
What varieties of lychee are there? Why does eating lychees get hot? Popular science about lychee is here

author:What is worth buying

This content comes from @What is worth buying APP, and the views only represent the author's own |Author: Feifan Feifan


In Guangxi, a big fruit province where there is no shortage of fruits to eat in all seasons, is there any fruit that no one loves and can show off casually without distress?

Well deserved - it's lychee! The bright red and green husk, the crystal semi-transparent, soft and crispy flesh, once the entrance makes people eat all they want to eat regardless of the fire~ It is simply the most crystalline and condensed appearance in summer, and it is the best taste in the world! So let's share with you the knowledge about lychee today!

It can be said that "lychees go on the market, and 100 fruits make way".

Liangguang entered the summer in March, and I have already rubbed my hands and waited for the listing of lychees~

Cinnamon flavor, concubine smile, chicken mouth, hanging green.. What is the difference between these lychee varieties that we often hear about? And what kind of lychee is the best?

Before the peak season of lychee, let's hurry up to learn about this unmissable delicacy! ~

What varieties of lychee are there? Why does eating lychees get hot? Popular science about lychee is here

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What varieties of lychee are there? Why does eating lychees get hot? Popular science about lychee is here

Photo source: Pexels

About lychee

Lychee, also known as Lizhi, is an evergreen tree of the genus Lychee in the family Sapindaceae, which likes light, warmth, humidity and sun.

Native to the south of the mainland, the cultivation history in the mainland can be traced back to the Han Dynasty more than 2,000 years ago, and bananas, pineapples, and longans are known as the "four major fruits of the south".

The main producing countries of lychee in the world today are: China, India, South Africa, Australia, Mauritius, Madagascar, Thailand, Vietnam, Myanmar, etc.

Lychee is produced in the south, Guangdong is the big guy, Hainan, Guangxi, Fujian followed, as well as Taiwan, Sichuan-Chongqing, Yunnan-Guizhou, Zhejiang and other younger brothers, forming a lychee industry of "one super, three strong and many little brothers" of the river and lake pattern.

What varieties of lychee are there? Why does eating lychees get hot? Popular science about lychee is here

Photo source: Pexels

Guangdong has a long history of lychee planting, and its planting area and output rank first in the country. Maoming, Guangdong is the world's largest lychee production base, which can be described as "the world's lychee looks at China, and China's lychee looks at Guangdong".

Guangxi is the second largest lychee production base in China, of which Qinzhou is the largest lychee production base in Guangxi and the second largest in the country, and is known as the hometown of "China's black leaf lychee".

Hainan is the earliest ripening production area of lychees in mainland China, and the market time of lychees is 15 to 30 days earlier than that of Liangguang.

What varieties of lychee are there? Why does eating lychees get hot? Popular science about lychee is here

Photo source: Pexels

The south is vast, the output is enough, every year from March to July, the people of the whole country can eat lychees, that is, I hope that people will last a long time, and a total of thousands of miles will break out (hot gas~).

About the "panic" of eating lychees

Is it easy to get hot when eating lychee?

It is often said that lychees and some other fruits will catch fire if you eat too much, so we have to analyze the symptoms of your "fire" in detail.


That's because lychees are so sweet!

Lychee is a high-glycemic food (GI up to 70) and can contain 15% or more sugar.

Sugar is the enemy of acne, and eating too much lychee at one time can easily bring about large fluctuations in blood sugar and insulin, which may indeed induce your acne.

What varieties of lychee are there? Why does eating lychees get hot? Popular science about lychee is here

Photo source: Pexels

Eating too many canker sores?

This phenomenon is more common in fruits. It may be that the sugar in the lychee and the residue of its own flesh accumulate between the teeth, inducing an inflammatory response and increasing the likelihood of ulcers. It is also possible that there is a wound in the mouth, and some of the organic acids in the fruit can irritate the wound and enhance your experience of "ulcers".

In short, the term "on fire" is unscientific!

Fruits with high sugar content should be eaten less, and rinse your mouth in time after eating, which can largely avoid the related symptoms caused by eating fruits~

What varieties of lychee are there? Why does eating lychees get hot? Popular science about lychee is here

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Eating too much lychee causes hypoglycemia? "Lychee disease"?

Every year, when the lychees are flaunted, the rumors that "eating lychees on an empty stomach will cause death" and "eating lychees will cause lychee disease" are also on the market.

India is also rich in lychees, and every summer some children have unexplained sudden vomiting, convulsions, confusion, loss of consciousness and even death, doctors and researchers have found that the cause of this series of symptoms is actually eating a large amount of lychee, which leads to severe hypoglycemia.

What varieties of lychee are there? Why does eating lychees get hot? Popular science about lychee is here

Photo source: Pexels

A 2017 study in The Lancet Global Health found that "lychee disease" is an acute neurological disorder, although many patients also have symptoms of hypoglycemia. After analyzing more than 400 cases in India, it was found that lychee disease occurred in the following way: children + fasting + eating a lot + immature lychee, these four conditions were met at the same time, which caused the death of eating lychee.

How to eat lychee DIY

Everyone knows that lychees are very intolerant, and there is a saying of "three-day color change", so we can save the lychees that are too late to eat, such as making dried lychees, soaking lychee wine, etc. And because there is no fruit that can escape the fate of "ten yuan and three catties" in Guangxi, so in the hot season of lychees, when the lychees can't be shown off at all (northern friends don't beat me), we also have a variety of ways to eat, such as making drinks, cooking chicken soup, and cooking ~~

1. Frozen lychee/lychee popsicles

I don't allow anyone who hasn't eaten a refrigerated/frozen lychee!

Chilled lychees will be sweeter. Eating frozen lychees in the hot summer is simply refreshing, and it is more delicious than popsicles~

What varieties of lychee are there? Why does eating lychees get hot? Popular science about lychee is here

Photo source: Pexels

Lychee popsicles

Raw materials: lychee, sugar, salt


1) Peel and core fresh lychee, peel off the pulp and soak in salt water for 10 minutes;

2) Remove the soaked lychee meat, drain the water and put it in a blender, and stir it into a puree (if you like sweetness, you can add an appropriate amount of sugar);

3) Pour the puree into the mold of the popsicle, freeze and shape, and open the show.

What varieties of lychee are there? Why does eating lychees get hot? Popular science about lychee is here

2. Dried lychees

Ingredients: Lychee to taste


1) Soak the fresh and intact lychee with skin in lightly salted water, wash it with water after a while;

2) Boil a pot of water, put in the lychee after the water boils, blanch the water for one minute, remove it, spread it on a bamboo sieve and expose it to the sun (it can also be dried in the oven);

3) About a week, when the lychee becomes shriveled, the dried lychee is ready.

What varieties of lychee are there? Why does eating lychees get hot? Popular science about lychee is here

The finished dried lychee can be peeled and chewed directly, just like eating dried fruit; You can also put a few when making soup, it is very sweet~

3. Lychee mojito

Ingredients: a few lychees, soda, 1 yellow lemon/lime, mint leaves, sugar, ice cubes


1) Half of the lemon is sliced, half squeezed into juice for later use, and a few slices of mint are slapped out of the fragrance;

2) Peel the lychee and remove the pit, mash the flesh slightly and put it in a cup, then add mint and lemon juice, and an appropriate amount of syrup (melted sugar);

3) Add an appropriate amount of ice, pour in soda, and finally add a few mint leaves and lemon slices to garnish, and a cup of summer cool drink is complete~

What varieties of lychee are there? Why does eating lychees get hot? Popular science about lychee is here

4. Lychee cold brew tea

Ingredients: a few lychees, green tea, ice cubes


1) Peel and remove the core of the lychee, break half into the shape of the fruit, and tear the other half into small pieces or whole pieces for later use;

2) Add the broken lychee, lychee pulp and ice cubes to the cup in turn, and pour in the green tea, the ratio of lychee to green tea is about 1:2;

3) Stir it to let the lychee and green tea blend in the cup, and there is no need to add extra sugar~

What varieties of lychee are there? Why does eating lychees get hot? Popular science about lychee is here

You can't go wrong with lychee with all kinds of drinks at home, such as iced tea, Yakult, sparkling water, etc., you can DIY try it~~

5. Lychee shrimp balls

Ingredients: 10 lychees, 1 kg of shrimp, ginger, egg white, pepper, water starch, tomato paste, oil, salt, sweet and sour cooking wine, etc


1) Remove the head and tail of the shrimp, cut the back of the shrimp to remove the shrimp line, wash it and put it in a large bowl; Add an appropriate amount of salt, pepper, cooking wine, sugar, egg white, water starch and marinate for 10 minutes; Peel and remove the core of the lychee;

2) Take a small bowl, add 1 teaspoon of sugar, 2 teaspoons of tomato paste, half a teaspoon of white vinegar, appropriate amount of salt, 4 teaspoons of water, mix into juice for later use;

3) Heat the oil in the pot, add the shrimp after the oil is hot, until the shrimp change color and are round and ball-shaped, then put it out and put it on a plate for later use;

4) Pour a little base oil into the pot, add minced ginger and stir-fry, then add the seasoned sauce, pour in the shrimp balls and stir-fry, then add lychees, stir-fry for a while, thicken the juice with water starch and turn off the heat and put on the plate.

What varieties of lychee are there? Why does eating lychees get hot? Popular science about lychee is here

Lychee is very common in Guangzhou, Guangzhou, such as lychee beef, lychee meat, dried lychee health soup, lychee jelly pudding, etc.

6. Soak lychee wine

Ingredients: lychee, rock sugar, liquor (I use Guangxi rice wine)


1) Lychee peeling, core removal (or not), cleaning, disinfection and drying of jars;

2) Put the lychee pulp into the jar, an appropriate amount of rock sugar, and finally pour the wine 7-8 minutes full of lychee (do not fill it, the alcohol volatilization will fry), and the jar is tightly covered;

3) Place it at room temperature for at least two months, and the longer it is, the better it tastes~

Varieties of lychee

There are many varieties of lychee, and there are currently more than 600 kinds registered in the country, and there are more than 30 kinds of common large-scale planting and commercial sales~

Among them, the varieties with an annual output of more than 10,000 tons include Feizixiao, Black Leaf, Huaizhi, Guiwei, White Sugar Poppy, White Wax, Chicken Mouth Li, Glutinous Rice Cake, Double Shoulder Jade Purse, Lingshan Xiangli, March Red, Da Hong Pao, Jinfeng, Guifei Red, Lanzhu, Seedless Li, Qinzhou Red Li, etc.

Some varieties taste very sweet, some are slightly sour, and some are astringent, so which lychee is the best? Let's pick a few common ones on the market to talk about~

1. Cinnamon flavor

It is named because of the fragrance of osmanthus flowers, and there are two varieties of all-red and duck head green, also known as cinnamon branches, with green.

Fruit characteristics: bright red with green, crisp flesh, fine core, sweet, excellent quality and flavor, is the Porsche of the lychee family~

Listing time/origin: mid-to-late June - early July; The best in the suburbs of Guangzhou and Lingshan County in Guangxi.

What varieties of lychee are there? Why does eating lychees get hot? Popular science about lychee is here

Recommended: Jingzi Xiansheng|Guangdong cinnamon flavor lychee

Recommended price: 145 yuan / 3 catties

Cinnamon flavor is the favorite of many people, and those who love this bite can try it~

Direct supply from the production area, Guangdong Maoming is the world's largest lychee production base, and the quality of lychees can be assured.

What varieties of lychee are there? Why does eating lychees get hot? Popular science about lychee is here

2. Princess, lol

The name comes from the allusion "a ride on the red dust concubine laughs, no one knows that it is a lychee".

Fruit characteristics: the peel is colored green and red, light red when ripe, the fruit is large and small, the flesh is crisp and juicy, and the taste is sweet and sour.

Availability/Origin: Late May to mid-June; Hainan, the main planting of the two Guangzhou.

What varieties of lychee are there? Why does eating lychees get hot? Popular science about lychee is here

Recommended: Jing Xiansheng | Hainan concubine laughing lychee

Recommended price: 129.9 yuan / 3 catties

The production area is Hainan, Hainan has enough sunshine, and the temperature difference between day and night is large. The concubine's smile is already mature when she is young, sweet and sour, just right~

What varieties of lychee are there? Why does eating lychees get hot? Popular science about lychee is here

3. Glutinous rice balls

Also known as rice branches.

Fruit characteristics: heart-shaped, large fruit, thick flesh and small core, extremely sweet taste, rich flavor, most suitable for fresh food and drying.

Availability/Origin: mid-June to early July; It is mainly cultivated in the Liangguang area, and it is the most valuable special variety in Guangdong.

What varieties of lychee are there? Why does eating lychees get hot? Popular science about lychee is here

Recommended: Jingguo Yiren | Glutinous rice glutinous lychee

Recommended price: 158 yuan / 5 catties

The lychee grown from the old tree in Guangdong is sweet and tender, the flesh is thick and small, and it is full and juicy~

What varieties of lychee are there? Why does eating lychees get hot? Popular science about lychee is here

4. Sugar poppy

Also known as bee sugar poppy and Chinese red, it is the best product in lychee.

Fruit characteristics: crooked heart-shaped or short crooked heart-shaped, thin skin, hard flesh, crisp and less juicy, sweet taste with honey.

Availability/Origin: mid-June to early July; Guangdong main planting.

What varieties of lychee are there? Why does eating lychees get hot? Popular science about lychee is here

Recommended: Mangsling|White sugar poppy lychee

Recommended price: 98 yuan / 3 catties

Origin: Maoming Gaozhou, daily picking, SF cold chain. A big core is small, eat a mouthful full of pulp and juice~

5. Chicken mouth lychee

Chicken mouth litchi won the gold medal in the second agricultural expo in the mainland, the core is small like a chicken mouth, so it is named chicken mouth li.

Fruit characteristics: large fruit, dark red skin, thick flesh and small core, sweet and refreshing taste, very good quality.

Availability/Origin: mid-June to early July; Hepu, Guangxi.

What varieties of lychee are there? Why does eating lychees get hot? Popular science about lychee is here

6. Seedless lychee

The "seedless" of the South Island is one of the most valuable special varieties in Hainan.

Fruit characteristics: the fruit is nearly round, the seedless rate is 95%, the peel is light red, the flesh is thick and the clotted fat is crystal juicy, crisp and mellow.

Availability/Origin: mid-June to early July; Hainan main planting.

What varieties of lychee are there? Why does eating lychees get hot? Popular science about lychee is here

Recommended: Source Memory|Hainan Seedless Lychee (Pre-sale)

Recommended price: 248 yuan / 3 catties

The origin of Hainan is pre-sale. Seedless lychees not only have large fruits, but also have a seedless rate of more than 85%, which is so refreshing to eat~~

What varieties of lychee are there? Why does eating lychees get hot? Popular science about lychee is here

7, Lychee King

Purple Daughter Kimata Title Erieda King.

Fruit characteristics: the fruit is extra-large like an egg, crooked heart-shaped, purple-red skin, thick skin, tender and juicy texture, and slightly sweet and sour taste.

Availability/Origin: Mid-April to early June; Hainan, the main planting of the two Guangzhou.

What varieties of lychee are there? Why does eating lychees get hot? Popular science about lychee is here

Recommended: Tian Liangji|5A-level Lychee King

Recommended price: 185 yuan / 3 catties

Origin: Fujian, SF cold chain. The oversized lychee king, which is as big as an egg, is too satisfying to eat~

What varieties of lychee are there? Why does eating lychees get hot? Popular science about lychee is here

8. Zengcheng hangs green

It is a rare variety of Zengcheng, Guangzhou, and it is called "Lychee Three Heroes" together with "Bicun Glutinous Rice Cake" and "Luogang Guiwei".

At an auction in 2002, the hanging green set a sky-high price of 555,000 yuan for a single piece, which is simply the "Hermes" in lychees~

Fruit characteristics: six points with four points of green, a circle of green lines, delicate and sweet flesh, clotted fat without overflowing, excellent quality, is a treasure in lychee.

What varieties of lychee are there? Why does eating lychees get hot? Popular science about lychee is here


1. Lychee has high vitamin C and potassium content, and the sugar content is not low, so don't eat too much at one time; 2. Be careful not to eat on an empty stomach, do not give your child more food, and eat less than 10 pieces at a time.

Lychees are so delicious, it's really easy to stop eating one, but we can't "eat 300 lychees a day"!

After writing it, I was so hungry that I couldn't sit still, and I just wanted to take a bite quickly~ It's just that this year's lychee harvest in Guangxi is poor, and it is estimated that the price will fly to the sky this year~

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