
Family Education Awareness Week | Let's feel the journey of love and companionship of "Hemei • Ten Thousand Homes~".

author:Hefei women
Family Education Awareness Week | Let's feel the journey of love and companionship of "Hemei • Ten Thousand Homes~".
Family Education Awareness Week | Let's feel the journey of love and companionship of "Hemei • Ten Thousand Homes~".
Family Education Awareness Week | Let's feel the journey of love and companionship of "Hemei • Ten Thousand Homes~".
Family Education Awareness Week | Let's feel the journey of love and companionship of "Hemei • Ten Thousand Homes~".

International Day of Families on May 15

Feel the journey of love and companionship of "Hemei • Ten Thousand Homes" together

May 15, 2024 is the 31st International Day of Families, and the week of "May 15" is the National Family Education Awareness Week. In order to thoroughly study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions on paying attention to the construction of family education and family style, women's federations at all levels in Hefei actively carry out theme activities of family education publicity week, encourage families to unite family strength, carry forward the traditional culture of filial piety, inherit good family style, and create a warm and harmonious family atmosphere. Let's take a look~

Hefei City

Family Education Awareness Week | Let's feel the journey of love and companionship of "Hemei • Ten Thousand Homes~".

On the morning of May 12, under the guidance of the Anhui Provincial Women's Federation, the Hefei Women's Federation, the Luyang District Women's Federation and relevant departments jointly organized the "School, Family and Community Co-education, Escort and Growth" Hefei City and Luyang District Family Education Publicity Week kicked off in Xinghua Park. On the spot, the "Hefei Family Education and People's Livelihood Practical Matters and Key Community Parent School Construction List", the parent-child science and technology science tour route were released, the "Scientists Teach Ten Thousand Homes" 100 lectures were launched, the 2024 annual plan of the "Lu Xiaojia" family growth camp was announced, and the "Love Bags" were presented to the "Caring Mother Care Group".

Family Education Awareness Week | Let's feel the journey of love and companionship of "Hemei • Ten Thousand Homes~".

The event also carried out services such as family education law popularization, family education and mental health public welfare consultation, and family growth camp parent-child fun experience.

Feixi County

Family Education Awareness Week | Let's feel the journey of love and companionship of "Hemei • Ten Thousand Homes~".

The Women's Federation of Feixi County joined hands with the children of Yunxiao Road Kindergarten of Hefei West Normal Preschool Education Center to carry out the family education activity of "Establishing Family Style, Establishing Family Training, and Spreading Virtues". In the city living room, the volunteers popularized the history and significance of the inheritance of family style, the feelings of the family and the country, and the new style of civilization for the children, combined with Chinese history and fables, planted a seed in the hearts of each child to inherit and carry forward the good family style and family motto, and guided them to irrigate with heart and bloom the flowers of wisdom.

Changfeng County

Family Education Awareness Week | Let's feel the journey of love and companionship of "Hemei • Ten Thousand Homes~".

The Youth League Branch of Maying Village, Changfeng County and the Women's Federation and other departments jointly carried out the "Painted Children's Heart" lacquer fan handicraft experience activity with the volunteer service team of the Maying Project. Through a series of well-designed immersive production and interactive links, this activity uses fans as the carrier and through the handmade traditional lacquer fans, so as to enhance children's hands-on ability and artistic creativity, so that more families can participate in parent-child interaction.


Family Education Awareness Week | Let's feel the journey of love and companionship of "Hemei • Ten Thousand Homes~".

The Women's Federation of Lujiang County carried out a series of activities of "Entering the Museum - Family Style 'Art' to Start Learning and Building a Dream of the Family and the Country". By walking into the Liu Lingling Museum in Lujiang County, you can gain an in-depth understanding of Liu's profound family culture and feel the power of family inheritance. The event also organized and arranged for children and their mothers to learn the art of flower arrangement, carefully match the flowers together, weave beautiful flower baskets, enhance the emotional communication between parents and children, and spend a warm and unforgettable Mother's Day together.

Shushan District

Family Education Awareness Week | Let's feel the journey of love and companionship of "Hemei • Ten Thousand Homes~".

The Shushan District Women's Federation carried out a family style story propaganda meeting. Liang Yanjie's family won the title of "Five Good Families in Anhui Province" this year, and at the scene, he told the story of the couple's mutual respect and love, enthusiasm for public welfare, and the cultivation of a pair of children by words and deeds. Zhang Shu is the first prize winner of the 2023 "Children's Heart to the Party, Inheriting the Good Chinese Family Style" Essay Contest in Shushan District.

Economic Development Zone

Family Education Awareness Week | Let's feel the journey of love and companionship of "Hemei • Ten Thousand Homes~".

The Women's Federation of Hefei Economic Development Zone carried out the theme education activity of "Love in Early Summer, Parent-Child Walking". The activity takes the family as the unit, and the parent-child cooperation completes the sports competition and answering links, which not only tests the knowledge reserve and application skills, but also tests the tacit understanding between parents and children, and enhances the parent-child relationship.

Xinzhan High-tech Zone

Family Education Awareness Week | Let's feel the journey of love and companionship of "Hemei • Ten Thousand Homes~".

The Women's Federation of Xinzhan High-tech Zone organized more than 50 teenagers and children from Xinghuayuan Primary School to watch the province's excellent audio-visual film "Sparks in the Plain", carried out patriotic oil painting DIY activities, and visited the "Village History Museum" of Xinhua Village. Through the joint construction activities of schools and communities, we will further promote and cultivate the patriotic spirit of children in the jurisdiction, so that the fine traditional virtues can be passed on from generation to generation.

Family Education Awareness Week | Let's feel the journey of love and companionship of "Hemei • Ten Thousand Homes~".

Anchao Economic Development Zone

Family Education Awareness Week | Let's feel the journey of love and companionship of "Hemei • Ten Thousand Homes~".

The Women's Federation of Lisi Village, Anchao Economic Development Zone, carried out a theme activity to commemorate the International Day of Families and Mother's Day, and invited two representatives of model families to share their experiences and insights in family education and family style, children's education, etc. At the same time, we will carry out legal publicity lectures on "sending the law to the grassroots", and conduct in-depth analysis and interpretation of laws and regulations such as the "Anti-Domestic Violence Law", "Family Education Promotion Law", and "Law on the Protection of Minors".

Women's federations at all levels in the city

Review|Zhou Jing Editor|Chen Jing Editor|Wang Zhiwei

Women's Rights Protection Public Service Hotline: 12338 Family Education Public Welfare Consultation Hotline: 62612338

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