
Shen Huiqing and Wang Ruilei: On Fan Zuyu's "Imperial Studies" and the Emperor's Education in the Song Dynasty

Shen Huiqing and Wang Ruilei: On Fan Zuyu's "Imperial Studies" and the Emperor's Education in the Song Dynasty

The Song Dynasty was an important period in the development of the monarchist system in ancient China. On the one hand, Zhao Kuangyin, Taizu of the Song Dynasty, said that the emperor passed a series of reforms to weaken the military power, restrict the power of the minister, and restrict the state and county officials, which greatly strengthened the emperor's power; On the other hand, the emperors of the Song Dynasty strengthened their interaction with Wenchen scholars when they restricted the power of military generals and exercised state power. Song Taizu also personally said: "National affairs are all born to your scholars." As a result, the scholars and doctors of the Song Dynasty generally had a strong sense of distress and the spirit of joining the WTO, and "governing the world together" became a common ideal of the scholars. It is precisely because of the "cultural rule" characteristics of the emperors of the Song Dynasty and the close relationship between the emperor and the scholars that the emperor's education in the Song Dynasty also has outstanding characteristics. According to the "Later Han Shu Zhiyun Biography", "Hou Lingyun awarded the crown prince "Han Poems", and served in the palace", it can be seen that since the Han Dynasty, there have been "waiter" officials appear, and the emperor read Confucian classics such as "poems" and "books", but the word "Jing Feast" appeared in the Northern Song Dynasty. By lecturing the Confucian classics for the emperor, the scholars and scholars who served as the banquet attendants expounded their views on the emperor's personal cultivation, political strategy, and statecraft, which influenced the emperor's decision-making to a certain extent and became an important link between the emperor and the scholars. Song Dynasty historian Fan Zuyu from the eighth year of Yuanfeng (1086) as Song Zhezong to speak, to Shaosheng three years (1095) was demoted, served as a banquet to lecture officials for nearly ten years, his book "Emperor Studies", a collection of ancient Chinese emperors' learning experience, especially pay attention to the Song Dynasty Renzong Dynasty feast system records, is an important model for the study of Song Dynasty emperor education. This paper explores the content, mode and significance of emperor education in the Song Dynasty through the study of Fan Zuyu's "Imperial Studies". I pray that scholars will correct the inaccuracies in the text.

Shen Huiqing and Wang Ruilei: On Fan Zuyu's "Imperial Studies" and the Emperor's Education in the Song Dynasty

Fan Zuyu's "Imperial Studies" I. Fan Zuyu's experience as an attendant official Fan Zuyu (1041-1098) was born in the second year of Kangding of Song Renzong, and his uncle and grandfather were Fan Zhen, a famous minister of the Northern Song Dynasty. In the eighth year of Jiayou (1063), he went to Bianliang in the capital with Fan Zhen, and soon after, Fan Zuyu entered the Shijia Branch at the age of 23. In the third year of the reign of Emperor Shenzong of the Song Dynasty (1070), Sima Guang organized the revision of the "Zizhi Tongjian", and Fan Zuyu was responsible for the writing of the Tang Dynasty part as one of the editors. In the eighth year of Yuanfeng (1086), Song Shenzong died, Zhezong succeeded to the throne, the Empress Dowager Xuanren came to the dynasty to weigh the system, Fan Zuyu presented the book "Tang Jian", which was appreciated by the Empress Dowager and promoted to the right Zhengyan. In August, he was relocated to the post of writer and lecturer of Zhezong, and since then he has begun his life as an "imperial teacher". In the third year of Yuanyou (1088), Fan Zuyu went to Zhezong in the "Persuasion of Learning", saying: "Your Majesty's learning today or not is the chaos of his day." If you are studious, then the gentlemen of the world are admired, and they are willing to stand in the court, and serve Your Majesty with a straight way, assist in virtue, and lead to peace; If you don't learn, the villain will move his heart, and he will be evil and steal wealth and wealth. Reminding the emperor of the necessity of "righteousness", he suggested that Zhezong resume his lectures and reopen the scriptures. In May of the fourth year of Yuanyou (1089), Lu Gongzhu died, Fan Zuyu paid homage to the right to advise the doctor, and once again went to the Empress Dowager Gao, on the necessity of the emperor's righteous self-cultivation, "The Empress Dowager begs the world to work hard, the people suffer, the ministers of the evil, and the gains and losses of political affairs, enlighten the heart, and know that it exists in the middle, so that the people on different days can not be confused, and the villain cannot enter." In July, Song Zhezong appointed Fan Zuyu, the minister of the right counsel, as the secretary and attendant of the Zhongshu House. In December, he entered "Moral Love and Body Sparseness" in Zhezong, and entered "The Empress Dowager Begging to Protect the Emperor's Holy Body", and advised Zhezong to be diligent in political affairs and governance, and to govern his heart and morality. In the first month of the fifth year of Yuanyou (1090), Fan Zuyu recommended Han Wei, Su Song, and Su Shi to give lectures at the scripture feast. In August of the same year, Fan Zuyu went to Zhezong for "Emperor Learning", hoping that Zhezong would take the virtuous and virtuous monarch of the previous dynasty as an example, devote himself to learning, govern the heart and clear the way, and eventually become a Ming monarch. In March of the seventh year of Yuanyou (1092), Fan Zuyu continued to speak to Zhezong, proposing five things: "fearing the sky", "loving the people", "Fengzong Temple", "studiousness" and "listening to advice", hoping that Zhezong would follow. In April, Wang Cunduan, Su Shi, Zhao Yanruo, Zheng Yong, Kong Wuzhong, Lu Xizhe, Lu Dalin and others were recommended to give lectures at the scripture feast. In December, he published six volumes of the "Renhuang Discipline" to Zhezong, hoping that he could follow Song Renzong as a model, imitate his ancestors, and cultivate virtue diligently. On September 3, the eighth year of Yuan You (1093), the Empress Dowager Xuanren died, and Song Zhezong personally led the state government and decided to restore the new law. With the further intensification of the party struggle in the Northern Song Dynasty, in the third year of Shaosheng (1095), Fan Zuyu was demoted to the deputy envoy of the Wu'an Army, and died in Huazhou (formerly known as Jiezhou, now Huazhou City, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region) in the autumn and October of the first year of Yuanfu, and died in a foreign land. Fan Zuyu has served for nearly ten years, and his important works are all closely related to the emperor's way of learning and politics. His book "Imperial Studies" is also an important source for the study of classical banquet education in the Song Dynasty. 2. The learning mode of the ancient Chinese emperors of the Song Dynasty scripture and feast system seen in the "Imperial Studies" is to read books, and second, to read scriptures by subordinates, and this latter activity is called servant lectures. Serving the ancients, Lu Jia of the Western Han Dynasty said "poems" and "books" for Han Gaozu, and eighteen scholars in the early Tang Dynasty lectured on the history of Tang Taizong, all of which belong to such activities. In the past, the Song Dynasty used ministers as attendants to explain the scriptures and meanings to the emperor, but there was no name for the scriptures. Until the Song Dynasty, the scholars who read and lectured and the scholars who read, lecture, and the storytellers of the Chongzheng Palace were collectively called the officials of the scriptures, so they were called the scriptures. "Imperial Studies" has an important historical value, because it preserves an important system of the Song Dynasty - the system of feasting and serving. There are two main aspects of holding a sutra feast: one is to "taste the scriptures" and explore the subtle meanings in the scriptures; The first is to "use the past to prove the present", that is, to learn from history and learn the lessons of feudal rule. Fan Zuyu was recommended by Sima Guang to preach for Song Zhezong in the first year of Yuanyou (1086), until the first year of Shaosheng (1093) when he was exiled due to party struggles, and served as a banquet official for nearly 8 years, so he was very familiar with this system. From the third volume to the eighth volume, "Imperial Studies" describes the process of reading the scriptures of the first six emperors of the Northern Song Dynasty, and has a detailed description of the officials and contents of the lectures, which also has important reference value for today's people to study the system of the Song Dynasty. "Imperial Studies" has a total of eight volumes, containing 32 emperors, including 6 emperors of the Song Dynasty, but accounting for the weight of six volumes, far exceeding the previous emperors. It can be seen from the record of "Emperor Studies" that in the early days of the founding of the Northern Song Dynasty, Song Taizu, Song Taizong and Song Zhenzong all had the activities of edict ministers to lecture and read scriptures, such as the three volumes of "Emperor Studies": Zhao Fu and Zhao Su lectured on "Zhou Yi" for Song Taizu, Lu Wenzhong lectured on the history of reading scriptures for Song Taizong, Sun Zheng and Li Zhi lectured on "Shangshu" for Song Taizong, and Xing Yu and Sun Zheng lectured on scriptures and righteousness for Song Zhenzong. However, there are few entries in the book, and the emperor's learning activities are still mainly based on his own study of scriptures, and the lectures have not been customized, and there is no such thing as a "scripture feast". Since the beginning of the Song Dynasty, there has been a significant increase in the number of attendant lectures, and the fourth to sixth volumes of "Imperial Studies" are all records of Renzong's learning activities, which is the heaviest in the whole book, of which the records about attendant lectures account for the vast majority. The word "Jing Feast" in the official history appeared at this time, and the "History of the Song Dynasty" volume 12 "Renzong Benji IV" contains: "(The first year of Zhihe, 1054 AD) August Bingwu, with Liu Xin Tongzhongshu Men Ping Zhangshi, Jixian Hall University Scholar. Ordered to repair the living quarters, note the officials, serve the scriptures, and feast. "The record of the "Jing Feast" in the "Continuation of the Capital and Governance of Tongjian" also began in the Song Renzong Dynasty, the second year of Renzong Tiansheng (1026), March Ding You, "The Empress Dowager told the ministers: 'It is more beneficial to choose Confucian ministers to lecture and read. 'Zaichen has righteousness because of the words and works of the Ministry of Labor, and Ma Zongyuan has the scriptures, so he can enter the scripture feast." This point is also roughly consistent with the record in "Emperor Studies". "Emperor Xue" volume 4 "Emperor Renzong Shang" records that in the first year of Qianxing (1022), in December Jiachen, Renzong "summoned the auxiliary ministers to the Chongzheng Hall and the West Hall of the Guansun Zheng to preach the Analects, and the Emperor Qinshu Tang Dynasty poems were given to them", and then explained that "since it is, every time the auxiliary ministers are summoned to the scripture feast, most of them are given by the imperial book", which shows that in the early years of Song Renzong, the scripture banquet system has gradually formed. In addition, "Imperial Studies" also records the appearance of the important lecturer of the Song Dynasty scripture banquet - the position of storyteller in the Chongzheng Palace. This is an important attendant of the Song Dynasty scripture feast, the first year of Song Renzong Jingyou (1034), the palm of the emperor to talk about the history of the book, explain the meaning of the scriptures, and prepare consultants. Those with profound academic knowledge are lecturers and scholars, and those with lower official rank and less seniority are storytellers. After the Song Dynasty, it was abolished. Volume 4 of "Imperial Studies" contains: "In the first month of the first year of Jingyou, Ding Hai, the official of Shangshudu, Jia Changchao, the official of Shangshu, Zhao Xiyan, the member of Shangshu Tuntian, Zhao Xiyan, Dr. Taichang, the Chongwen Academy, reviewed Wang Zongdao, and Dr. Guozi Yang Anguo, and told stories for the Chongzheng Palace. Fan Zuyu has repeatedly recommended officials to the post of storyteller in the Chongzheng Palace. 3. The ideological content of "Imperial Studies" with "governing the heart" as the core Under the conditions of feudal autocracy, the stability of the country is often tied to the Son of Heaven alone, and his decision-making has the influence of "affecting the whole body". Fan Zuyu pointed out in his book "Tang Jian" that the emperor's wrong behaviors such as "killing ministers, bewitching female favorites, being extremely extravagant, seeking longevity, and pleasing and auspicious" eventually led to national turmoil, mainly due to "some drowning in his heart", so "governing the heart" was particularly important to the emperor. "People can be the first to be right, and there are no reckless people in the sea? It is the first king who will correct his heart and cultivate his body, and the world will be self-governing." The core content of "Imperial Studies" is to hope that the emperor will achieve the goal of "governing the heart" by studying Confucian classics. Fan Zuyu once quoted a passage from "The Book of Rites and Music" to present Song Zhezong: Etiquette and music must not go to the body, and happiness is used to cure the heart, and the heart of Yi Zhizi will be born. Yi Zhizi's heart is happy, happy is safe, peace is long, long is heaven, heaven is God, heaven is self-evident, and God is not angry and mighty. To those who are happy to heal their hearts. And then commented: The ancient gentlemen passed on the words of the ancestors, the foundation of etiquette and music and was created in the subtlety of morality, the ancestors of Confucius's disciples told it, and it was also said that the university was sincere and righteous to govern the country together. This scholar should be dedicated to the attention of the king, and the minister should dare to offer it. From the above, it can be seen that Fan Zuyu regarded "governing the heart" as the foundation of the emperor's Anbang state, and his emphasis on moral character was far higher than that of the ministers of the Northern Song Dynasty. "Healing the mind" is so important, and the only way to achieve this goal is through acquired learning. Fan Zuyu attaches great importance to the "emperor's learning", Yuan You four years, Fan Zuyu had been on the "Book of Virtue and Love", exhorting Zhezong to study hard, cultivating the heart and virtue, Yuan You seven years in February, to Zhezong, to advise him to fear the sky, love the people, Fengzong Temple, studious, listen to advice, and enter the "Emperor Renzong's Political Code", exhorting Zhezong to follow Renzong's example, "sincere and studious". Not only that, but he also repeatedly emphasized this truth in the book "Imperial Studies". The learning process recorded in the "Imperial Studies" from the legendary Three Emperors and Five Emperors to the first five emperors of the Song Dynasty is also a concentrated exposition of Fan Zuyu's cultivation of the emperor's mind. In the first volume of "Imperial Studies", after recording Shun Weixue's experience, Fan Zuyu made a more comprehensive exposition of his views on the study of emperors: the study of emperors is called a university. "The Book of Rites" says: "The way of the university is in Mingmingde, in being close to the people, and in stopping at perfection." "Knowing and then there is certainty, determination and then being quiet, being quiet and then being able to be peaceful, being safe and then being able to consider, and then being able to get it. Those who want to be clear and virtuous in the world will rule the country first; Those who want to rule their country must first gather their families; Those who want to gather their families must first cultivate their bodies; Those who want to cultivate their bodies must first correct their hearts; Those who want to correct their hearts must first be sincere; If you want to be sincere, you should know it first. Enlightenment is in Gewu. Character and then know, know and then sincerity, sincerity and then heart, heart and then body cultivation, body cultivation and then family Qi, family Qi and then national governance, national governance and then the world is peaceful. Therefore, scholars are so "knowledgeable, sincere, righteous, self-cultivation, family, governance, and virtue in the world", Yao Shun's way is also. Fan Zuyu quoted the "Book of Rites and the University" to explain the emperor's way of learning, and the "University" was originally one of the "Rites", since the Tang Dynasty Han Yu, Li Ao and others regarded the "University" and "The Mean" as the same important "scriptures" as "Mencius" and "I Ching", and gradually were valued by scholars. Fan Zuyu attaches great importance to "University" because it values the principle that it connects "righteousness" and "governing the country and leveling the world" inside and outside. Fan Zuyu also entered the story of "Emperor Zhao of the Han Dynasty selected virtuous and virtuous" in Song Zhezong, and then expounded the purpose and method of learning for ancient emperors, especially the importance of "teacher": so they all chose the world's duan scholar filial piety and erudition to learn Taoism, and went in and out of the prince's residence with auxiliary wings, so the prince was born to see the right thing, hear the right words, do the right way, and the left and right front and back are righteous people. and the prince is young, then he enters the school and learns etiquette...... The gift of three generations, the Son of Heaven in the spring and the sunrise in the autumn and the evening and the moon, so there is respect. In the spring and autumn school, he sat on the old sauce and gave it back, so there was filial piety. In the line of Luanhe, in the step of picking Qi, tend to be in the summer, so there is a degree of brightness. It is a beast, and it can't bear to see its death when it sees its life, and it can't bear to eat its meat when it hears its voice, so it is far away from cooking, so it is long and benevolent. Mingtang is said to be benevolent and studious, more heard and cautious, the Son of Heaven is suspicious to ask, and the question is answered, and the poor are called the way. In the ensuing discussion, Fan Zuyu elaborated on the different powers and responsibilities of the Son of Heaven in more nuance. The monarch improved his personal cultivation mainly by the words and deeds of the "Duanshi", and the "teacher" played a non-negligible role in the process of the emperor's study. In "Imperial Studies", Fan Zuyu once described in detail the activities of the banquet and service in the Northern Song Dynasty, and gave high praise to the style of respecting teachers and respecting Taoism. For example, in the fourth volume of "Renzong", Fan Zuyu gave a very vivid example: the emperor is a royal scripture feast, and he uses the image frame to plan extroversion so that the courtiers can read it. At the end of the Heavenly Sage, Sun Zhengnian was faint or gloomy, and he was outside the pavilion. Every time he talks about the chaos of the monarch and the death of the country in the previous life, he will repeatedly satirize, the emperor will not be in the book, and the emperor will listen to it. When the book is not on the map, the emperor is in the reading pavilion. Sun Zheng was 70 years old when he served as Song Renzong's banquet attendant, Renzong was still a child under 10 years old at the time, Sun Zheng was not perfunctory or obsequious, and Renzong had a positive learning attitude and respected the teacher, this kind of harmonious interaction between teachers and students, deeply appreciated by Fan Zuyu. "Emperor Learning" has eight volumes, and Renzong's deeds have three volumes, which is not only due to Renzong's respect for the emperor, but more importantly, Fan Zuyu is very appreciative of Renzong's "lifelong learning" attitude, which is also an important example of his persuasion to Zhezong during the Song Zhezong's feast. At the end of "Emperor Studies" "Under Renzong", he once said to Zhezong: Emperor Renzong reigned for forty-two years, took Yao Shun as his teacher, treated Confucian ministers as guests and friends, lectured in Erying, and traveled to the holy way, and never tired of his life. It is a word and a move, benevolence and the four seas, such as the fortune of heaven on the top and all things are born on the bottom, and its origin is also due to learning...... I hope that Your Majesty wants Fa Yao Shun only Fa Renzong, and Fa Renzong can be up to heaven. In the fifth year of Yuan You, Fan Zuyu served as Song Zhezong's attendant to talk about "Emperor Learning" in Zhezong, when Song Zhezong Zhao Xu was only 13 years old, Fan Zuyu put his expectations for his family and country in the world, all pinned on this young emperor, he was dedicated to persuasion, and it was precisely in the hope that Zhezong could "constitutionalize the way in the three emperors, the virtue in the five emperors, the track in the three generations, the law in the ancestors, the group of saints, the body is healthy and endless, then the four seas are in Taihe, and there is an eternal view of ten thousand years." Fourth, the influence of "Emperor Studies" Although "Emperor Studies" has an obvious purpose of persuasion, as a student of Fan Zuyu, Song Zhezong himself did not attach special importance to this book. Especially since the death of the Empress Dowager Xuanren in the eighth year of Yuan You, Song Zhezong began to be pro-government, Fan Zuyu, as an important member of the anti-reform faction, was gradually excluded from the core of the regime, and his writings were abandoned by Song Zhezong along with his political thoughts. At the same time, compared with Fan Zuyu's other historical work "Tang Jian", the influence of "Emperor Studies" in the Northern Song Dynasty is much smaller, which may be related to its lack of publication and small circulation, according to the preface of "Emperor Studies", the first publication of "Emperor Studies" was in the 14th year of Ningzong Jiading in the Southern Song Dynasty (1221), nearly 130 years later than "Tang Jian", and "abandoning the imperial palace for a year" hindered its circulation. However, in the long run, the influence of "Emperor Studies" seems to be greater than that of "Tang Jian". As mentioned above, scholars after the Southern Song Dynasty paid more attention to the Tang Jian than on the records such as "Zhongzong was in Fangling", and paid more attention to the praise and disapproval contained in the Tang Jian than its historiographical value. "Emperor Studies" is different, from the perspective of reading classification, Chao Gongwu's "Jun Zhai Reading Journal", "Song History, Art and Literature Chronicles" and "Siku Quanshu" are all classified under the "sub-department and Confucianism", but "Emperor Studies" can also be seen in the "History Department and History Banknotes" of "Song History and Art and Literature Chronicles", which also reflects the complexity of the content of "Emperor Studies": "Emperor Studies" contains up to Fuxi, down to Song Shenzong, but the content of the record is single, all about the process of the emperor's "study" to "govern the heart", and more records of the Song Dynasty and the two emperors of the Song Dynasty and the gods to learn from the experience, Therefore, not only Confucian scholars attached great importance to it, but also the emperor who lived in the temple also appreciated it, and many works imitating it appeared. Because of its direct face to the cultivation of the emperor's "heart", "Imperial Studies" has become the emperor's "textbook" valued by future generations. In his book "Lectures on Memorabilia of the Song Dynasty", Lu Zhong proposed: "However, this dynasty takes family learning as the family law, so the descendants of the family law start from their own learning." This Fan Zuyu's book "Emperor Learning" says that I have been in peace for 130 years, which is different from the Han Gaozu, and the ancestors are not easy to learn. This discussion is full of the characteristics of the Song people, and grasps the ideological core of "Imperial Studies". As mentioned in Chapter 2, Fan Zuyu attaches great importance to the "ancestral family law", which is not only reflected in the Tang Jian, but also in several articles of the Emperor's Studies. "Emperor Studies" lists the stories of the previous emperors for learning, which accounted for only one-third before the Song Dynasty, and the focus was on "family studies of this dynasty". The era in which Lü Zhong lived was the late Southern Song Dynasty of the Song Dynasty, the debate of "gentleman and villain" was popular in the court, and the emperor's mental cultivation became the focus of attention of the courtiers again. For the Southern Song Dynasty, which was already on the eve of its demise, Lu Zhong's argument seemed too pedantic and rigid, and it was out of date, but for feudal China, which pursued "long-term peace and stability", "Imperial Studies" linked family studies and family laws with the political affairs of the national dynasty by "persuading the people" to "govern the heart", and then achieved the purpose of "governing the Tao", whether it was for the ministers or the Son of Heaven, it was very attractive, therefore, the Ming and Qing dynasties, the importance of "Imperial Studies" has increased unabated. In the existing Ming Dynasty official Luo Lun's palace test countermeasures in the second year of Chenghua (1466), Luo Lun answered the question of "the outline of the emperor's country", and took "Emperor Learning" as an example, "I think that since ancient times, there are few daily rules and many chaotic daily lives, and the reason is inferred, and the master does not learn", from which it is concluded that "the great position in the world will lead to the great rule of the world; To the great rule of the world, it will be the foundation of the world; is the foundation of the world, must be the university of the world". Luo Lun's remarks are another way of saying "enlightenment, sincerity, righteousness, self-cultivation, family harmony, governing the country, and leveling the world", which is exactly the same as the "emperor's learning" praised by Fan Zuyu in "Imperial Studies". Not only did the courtiers vigorously advocate "Imperial Learning", but later emperors also attached great importance to it. Zhu Qiyu of the Ming Dynasty issued 50 volumes of "Junjian" to the ministers in the fifth year of Jingtai (1454), of which seven volumes are dedicated to the words and deeds of the emperors before Chenghua in the Ming Dynasty, which is very similar to "Emperor Studies". Subsequently, Zhang Juzheng, an important minister of the Ming Dynasty, and others compiled the "Emperor Jian Illustrated Narrative", "taking the name of Tang Taizong's words from the ancients", as a book of enlightenment for the Wanli Emperor. The book selects the good laws that can be emulated since Yao Shun, the 81 things of good government, and the 36 things that can be used as a warning for the young emperor to learn from the illustrated illustrations of the bad government and failures. These works can be regarded as the afterglow of the influence of "Imperial Studies". After entering the Qing Dynasty, the Qing Dynasty greatly promoted sinicization and Confucianism, and as the emperor's textbook of orthodox Confucianism, "Imperial Studies" received more attention. In the two important bibliography of the early Qing Dynasty, the "King James Tianlu Linlang Bibliography" and the "Summary of the Siku Quanshu", it was highly praised. "King James Tianlu Linlang Bibliography" said that it "from Mi Xi to the Song Dynasty, where the emperor is engaged in learning, and the teacher should be brilliantly listed, which is really a golden book for thousands of years", and the "Summary of the Four Libraries of the Whole Book" also praised Fan Zuyu: "The words are concise and clear, and they are worthy of what Shi Chen said." Although Zhezong was confused by the party's theory, he could not fully use Zu Yu's theory, and finally changed the initial government, and the country was confused. And Zu Yu's loyalty and love, worried to prevent the slightest thought, looking at the book, thousands of years will still see. "Imperial Studies" is also deeply valued by the emperor because of the principle of "self-cultivation and virtue" contained in it. Qianlong himself is quite fond of it, not only stamped in front of the book "Ji Gu Youwen Chapter" and "Qianlong Chenhan" two seals, but also inscribed the imperial poem, praising its "Yuan Yu into the book of hard work, catch Jiading and reprint, Xinzi Zu Yuyun compiled, no different from the nine years of Jin Jian to see." Studying and seeking teachers to follow the rituals, self-cultivation and political performance, knowing the deeds of the people, and playing with the ancient view". About author:Shen Huiqing, Ph.D. in History, Lecturer at the School of History, Hebei University, with a research focus on the history of Chinese historiography; Wang Ruilei is a lecturer in the Department of History of Baoding University and a Ph.D. in the Department of History. Text// from the Journal of Baoding University 2012 03 issue.

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