
Cialis will have a net loss of 2.45 billion yuan in 2023! The financial performance is mainly supported by the Wenjie brand!

author:Early in the morning to talk about technology

Cialis loses and loses, who knows who tastes this taste!

In 2023, it can be described as a "mixed blessing" for Cialis.

On the one hand, the revenue reached 35.84 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 5.09%, which benefited from the hot sales of AITO Wenjie series models.

On the other hand, the net loss was as high as 2.45 billion yuan, and the loss was 4.817 billion yuan after deducting non-profits! Is Cialis burning money? Or are you "betting" on the future?

What is the secret behind the huge losses?

As we all know, the AITO Wenjie brand jointly created by Cialis and Huawei has been highly sought after since its launch.

Cialis will have a net loss of 2.45 billion yuan in 2023! The financial performance is mainly supported by the Wenjie brand!

Last year, the brand contributed the vast majority of Cialis's revenue.

According to data, the sales of new energy vehicles in 2023 will be 150,900, a year-on-year increase of 11.75%.

Especially in the fourth quarter, sales reached 82,700 units, a quarter-on-quarter increase of 253.08%!

Looking at such a dazzling sales performance, why is the net profit still negative? According to the financial report, there are two main reasons: first, the high R&D investment of new models such as M7 and M9 has led to high R&D expenses and labor costs; Second, in order to promote sales growth, Cialis has spent a lot of money on channel construction and marketing.

It can be said that the current huge losses are the strength of Cialis for the future explosion.

Short-term pains in exchange for long-term dividends, this wave of operation is wonderful!

Cialis will have a net loss of 2.45 billion yuan in 2023! The financial performance is mainly supported by the Wenjie brand!

Admittedly, Cialis's financial data last year was not pretty, but there is no need to be too pessimistic.

Judging from the data of the fourth quarter alone, the revenue was 19.162 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 74.49%, a quarter-on-quarter increase of 239.28%, and the net loss also narrowed to 156 million yuan.

Combined with the profit of 220 million yuan in the first quarter of this year, the inflection point of turning losses into profits has appeared.

It is foreseeable that with the continuous increase of new models and the gradual emergence of scale effects, there is a high probability that Cialis will get rid of the haze of losses in the future and enter the track of healthy development.

Smart investors can naturally see that short-term pains are in exchange for long-term dividends.

Just like a marathon, the starting stage consumes the most energy, but as long as you persevere, the finish line is ahead! Cialis is currently in the throes of transformation and upgrading, and once the closed loop of "from A to A" is opened in the future, its profitability will be greatly released.

Cialis will have a net loss of 2.45 billion yuan in 2023! The financial performance is mainly supported by the Wenjie brand!

Lose a little now in order to earn more in the future!

The "marriage" of Huawei Cialis has achieved initial results, and the prospects are promising!

Looking at the development of Cialis in 2023, in fact, the most noteworthy point is that the cooperation with Huawei has begun to appear.

As Huawei's first "test field" in the field of smart cars, the AITO brand is being accepted and recognized by the market.

This is due to the close cooperation between the two sides, from product planning to marketing promotion, from supply chain control to user service, all-round efforts and collaborative operations, and jointly carry out "intelligent electric" to the end.

It can be said that Huawei, the world's top technology giant, is giving Cialis wings to take off with its strong technical strength and resource endowment.

Cialis will have a net loss of 2.45 billion yuan in 2023! The financial performance is mainly supported by the Wenjie brand!

In the face of the surging wave of intelligence, the two forces undoubtedly have the potential to overtake in corners.

is like a martial arts master Huashan on the sword, with Huawei's "plug-in", Cialis will definitely be able to emerge in the "rivers and lakes" of smart cars, which will make all the "masters" look sideways!

Conclusion: Don't judge heroes by success or failure, look at success or failure for two or three years.

Although the painful period of Celis's transformation into intelligent electrification is difficult, as long as the direction is right and the goal is clear, the future is still promising.

The key is to be patient, take one step at a time, and don't shake your original intention because of immediate interests.

Huawei's strong foreign aid makes the prospect of Cialis even more imaginative.

Cialis will have a net loss of 2.45 billion yuan in 2023! The financial performance is mainly supported by the Wenjie brand!

Looking forward to more sparks for this pair of "CP", work together and forge ahead! Let's wait and see.

What do you think about this? Feel free to interact with me in the comment section!

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