
Parents: It is strongly recommended to cancel the after-school service, which seriously destroys the physical and mental health of students!

Parents: It is strongly recommended to cancel the after-school service, which seriously destroys the physical and mental health of students!

Teacher Li talks about the most true education

2024-05-25 22:03Published in Henan

Our after-school service has been carried out for several years, and the original intention of carrying out after-school service is entirely for parents, and we hope that the school will take more responsibility, reduce the burden on parents, and solve parents' worries. But after a few years, many people find that after-school services are far from as good as they imagined.

Recently, some parents have appealed online for the cancellation of after-school services in schools as soon as possible. Let's take a look:

It is strongly recommended that after-school services be cancelled, as they will seriously damage the physical and mental health of students and discourage teachers. Primary school students 8 o'clock in the morning to 12 o'clock, 2 o'clock in the afternoon to 6 o'clock, 8 classes a day, a total of 8 hours in school time, few outdoor activities, and sometimes, in school homework can not be written, go home at night to continue to write, in addition to learning in life is learning, for children who like to learn, children who are not interested in learning, even less interested, will only vicious circle, there is a feeling of boredom. Learning is a lifelong process, and interest in learning should not be stifled in the first place.

Parents: It is strongly recommended to cancel the after-school service, which seriously destroys the physical and mental health of students!

I have to say that what this parent said is still more true, our situation here is basically the same, the children arrive at school at 7:40 in the morning to start early reading, four classes in the morning, and four classes in the afternoon before school, the first and second grade students are like this, the children are really tired.

For after-school services, now basically parents are unwilling, students are unwilling, and many teachers are not willing, but the strange thing is that all places just don't cancel, why is that? In fact, the reason is very simple.

First: In the case of financial recession in various places, extended service has become the only income of the school, and it is definitely unwilling to cancel it.

In recent years, the economy has been very sluggish, the financial pressure is very great, and in many places, teachers' salaries are almost unable to open. In this case, how is it possible to cancel the after-school service?

At present, after-school services have become the only legal income for schools, and many school teachers' overtime pay and substitute fees are paid from after-school service fees, because schools really don't have a penny. Without after-school services, the financial strain on schools can also be significant. With after-school services, not only can teachers be given appropriate subsidies and increase some income, but the most important thing is that this fee is reasonable and legal, and is allowed by the education department.

Although the after-school service fee paid by each student is not much, but there are so many students in a school, it adds up to a lot of money, so neither the school nor the education department is willing to cancel it.

Parents: It is strongly recommended to cancel the after-school service, which seriously destroys the physical and mental health of students!

Second, in the context of burden reduction, after-school services can give schools a reason to extend students' learning time and improve academic performance.

After-school services, in essence, allow children to stay in school for two hours after school to complete homework or participate in some interest activities. But for the local area, there are so many interest class teachers, so the children basically do their homework at school.

This is tantamount to allowing children to continue to attend classes for two hours in school reasonably and legally, and in order to make full use of these two hours, schools are also racking their brains, many schools have arranged delayed time into class schedules, and only arrange teachers for subjects that need exams. In order to improve their grades, teachers use a lot of them for new classes and exams, and anyway, they don't let the children write their homework, and the homework is written at home.

This is equivalent to the fact that the children have another two hours of class at school, and the learning burden is definitely heavier, of course, this is also conducive to improving grades, and the school is slowly acquiescing!

Parents: It is strongly recommended to cancel the after-school service, which seriously destroys the physical and mental health of students!

Third: There is currently no document from the Ministry of Education to cancel after-school services, so there is a reason for schools to continue.

Many parents are looking forward to the cancellation of extended services, so why don't schools cancel them? Quite simply, the Ministry of Education has not issued a document at present, so the school can reasonably not cancel it.

The development of after-school services is allowed by the Ministry of Education and the local education bureau, and the fees for after-school services are also approved by the local education bureau, so it is above board for the school to do so, so why should the school cancel it?

For schools, the development of after-school services can not only extend the time of students in school, improve students' performance, but also reasonably and legally charge, and increase everyone's income. For parents, children don't have to send tutoring classes anymore and can do homework at school, so why cancel?

Parents: It is strongly recommended to cancel the after-school service, which seriously destroys the physical and mental health of students!

The current after-school service and our double reduction policy are contrary to each other, which is the main reason why many people oppose it.

There are several provisions in our double reduction policy, let's take a look:

1. Students cannot be in school for more than 6 hours, and after the extended service, almost all schools have exceeded it.

2. The student's homework time shall not exceed one hour, but the extended service shall be two hours.

3. Students can't arrive at school before 8 o'clock, and now many schools have early reading, and early reading is also in the extended service time.

Therefore, the current after-school service is tantamount to the double reduction, which seriously violates our double reduction policy and increases the learning burden of children.

Parents: It is strongly recommended to cancel the after-school service, which seriously destroys the physical and mental health of students!

Write at the end:

The original intention of after-school service was good, but under the test-oriented education, it became bad when I arrived at school. The current after-school services not only increase the burden of schoolwork on students, but also seriously violate the double reduction policy, causing students to become more and more tired. Many primary school students spend more than 8 hours in school every day, which is a serious violation of the laws of nature and will harm the physical and mental health of students, so I also strongly appeal to cancel it as soon as possible!

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  • Parents: It is strongly recommended to cancel the after-school service, which seriously destroys the physical and mental health of students!
  • Parents: It is strongly recommended to cancel the after-school service, which seriously destroys the physical and mental health of students!
  • Parents: It is strongly recommended to cancel the after-school service, which seriously destroys the physical and mental health of students!
  • Parents: It is strongly recommended to cancel the after-school service, which seriously destroys the physical and mental health of students!
  • Parents: It is strongly recommended to cancel the after-school service, which seriously destroys the physical and mental health of students!

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