
Stew white fungus soup, remember not to stew it directly! Keep in mind 4 o'clock and take 20 minutes to get out of the gel, the soup will be more viscous

author:Longnan Wudu released

Source: About the things we eat and drink

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Stew white fungus soup, remember not to stew it directly! Keep in mind 4 o'clock and take 20 minutes to get out of the gel, the soup will be more viscous

The weather is getting hotter, and eating a little greasy food will make you feel uncomfortable, so it is best to eat some light and refreshing food, such as white fungus soup, which can not only relieve oiliness, but also moisturize the skin, especially the elderly and women should eat it often, which is very beneficial. It is recommended that you always have some white fungus at home, and you can eat it every three or five times.

Stew white fungus soup, remember not to stew it directly! Keep in mind 4 o'clock and take 20 minutes to get out of the gel, the soup will be more viscous

When it comes to white fungus soup, many people like to drink it, but they just don't like to stew it themselves, for example, I used to spend money to buy it outside every day than do it myself. Do you do this all the time?

I believe that people don't like to stew white fungus soup by themselves, most of them not because they are lazy, but mainly because they can't stew well. Sometimes after simmering for an hour or two, the white fungus is still not soft and glutinous, and the soup is not sticky, which is very unpleasant. What the hell is going on, many people are puzzled.

In fact, stewed white fungus soup is not just a matter of adding water to boiling white fungus, if you want to make delicious white fungus soup, you need to master skills. Tell everyone, stew white fungus soup, remember not to stew it directly! Also keep in mind 4 tips, white fungus out of the gel in 20 minutes, and the soup is more viscous and delicious.

Stew white fungus soup, remember not to stew it directly! Keep in mind 4 o'clock and take 20 minutes to get out of the gel, the soup will be more viscous

Next, I will first share with you the detailed method of stewing white fungus soup, come and learn from me.

【Stewed white fungus soup】

Prepare dried white fungus, water, rock sugar, red dates, and wolfberries.

1. Put a dried white fungus into a large bowl, add water, the amount of water that can not exceed the white fungus, completely wet the white fungus, and then put the root side down, soak for two or three hours, until the white fungus is completely soaked.

Stew white fungus soup, remember not to stew it directly! Keep in mind 4 o'clock and take 20 minutes to get out of the gel, the soup will be more viscous

2. Take out the soaked white fungus, remove the pedicle at the bottom, and then tear it by hand, or you can cut it with scissors.

3. Add an appropriate amount of water to the casserole, cover the lid, turn up the heat and bring to a boil, or you can pour hot water directly into the pot and boil over high heat.

4. Pour in the crushed white fungus and stir a few times, then cover the lid and simmer over high heat for five minutes.

5. After five minutes, turn off the heat, continue to cover the lid and simmer for 10 minutes.

Stew white fungus soup, remember not to stew it directly! Keep in mind 4 o'clock and take 20 minutes to get out of the gel, the soup will be more viscous

6. When the time is up, put the rock sugar and red dates in it, and then turn up the heat and simmer for five minutes, so that the white fungus soup is ready. If you like the softer taste of red dates, you can add red dates at the beginning and cook them with white fungus.

7. Finally, add the wolfberries and simmer for two minutes, then you can put them out and let them dry until they are warm and eaten. If you don't like goji berries, you can skip this step. If you like a richer taste, you can prepare ingredients such as lilies and lotus seeds in advance.

Stew white fungus soup, remember not to stew it directly! Keep in mind 4 o'clock and take 20 minutes to get out of the gel, the soup will be more viscous

In fact, it is not so difficult to cook white fungus soup, in addition to remembering that white fungus should not be boiled directly in the pot, you must also master the following 4 tips, and the white fungus soup can be cooked quickly and well.

(1) It is best to soak the white fungus for two or three hours, because it is easier to cook the gum quickly when it is completely soaked, and the taste is better, soft and sticky.

(2) It is best to cut and cook the white fungus before cooking, which can speed up the glue and produce a large amount of glue.

(3) Tremella is best stewed in hot water, which can make the tremella soften quickly and cook a thick white fungus soup.

(4) It is best to simmer for a while during the stew of white fungus soup, and do not keep the fire on and stew. This saves time and allows for a more viscous stew.

Stew white fungus soup, remember not to stew it directly! Keep in mind 4 o'clock and take 20 minutes to get out of the gel, the soup will be more viscous

Have you learned the methods and tricks of stewing white fungus soup? If you do it, not only will the white fungus be soft and glutinous, but the soup will be fragrant and thick! Welcome to leave a message to discuss, if you think the article is useful to you, please give me a favorite, like, comment, forward, follow, so that more people can see it, let everyone learn together, thank you for your support to me, we will see you next time!

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