
Durian and lychee are the most "fresh" on the market! I can't stop eating this sweet bite......

author:Yangpu, Shanghai

Temperatures have climbed recently,

Finally, there are some "sprouts" of summer.

At this time of the year,

Summer fruits such as durian and lychee

"Debut" one after another,

A mouthful of soft, sweet and glutinous, a mouthful of refreshing and moist,

Become a friend of many citizens

A sweet favorite that can't stop eating.

Let's take a look at the market↓

Durian and lychee are the most "fresh" on the market! I can't stop eating this sweet bite......

It smells a little stinky, but it tastes very fragrant, and it is said that it is the "noble of fruits" durian. The reporter came to Yangpuguo and the vegetable market, durian, as a seasonal fruit, has been placed in the most conspicuous position of the stall.

Durian and lychee are the most "fresh" on the market! I can't stop eating this sweet bite......

According to the stall owner, although this year's durian has just been listed, the price is much cheaper than when it was first listed in previous years, and the price is very close to the people. For example, like the well-known Thai Golden Pillow durian, the current price of a pound ranges from 29 yuan to 35 yuan, while the price of the relatively niche Thai Jialun durian is about 19.8 yuan a catty, which has fallen below the 20 yuan a pound mark.

Durian and lychee are the most "fresh" on the market! I can't stop eating this sweet bite......

"The price has come down, and we durian lovers are so happy, I'm going to buy one and take it home, half of it will be eaten directly, and half of it will be roasted." Ms. Ding, a citizen, came to the vegetable market early in the morning to buy a whole durian, thinking of going back to experience the fun of opening a "blind box".

There are not a few people like Ms. Ding who buy a whole and take it home. "Now we sell 80 to 90 a day, and on weekends and holidays, we double our sales." "When asked if the current durian price is already at its lowest point, the stall owner believes that the price will drop a little more after a while." When the temperature is a little higher, the yield of durian will come up, and it is expected to be a few yuan cheaper than now. ”

Durian and lychee are the most "fresh" on the market! I can't stop eating this sweet bite......

If you ask what it tastes like in early summer, I believe many people will answer: it is lychee-flavored. As the saying goes, "I eat 300 lychees a day, and I don't want to be a Lingnan person." "Recently, in addition to the popularity of durian, lychee has also ushered in the market.

The reporter visited a circle and found that "Concubine Smile" is the most numerous and most popular lychee varieties at present, because of its large fruit, small core, sweet and sour meat, the unit price is also a few yuan more expensive than ordinary lychees.

Durian and lychee are the most "fresh" on the market! I can't stop eating this sweet bite......

It is reported that the current price of a pound of "Concubine Smile" is hovering at 20-30 yuan, and it is still in an unstable state just listed. "It is expected that in another half a month, there will be more varieties of lychees on the market, and the price will be cheaper." The stall owner said.

Durian and lychee are the most "fresh" on the market! I can't stop eating this sweet bite......

Want to reap the sweetness of early summer?

Then you have time to visit the wet market

Take this sweetness home with you

Text/Image: Dou Yuqi

Editor: Xi Yuxuan

*Please indicate that the reprint is from the official WeChat of Shanghai Yangpu

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