
The Development Zone will carry out the 2024 Labor Security Laws and Regulations Publicity Month activities

author:Shanxi Pictorial Shuozhou

In order to improve the effectiveness of the implementation of labor security laws and regulations and effectively safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the majority of workers, on May 15, the development zone launched the 2024 labor security laws and regulations publicity month activities, and more than 120 people from the district organization and human resources department, construction management department, public security bureau and other departments, some enterprise employees and people from all walks of life participated in the event.

The Development Zone will carry out the 2024 Labor Security Laws and Regulations Publicity Month activities
The Development Zone will carry out the 2024 Labor Security Laws and Regulations Publicity Month activities

Through large-scale and solid publicity, the implementation of the "Labor Law of the People's Republic of China", "Labor Contract Law of the People's Republic of China", "Social Insurance Law of the People's Republic of China" and other laws and regulations will make the labor security laws and regulations known to everyone and every household name, so that the employer can consciously abide by the labor security laws and regulations, so that workers know how to protect their legitimate rights and interests, and create a good labor security working environment.

The Development Zone will carry out the 2024 Labor Security Laws and Regulations Publicity Month activities
The Development Zone will carry out the 2024 Labor Security Laws and Regulations Publicity Month activities

Employment is the foundation of people's livelihood, and security is the foundation of people's security; Labor security work is related to the national economy and people's livelihood, and to the overall situation of reform, development and stability. Through this publicity activity, the concept and awareness of respecting and abiding by the law in the whole society have been further enhanced, the legal awareness of labor security among employers, workers and all walks of life has been further improved, the ability and level of the labor security system to administer according to law have been further enhanced, and the atmosphere of consciously abiding by and implementing labor security laws and regulations has been formed in the whole society, and a good atmosphere of respecting the law, learning the law, abiding by the law and using the law has been created for the construction of a beautiful and harmonious Shuozhou Economic Development Zone.

Source: Shuozhou Economic Development Zone Financial Media

Editor: Ma Shijie

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