
The implementation of the "triple single" service model in our city to comprehensively improve the quality and efficiency of the application of social security cards

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The implementation of the "triple single" service model in our city to comprehensively improve the quality and efficiency of the application of social security cards
The implementation of the "triple single" service model in our city to comprehensively improve the quality and efficiency of the application of social security cards

Since the issuance of the third generation of social security cards in the province, the Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau has reached a cooperation agreement with 9 banks in the city based on its own functional positioning, and launched the "triple single" service model, highlighting the more convenient and fast handling, more comprehensive and safer in the use of functions, and increasing the application of publicity in an all-round way, so that the masses can really know the card, understand the card, and use the card, so that the application of the social security card has been greatly improved.

A number of associations, the awareness rate of social security cards is wider

The Municipal Bureau of Human Resources and Social Security took the lead and cooperated with a number of units to carry out large-scale publicity activities for social security card application services in the city. Set up a full-time guide in the civic center, assign business backbones with comprehensive policy mastery and rich work experience, and introduce and explain the scope of application and use of the third-generation social security card for the service objects with the goal of "making it visible, understandable, and usable", and guide the public to use the social security card to handle social security business. Set up third-generation social security card consultation points in each cooperative bank to help the masses activate the social security card and apply for an electronic social security card on the spot, and publicize the functions, application service scenarios, handling procedures and conditions of the social security card to the masses, and strive to do everything the social security card should do. Use online platforms such as "Qitaihe Smart Human Society", official Douyin accounts, and community WeChat groups to produce and release a small video of "online social security card", and advocate people in other places to apply for third-generation social security cards online. Offline, through the distribution of leaflets and door-to-door services by community grid leaders, the awareness rate and coverage of social security cards by the masses will be expanded in an all-round way, so as to achieve horizontal to edge and vertical to the end.

Multi-party linkage, social security card is more practical

Intensify the cooperation between the social bank and the bank, and increase the number of bank social security card service outlets to 100, of which the Postal Savings Bank and the Rural Commercial Bank have set up outlets in remote villages and towns, realizing the full coverage of social security cards in urban and rural areas, and providing preferential policies such as free initial card application and exemption of annual fees, and zero complaints from the masses in the convenience of handling. Efforts should be made to expand the practical functions of social security cards, and gradually realize the registration cards for employment registration, unemployment registration, social security registration, work-related injury hospitalization registration, and the change of personnel information and insurance information in the human resources and social security system, as well as the cards for the receipt and issuance of enterprise employee pension insurance, urban and rural residents' pension insurance, government and institution pension insurance, work-related injury insurance regular benefits, unemployment insurance personal benefits, as well as application and inquiry business cards. Outside the human resources and social security system, in cooperation with the financial department, the establishment of a "card" issuance platform, instead of manual bookkeeping, audit, so that the subsidy funds through the system directly issued to the subsidy object of the social security card bank account, not only to ensure the safety of the subsidy funds, but also improve work efficiency, greatly reduce the financial subsidy funds in the field of "micro-corruption". Up to now, 82 subsidy projects from 10 departments in our city have been included in the "all-in-one card" platform.

Multi-point joint defense, higher satisfaction with social security cards

In order to truly do a good job in serving social security card residents, the Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau continues to optimize the application service of social security card, and takes the people's "understanding", "incomprehensible" process, and "good experience" as the yardstick, and effectively puts improving the satisfaction of the people in the first place. In view of the gradual expansion of the application field of social security cards and the frequent replacement of business personnel, we will increase the training of business updates to ensure that all service personnel have become "business passes" and "policy passes". Improve and improve the daily supervision mechanism of social security card application services, and the human resources and social security departments will provide technical support and communication services to bank outlets in a timely manner while exercising supervision power over bank outlets, solve various problems encountered in the process of issuing outlets, and regularly assess the service effectiveness, and cancel the issuance qualifications of outlets with poor processes, low convenience and dissatisfied masses, so that the third-generation social security card can truly become a "convenient card" to serve the people and achieve zero distance to serve the masses.

Reporter: Chen Yueguang Editor: Li Yuanyuan Review: Teng Haixia Supervisor: Zhang Jinhua



Qitai River

The implementation of the "triple single" service model in our city to comprehensively improve the quality and efficiency of the application of social security cards
The implementation of the "triple single" service model in our city to comprehensively improve the quality and efficiency of the application of social security cards

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