
@三八红旗手 (collective), come and apply for the exclusive "studio" →

author:Hefei women
@三八红旗手 (collective), come and apply for the exclusive "studio" →
@三八红旗手 (collective), come and apply for the exclusive "studio" →

Hefei 38 Red Flag Hand Studio

Social recruitment

38 Red Flag Bearer

38 Red Flag Collective

@三八红旗手 (collective), come and apply for the exclusive "studio" →

In order to implement Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, and thoroughly study and implement General Secretary Xi Jinping's important expositions on the work of women, children and women's federations, the Anhui Provincial Women's Federation has promoted the construction of the 38 Red Banner Bearers Studio in the province. Strengthen the ties between the party and the government and the masses of women.

In order to give full play to the positive role of the 38 Red Flag Bearers (collective) in leading, serving and connecting the women, the Hefei Women's Federation will continue to promote the construction of the 38 Red Banner Bearers (Collective) Studio, and from now on, a group of Hefei 38 Red Banner Bearers (Collective) Studios will be solicited from the society.

@三八红旗手 (collective), come and apply for the exclusive "studio" →

Hefei 38 Red Flag Hand (Collective) Studio

Hefei 38 Red Flag Bearer (Collective) Studio is a working team composed of national, provincial and municipal 38 Red Flag Bearers (pacesetters) as the leader or a working team composed of national, provincial and municipal 38 Red Flag Collectives as the main members, with a fixed position, service projects and work teams, which can be based on their posts, give full play to their own resource advantages, and provide diversified services for women, children and families.

The main task


Based on learning, we should play a leading role in ideology and politics

Take Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, especially General Secretary Xi Jinping's important expositions on the work of women, children, and women's federations, as the general program, general compliance, and general guidelines, carry out women's hearts to lead the party's actions, deepen the "women's great learning" and "women's propaganda", and organize and carry out propaganda activities on a regular basis, publicize the party's good voice, spread the core values of socialism, transmit positive social energy, and lead the majority of women to unswervingly listen to the party and follow the party.


Take the work as the first and play a pioneering and exemplary role

Based on their own responsibilities and functions, participate in a series of actions for women's meritorious service, the "Family Happiness and Health Project", etc., be a good pioneer, do a good job of demonstration, play the role of "passing, helping, and leading", regularly carry out learning exchanges, skills training, etc., summarize and promote advanced work methods and experience, lead the majority of women to make contributions to their posts, become talents in their posts, and contribute to high-quality development.


People-oriented, play the role of connecting women

Strengthen zero-distance contact and face-to-face communication with women, participate in women's volunteer services, strive to be "caring mothers" for left-behind children and children in difficulty, one-to-one or many-to-one, provide volunteer services such as life care and academic counseling, carry out public welfare publicity, legal consultation, psychological counseling and other activities, strive to create characteristic projects and work brands, convey humanistic care in providing services for women, children and families, and do practical things that can be felt and reached for women, children and families.

Declaration conditions


Someone does the work

In order to win the municipal level above the 38 red flag hand (collective) honor of advanced individuals or advanced collective representatives as the leader, can organize the willingness to serve and a certain ability to serve the personnel to form a work team, team members consciously carry forward the "four self" spirit and civilization of the new style, dedication, excellence, unity and cooperation.


There is a venue for the event

There is a relatively fixed activity venue, or can strive for support, provide relatively fixed activity venues, basic equipment and facilities for the construction of the studio, and constantly improve the hardware and software facilities configuration and management system to ensure that the studio carries out regular activities and operates in an orderly manner.


The service is regulated

Combined with the actual site, in the eye-catching position of the careful design and production of the propaganda column, the content of the propaganda column to achieve four: there is the women's federation logo, there is the 38 red flag hand (collective) studio work card, there is the 38 red flag hand (collective) team introduction (including name, photo, deeds profile), there is a work system, service content and other displays.

Relevant requirements for submission of materials


Electronic submission of materials

2. The application materials contain 1,500 words of detailed deeds (introducing the personnel composition, position construction, work plan, and management system of the studio), as well as the activities that have been carried out and are planned to be carried out;

3. 3 recent color work photos (jpg format) of the studio to be declared, and short videos can be provided at the same time.


Paper version of the materials to be submitted

After the electronic materials are approved, the staff will contact you to submit the paper materials of the declaration form of Hefei 38 Hongqi Studio, which will be printed on the front and back of A4 paper, in duplicate, and stamped with the official seal.



All national, provincial and municipal 38 Red Flag Bearers (pacesetters) who meet the declaration conditions, and national, provincial and municipal 38 Red Flag collectives can apply for Hefei 38 Red Banner Bearers Studio through socialized recommendation channels, and there is no quota limit for registration. After qualification review, publicity, approval and other procedures, Hefei 38 Red Flag Studio was named and awarded.

Mailing address: Room 1017, Block A, Municipal Affairs Center, No. 100, Dongliu, Hefei Municipal District

Contact number: 0551-63537686

E-mail: [email protected]


Contributed by the Propaganda Network Department of the Municipal Women's Federation

Review|Zhou Jing Editor|Chen Jing Editor|Li Mengru


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