
Health education, parent-child games, handicraft ...... Many families in Jinshan have benefited from this

author:i Gold Mountain
Health education, parent-child games, handicraft ...... Many families in Jinshan have benefited from this

This afternoon, with the theme of "Building a Childbirth-Friendly Society and Promoting High-quality Development of the Population", the "5.15 International Day of Families" Shanghai Branch Activities, "5.29 Member Activity Day" and the 9th "Love My Baby, Healthy Family" Healthy Baby Scientific Parenting Guidance Activity was held in the Jinshan District Cultural Center, advocating the whole society to pay attention to the construction of healthy families, build a childbirth-friendly society, and promote the long-term balanced development of the population through health education, on-site interaction, expert interviews and other forms.

Health education, parent-child games, handicraft ...... Many families in Jinshan have benefited from this

At the event site, there were areas such as health education, parent-child games, handicrafts, etc., as well as a display area of excellent works of "creative family parent-child painting", among which Van Gogh Planet, Kusama Yayoi Polka Dot World, Polka Dot Carnival and other colorful handicraft experience activities attracted many parents and children to participate.

Health education, parent-child games, handicraft ...... Many families in Jinshan have benefited from this

Child Chen Zhixu:

I thought it was fun and fun to participate in this event with my mom today.

Citizen Xu Jing:

I learned about this activity through the WeChat public account, because my children like to draw, and I happened to see such an activity, so I wanted to try it with my children. The whole activity was very enjoyable, and it also made the relationship between our parents and children more harmonious.

Health education, parent-child games, handicraft ...... Many families in Jinshan have benefited from this

The site also launched the childbirth-friendly publicity month and the "good life, health first" - a series of activities for the construction of healthy families, commended the excellent cases of "healthy home, excellent education" and "healthy home, taste" of the China Family Planning Association, and carried out expert interviews.

Health education, parent-child games, handicraft ...... Many families in Jinshan have benefited from this

Zhang Tianyang, Deputy Director of the District Population and Family Development Guidance Center:

This year, on the basis of previous parent-child activities, we have added the collection of parent-child works and the competition of online answers. We hope to expand the coverage of our activities through online and offline joint promotion, so that more families can benefit from the activities.

Next, the eugenics and parenting work in Jinshan District will focus on healthy families, actively coordinate the health resources of the whole region, create a professional, socialized and standardized eugenics and eugenics service position, improve the level of eugenics and eugenics services, build a childbirth-friendly society, support family fertility and parenting, and further promote the health and happiness of families and the long-term balanced development of the population.

Lu Taohong, deputy director of the Shanghai Municipal Health Commission, Zhang Meixing, executive vice president of the Shanghai Family Planning Association, and Cao Jie, deputy head of the Jinshan District People's Government, attended the event.

Reporter | Lv Yao, Ni Yanqing

Correspondents | Yao Jialing

Photography | Wang Peiyong

Edit | Weng Yu

Editor-in-charge | Pantene He Xiaoyan

Health education, parent-child games, handicraft ...... Many families in Jinshan have benefited from this

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