
Li Bin, Yu Chengdong, Wei Jianjun, Li Robin, and Yin Tongyue have gone down one after another, and the live broadcast of the car circle boss has become the norm?

author:Sport Alvin 0V5

The rise of live streaming marketing for car company executives

In recent years, with the rapid development of the new energy vehicle industry, more and more executives of car companies have begun to try the new model of live broadcast marketing. As industry leaders, they personally went live to show the core functions of their models, such as intelligent driving and battery aviation, hoping to attract consumers' attention and purchases.

This livestream marketing trend can be traced back to 2021, when Li Bin, the founder and CEO of NIO, drove NIO in a live broadcast to test its autonomous driving assistance system. Although the live broadcast effect was mediocre at the time, Li Bin's attempt set a precedent for later live broadcast marketing for executives.

Li Bin, Yu Chengdong, Wei Jianjun, Li Robin, and Yin Tongyue have gone down one after another, and the live broadcast of the car circle boss has become the norm?

Subsequently, more and more executives of car companies began to follow suit and joined the tide of live broadcast marketing. In 2022, Yu Chengdong, CEO of Huawei Device Co., Ltd., demonstrated the automatic parking function of Huawei cars in a live broadcast, attracting the attention of a large number of netizens. In 2023, Xia Yiping, CEO of Jihu Motors, also tested the intelligent driving system of Jihu Alpha S in the live broadcast.

In the past year, this kind of executive live marketing practice has become the norm. In March 2024, Wei Jianjun, chairman of Great Wall Motors, drove a Haval car in a live broadcast to test the performance of its intelligent driving system. In April, Baidu's chairman and CEO Robin Li also demonstrated its self-driving car capabilities in a live broadcast. In May, Yin Tongyue, president of Chery Automobile, tested the battery mileage of its new energy models in a live broadcast.

Li Bin, Yu Chengdong, Wei Jianjun, Li Robin, and Yin Tongyue have gone down one after another, and the live broadcast of the car circle boss has become the norm?

It can be seen that whether it is the pioneer of the new car movement or the established enterprises of traditional car companies, their executives are actively embracing the new model of live broadcast marketing, hoping to enhance brand awareness and influence.

Reasons for live stream marketing

Why do auto executives favor live streaming marketing so much? Fundamentally, there are three main reasons:

The new energy vehicle industry is highly competitive, and car companies are eager to get more traffic and attention. And the live broadcast of the executives in person is undoubtedly more eye-catching than asking for celebrity endorsements. The fact that the boss of a business worth tens of billions of dollars is personally in battle will inevitably arouse strong public interest.

Li Bin, Yu Chengdong, Wei Jianjun, Li Robin, and Yin Tongyue have gone down one after another, and the live broadcast of the car circle boss has become the norm?

As an emerging thing, ordinary consumers do not have a deep understanding of new energy vehicles. The live broadcast of executives can not only show the core functions of the vehicle such as intelligent driving and aviation, but also interpret these new technologies in popular science to help consumers deepen their cognition.

Intelligent driving and battery life have always been hot topics in the field of new energy vehicles, but there are also many controversies and questions. The executive's personal test is undoubtedly more credible than corporate publicity. Consumers believe that the boss who is worth tens of billions of dollars has personally experienced that the performance of the product should be trustworthy.

Li Bin, Yu Chengdong, Wei Jianjun, Li Robin, and Yin Tongyue have gone down one after another, and the live broadcast of the car circle boss has become the norm?

Executive live streaming can also answer users' questions and interact more directly with consumers, thereby enhancing the company's people-friendly image. Executive live streaming marketing can not only attract attention and popular science knowledge, but also enhance credibility and brand image.

Pros and cons of live streaming marketing

Despite the many advantages of executive live marketing, it's not perfect. We can't avoid some of the drawbacks of this marketing model:

The biggest problem is that, after all, executives' time and energy are limited. If you insist on live streaming marketing for a long time, it will inevitably affect their normal work. The development and operation of the enterprise is the core responsibility of senior executives, and if a lot of time is spent on live marketing, it is inevitable that they will neglect their duties.

Li Bin, Yu Chengdong, Wei Jianjun, Li Robin, and Yin Tongyue have gone down one after another, and the live broadcast of the car circle boss has become the norm?

There is also a view that executive live streaming marketing is only a short-term traffic tool, and it is difficult to become a long-term marketing strategy. Once the novelty has passed, it is likely to lose its appeal. At that time, companies will also need to find new ways to market.

Judging from the current situation, it seems that there is more positive significance of executive live marketing. It opens up a new avenue of marketing, adding new life to traditional advertising campaigns and celebrity endorsements.

Executive live marketing is essentially an executive using his or her own credibility to endorse the company's products, which is a spur and supervision for the company. If there is a major problem with the product, the executive's personal reputation will also be seriously damaged. Therefore, the live broadcast marketing of executives has virtually prompted enterprises to pay more attention to product quality.

Li Bin, Yu Chengdong, Wei Jianjun, Li Robin, and Yin Tongyue have gone down one after another, and the live broadcast of the car circle boss has become the norm?

As an innovative marketing model, the benefits of executive live streaming marketing outweigh the disadvantages. As long as it grasps the right measure, follows the principle of moderation, and forms a synergy with other marketing methods, it can bring considerable benefits to the enterprise.

In recent years, live streaming marketing products for executives of car companies has become a new trend, mainly to attract traffic, popularize scientific knowledge, and increase credibility. Although there are some drawbacks to this approach, such as limited time for senior executives and difficulty in sticking to it for a long time, it is generally more positive and conducive to opening up new marketing channels and enhancing brand image.

Li Bin, Yu Chengdong, Wei Jianjun, Li Robin, and Yin Tongyue have gone down one after another, and the live broadcast of the car circle boss has become the norm?

In the future, the boom of live streaming marketing for executives will continue for some time. However, car companies also need to keep pace with the times, constantly innovate marketing models, and form a synergy with live broadcast marketing in order to truly win the favor of consumers. After all, in this rapidly changing era, only innovation is the eternal vitality of an enterprise.

Li Bin, Yu Chengdong, Wei Jianjun, Li Robin, and Yin Tongyue have gone down one after another, and the live broadcast of the car circle boss has become the norm?

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