
Former richest woman in China showdown with the country? Country Garden broke out in the middle of the night! Huge losses in half a year!


Overnight, a deafening "thunder" caused an uproar in the real estate circle. Yang Huiyan, the once hot real estate queen, sent a desperate distress signal to the country in the middle of the night, announcing that Country Garden, which she is at the helm, is expected to suffer a huge loss of 45 billion to 55 billion yuan. This is undoubtedly enough news to shock the entire industry, and it also triggers people to think deeply about this once glamorous real estate giant.

Former richest woman in China showdown with the country? Country Garden broke out in the middle of the night! Huge losses in half a year!

Yang Huiyan, a once radiant strong woman, what kind of difficult turn has she experienced? How did Country Garden go from an industry leader to a "big loss-maker"? What kind of inside story and story is hidden behind this? Let's uncover the inside story of this industry that shook the entire industry.

1. From the peak to the trough, why did Country Garden fall

Former richest woman in China showdown with the country? Country Garden broke out in the middle of the night! Huge losses in half a year!

Looking back at Country Garden's development history, it is not difficult to find that this company was once a leading enterprise in China's real estate industry. Under the leadership of Yang Huiyan, Country Garden has become one of the largest real estate developers in China with its excellent management capabilities and innovative business model.

In the past ten years, Country Garden has rapidly expanded its territory with its strong financial strength and unique business philosophy, and has become a benchmark enterprise in China's real estate industry. The company continues to expand its business scope, from a single real estate development, and gradually extends to property services, hotel operations, education and other fields, forming a relatively complete industrial chain layout.

Former richest woman in China showdown with the country? Country Garden broke out in the middle of the night! Huge losses in half a year!

At the same time, Country Garden also attaches great importance to the shaping of brand image. Through large-scale advertising investment and continuous product innovation, the company has successfully created "Country Garden", a well-known real estate brand. In the minds of many consumers, this brand has become closely associated with exquisite and high-quality residential products, and has become a benchmark in the industry.

It is with these unique advantages that Country Garden has been able to stand out in the fierce market competition and has been ranked first in the sales scale of domestic real estate developers for many consecutive years. Its founder, Yang Huiyan, also became the richest man in China with this performance and became the real estate queen admired by everyone.

Former richest woman in China showdown with the country? Country Garden broke out in the middle of the night! Huge losses in half a year!

However, the good times were short-lived. With the continuous regulation of the real estate market by the state, it has led to a huge loss of 45 billion to 55 billion yuan.

It is not difficult to find that this is the price of Country Garden's rapid expansion. Over the past few years, the company has rapidly increased its market share through large-scale land banking and project development. But at the same time, it also exposed some hidden dangers within the company.

Former richest woman in China showdown with the country? Country Garden broke out in the middle of the night! Huge losses in half a year!

It can be said that this is a microcosm of Country Garden's journey from peak to trough. used to be beautiful, but now it has become a "big loss". This is undoubtedly a sad story and raises concerns about the company's prospects.

2. Yang Huiyan's desperate situation: asking for support from the state

In this turmoil, Yang Huiyan, the helmsman of Country Garden, has also become the focus of attention. As the former richest woman in China, she single-handedly founded and led Country Garden to glory, but now she has to go to the state for support and assistance.

Former richest woman in China showdown with the country? Country Garden broke out in the middle of the night! Huge losses in half a year!

Yang Huiyan has undoubtedly experienced a difficult turning point. As a successful female entrepreneur, she once led Country Garden to sweep the world in the real estate industry and became the real estate queen admired by everyone. But now, in the face of sudden losses, she has to seek support from the government. This unprecedented desperate situation undoubtedly tested her wisdom and determination.

Former richest woman in China showdown with the country? Country Garden broke out in the middle of the night! Huge losses in half a year!

This undoubtedly reflects Yang Huiyan's anxiety and helplessness about the company's future prospects. As a responsible entrepreneur, she clearly wants to be able to turn the company around on her own. But in the face of such huge losses, she was obviously powerless and had to seek support from external forces.

Yang Huiyan's move also reflects the current difficulties faced by the real estate industry. In the context of policy regulation and drastic changes in the market environment, many real estate companies have fallen into operational difficulties and urgently need the support and help of the government. As an industry giant, Country Garden's predicament undoubtedly highlights the severity of this problem.

Former richest woman in China showdown with the country? Country Garden broke out in the middle of the night! Huge losses in half a year!

At this critical moment, whether Yang Huiyan can lead Country Garden out of the predicament and regain its past glory has also aroused widespread attention and speculation. After all, this is undoubtedly a huge challenge and test for a former real estate queen.

3. Warning for the entire real estate industry

This time, Country Garden's "late-night thunder" undoubtedly sounded the alarm for the entire real estate industry.

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