blood can carry qi. Women are blood-based, and they consume more blood and lose more blood than men in their lives, and for women, qi and blood are more important.

5 characteristics show that the qi and blood are not bad

If you have the following manifestations, it means that your qi and blood are not bad.

Traditional Chinese Medicine: Most people with good qi and blood have these 5 characteristics


Bright eyes

Look at your eyes in the mirror, people with sufficient qi and blood, black eyes turn flexibly and are radiant; The whites of the eyes are moisturized, bright, and non-congested; The inner and outer corners of the eyes are also rosy and shiny.

The eyes are swollen and dull, or the inside of the eyes appears cloudy, and the eyes are often dry, which is a typical sign of lack of qi and blood.


Good appetite

The state of qi and blood can also be identified from the function of the spleen and stomach, the spleen is the "source of qi and blood biochemistry" of the human body, if the spleen and stomach have poor transport ability and "restricted" absorption, it is equivalent to cutting off the source of qi and blood.

If you have three regular meals, your appetite should be good, and you will feel hungry when you get to the meal, and you will not often be in a state of fullness and no appetite.


No hair loss

People with abundant qi and blood have a ruddy complexion, smooth skin, moist hair, and flexible joints.

Dry and dull skin and hair, and hair loss are manifestations of lack of qi and blood.


Quick thinking

"The heart is the main blood", and is in charge of people's spiritual activities. People with sufficient energy and blood have quick thinking, do not often forget what they want, and can better cope with the complicated information in the outside world.

If there is a lack of qi and blood, it can show palpitation, shortness of breath, forgetfulness, dizziness, tinnitus, and dislike of noisy environments.


It's more active

People with sufficient qi and blood are usually active, like to toss, and their bodies are not easy to feel tired; People may "not be able to sit still", and they will only be comfortable when they move.

Many people dare to think and dare to do when they are young, and they are motivated, and they gradually like to be quiet when they get older. In other words, "young people are strong in blood", and the reason is that there is enough blood and qi.

Three little things are the most exhausting

You Zhaoling, a national famous traditional Chinese medicine practitioner and chief physician of the Department of Gynecology of the First Affiliated Hospital of Hunan University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, said that in daily life, the three "bad habits" are the most likely to lose qi and blood.


Irregular meals

For example, often skipping breakfast or eating a late-night snack; Eat takeout, overeat, and replace meals with snacks.

Traditional Chinese Medicine: Most people with good qi and blood have these 5 characteristics



Traditional Chinese medicine believes that "lying down for a long time hurts qi, sitting for a long time hurts the flesh", on the contrary, moving makes you angry. Lying on the couch for hours when you come home from work, and lying still for a long time on the weekend, is actually very painful.


Prolonged use of electronics

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that "long-term vision hurts blood", and liver blood deficiency will occur, which is manifested as dry eyes and blurred vision.

If the qi and blood are not blocked, it is replenished

Xu Jingyu, chief physician of the Fourth Department of Cardiovascular Diseases of the First Affiliated Hospital of Heilongjiang University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, said that with age, qi and blood will inevitably be gradually lost, which is the law of human aging.

Nourishing qi and blood is actually slowing down the loss of qi and blood to the greatest extent, and if qi and blood are not blocked, it is replenished.


Turn exercise into a habit like eating

"Flowing water does not rot, the hub does not beetle", only in continuous exercise, can the meridians be in a state of dredging, so that the blood vessels in the body remain elastic, so that the flow of qi and blood is more smooth.

You must leave yourself enough time to exercise every day, about half an hour, four or five times a week.


Stick to foot soaks

Foot soaking is the best way to adjust qi deficiency, blood deficiency and body cold, and long-term insistence on foot soaking can help replenish qi and blood. Generally, it is enough to soak until the whole body is hot and sweats slightly, and it is not advisable to sweat profusely.

Xu Jingyu said that some people have fever and sweating in the upper body and no sweating in the lower body after soaking their feet, which is a manifestation of qi deficiency. For people with blood deficiency (manifested by dry eyes, yellowish complexion, insomnia, dreams, forgetfulness, palpitations, etc.), insisting on soaking their feet can improve blood circulation.


A good mood is crucial

A bad mood will cause gastrointestinal dysfunction, and over time, the body's biochemical qi and blood lack a source, which will lead to a lack of qi and blood.

In addition, you should eat less cold food, chew slowly, and nourish your spleen and stomach; Spend more time in the sun, and the yang energy will naturally improve when the qi and blood are sufficient.


Try to practice standing piles or eight duanjin

You Zhaoling suggested that you can try standing piles, which can dredge the meridians, smooth qi and blood, and exercise the spirit. There are three elements to keep in mind when standing on the pile, that is, the lower plate should be stable, the middle plate should be charged, and the upper plate should be loose.

Traditional Chinese Medicine: Most people with good qi and blood have these 5 characteristics


Do not blindly take food supplements

To nourish qi and blood, the most commonly used medicinal and edible products are red dates, wolfberry, hawthorn and so on.

However, people with qi and blood deficiency often manifest more than qi deficiency or blood deficiency. Sometimes it is difficult to work purely by "making up", and some people even "do not make up for it", and they will "get angry" as soon as they make up. It is best to consult a TCM practitioner in a regular hospital to distinguish the syndrome and constitution before taking dietary supplements.


Get enough sleep and get enough sleep

It is best to go to bed before 11 p.m. "When a person lies down, the blood returns to the liver", staying up late will consume the body's qi and blood. If you don't rest enough, the body's deficiency is greater than repair, and there will be a lack of qi and blood. ▲

(Life Times)

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