
In May, you must eat this "ginseng in water", which is fresher than spring bamboo shoots, fresh and tender in season, and often eats whitening skin care

author:Rice Xiaoqi

In May, at the turn of the Spring Festival, there are many seasonal ingredients that can be eaten. At this time, many of the seasonal vegetables in spring are already in the end, and the seasonal vegetables in summer are just on the market. We all know that summer is the season to eat melons, and vegetables such as loofahs and cucumbers are all seasonal vegetables. In addition to melons and vegetables, the summer is hot and rainy, which is also very suitable for the growth of some vegetables in the water, such as water spinach and water chestnut.

In May, you must eat this "ginseng in water", which is fresher than spring bamboo shoots, fresh and tender in season, and often eats whitening skin care

In May, you must eat this "water ginseng", which is fresher than spring bamboo shoots, fresh and tender in season, and can also whiten and skin care if you eat it often. This dish is actually a white squirt, and it is harvested twice a year, once in May and June, and once in autumn around October. So now is the season for the white to go on the market, and it's fresh and tender, so don't miss it.

In May, you must eat this "ginseng in water", which is fresher than spring bamboo shoots, fresh and tender in season, and often eats whitening skin care

Just in the spring, the spring bamboo shoots are on the market, and the white is just connected, and its taste is fresher than the spring bamboo shoots, and the taste is crisp and tender, which is particularly delicious. In addition to the advantage of being delicious, the nutritional value is also its advantage. It mainly contains protein, vitamin B complex, vitamin E, carrots and minerals. Rich in protein and a variety of amino acids, it makes the taste of the white water very delicious. At the same time, the bean alcohol contained in the white can inhibit the production of melanin, thus having the effect of whitening skin care.

In May, you must eat this "ginseng in water", which is fresher than spring bamboo shoots, fresh and tender in season, and often eats whitening skin care

Here's a delicious way to make it: braised in oil

Ingredients: white callus, onion and garlic.

Seasoning: soy sauce, oyster sauce, sugar, starch, cooking oil.

In May, you must eat this "ginseng in water", which is fresher than spring bamboo shoots, fresh and tender in season, and often eats whitening skin care

1. After peeling the shell, cut off the older part of the root, and cut off the rough part of the surface, which will not affect the taste. Also, when choosing a white callus, be sure to let the boss pick it up and choose the color that looks very white. If the color is yellow, so the taste is old. Finally, wash the white water and cut it into hob pieces, then cut some green onions and garlic for later use.

In May, you must eat this "ginseng in water", which is fresher than spring bamboo shoots, fresh and tender in season, and often eats whitening skin care

2. Heat the lard in the pot, then put in the white callus, turn to medium heat and stir-fry for a while, fry until the surface of the white is slightly browned, then add green onion and garlic to fry until fragrant, stir-fry for about 2 minutes.

In May, you must eat this "ginseng in water", which is fresher than spring bamboo shoots, fresh and tender in season, and often eats whitening skin care

3. Then pour in 2 tablespoons of soy sauce, 1 tablespoon of oyster sauce and a little sugar to enhance freshness, and stir-fry until the brown is white.

In May, you must eat this "ginseng in water", which is fresher than spring bamboo shoots, fresh and tender in season, and often eats whitening skin care

4. Add an appropriate amount of water, cover the lid and simmer for a while to make the white water more flavorful. Then pour in the water starch to thicken the soup and thicken it.

In May, you must eat this "ginseng in water", which is fresher than spring bamboo shoots, fresh and tender in season, and often eats whitening skin care

5. Finally, reduce the juice on high heat, sprinkle some chopped green onions and stir-fry evenly.

In May, you must eat this "ginseng in water", which is fresher than spring bamboo shoots, fresh and tender in season, and often eats whitening skin care

In this way, it is really more fragrant than meat, crisp and tender taste, stewed in oil and particularly flavorful, and the rich sauce makes it feel like eating meat.


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