
Can't eat more celery if you have a bad liver? The doctor reminded: If you don't want to suffer from cirrhosis, don't be greedy for 4 things

author:Zhang Xuejun, a cardiologist

Did you know that, according to a previous statistic conducted by the mainland, it shows:

• Today, the number of liver disease patients in mainland China has reached more than 300 million, including more than 7 million patients with liver cirrhosis.

For many patients with liver disease, it seems that they have heard of the saying "you can't eat celery if you have a bad liver", so then again, is this conclusion credible? If you don't want to suffer from cirrhosis, what should you pay attention to in your diet?

Can't eat more celery if you have a bad liver? The doctor reminded: If you don't want to suffer from cirrhosis, don't be greedy for 4 things

1. Can people with a bad liver eat celery? Listen to what the doctor has to say

As a common green vegetable in our daily life, celery contains relatively high content of protein, carotene, vitamins and fiber.

Among them, as far as fiber is concerned, after the human body ingests an appropriate amount of celery, it can effectively promote the peristalsis of the gastrointestinal tract, improve the digestive ability of the body, and thus promote the body's bowel movements, and this link is of certain benefit to people with bad liver.

Because the liver is a relatively large metabolic organ in our human body, patients with a bad liver may have abnormal metabolism in the body, which will affect the secretion of bile, so that the duodenum, small intestine and other organs will be affected to a certain extent, resulting in the peristalsis of the gastrointestinal tract slowing down, and it is easy for patients to have constipation.

Can't eat more celery if you have a bad liver? The doctor reminded: If you don't want to suffer from cirrhosis, don't be greedy for 4 things

Constipation, in turn, can cause damage to the liver:

First of all, constipation will cause ammonia and other toxins and harmful substances to accumulate in the intestines, and after intestinal absorption, they will enter the bloodstream through the intestinal wall, increasing the burden on the liver in the process of blood circulation.

Secondly, constipation is very likely to cause fat accumulation in the body, and when the toxins in the body cannot be effectively discharged, it is very likely to induce fatty liver, hepatitis and other diseases, and for patients who already have chronic liver disease, it may aggravate the condition.

A moderate intake of celery can avoid these abnormalities to a certain extent, and the vitamins, minerals and other components contained in celery can also play a certain protective role in liver function.

Therefore, people with a bad liver, that is, patients with slight damage to liver function, can eat celery in moderation. However, for people who already suffer from cirrhosis, celery should be taboo.

Can't eat more celery if you have a bad liver? The doctor reminded: If you don't want to suffer from cirrhosis, don't be greedy for 4 things


The so-called cirrhosis of the liver is a chronic liver disease in which the fibrous tissue proliferates after a large amount of necrosis of liver cells, which destroys its structure, and most patients with cirrhosis have a common problem: esophageal and gastric varices.

To put it simply, this condition is caused by fibrosis, regeneration nodules and other lesions in the liver, which causes the blood vessels of the liver to be distorted, so that blood cannot flow smoothly into the liver, and at the same time, stasis forms in the portal vein, and the pressure in the vein continues to rise.

Eventually, it may lead to dilation of collateral circulation, including the [esophageal and gastric fundus veins] belonging to the digestive system, and we look at celery, although it contains more fiber, but it is basically crude fiber, that is to say, the texture of celery is relatively rough and "hard".

Can't eat more celery if you have a bad liver? The doctor reminded: If you don't want to suffer from cirrhosis, don't be greedy for 4 things

If people with cirrhosis regularly consume celery, it is likely to cause gastrointestinal bleeding, and in addition, the blood clotting function of patients with cirrhosis may be impaired, which is very likely to aggravate bleeding symptoms, and in severe cases, it may be life-threatening.

Therefore, for groups with bad liver, whether they can eat celery or not depends on their own situation, if the liver is only slightly damaged, it can be ingested in moderation, but for patients who have developed liver cirrhosis and other diseases, try to avoid celery.

And if you want to avoid cirrhosis, you must not be "gluttonous" with the following foods.

Can't eat more celery if you have a bad liver? The doctor reminded: If you don't want to suffer from cirrhosis, don't be greedy for 4 things

2. If you don't want to suffer from cirrhosis, try to touch the following 3 things as little as possible

1. Preserved foods

Pickled foods contain a large amount of nitrate, which will combine with hemoglobin in the blood after entering the human body to produce a certain concentration of nitrosamines. In this regard, we would like to remind everyone that any part of this process will cause damage to the liver.

First of all, nitrates and other substances in pickled foods need to be metabolized by the liver, and if they are consumed for a long time, they are likely to increase the burden on the liver, and then cause certain damage to liver function.

Secondly, after the hemoglobin in the blood is combined with nitrate, it will lead to insufficient blood supply to the liver, which can easily lead to the inactivation of liver cells due to long-term lack of adequate nutrient supply.

In addition, the nitrosamines produced by the combination of the two are first-class carcinogens, and under the combined action of these factors, a large number of necrosis may occur in liver cells, increasing the risk of liver cirrhosis.

Can't eat more celery if you have a bad liver? The doctor reminded: If you don't want to suffer from cirrhosis, don't be greedy for 4 things

2. Wine

After ingesting alcohol, the human body needs the liver to metabolize, and in this process, alcohol is broken down and produces acetaldehyde, which has strong oxidizing properties.

This substance will deplete glutathione in liver cells, which has detoxifying and antioxidant properties, destroy liver cells, impairing liver function, and increasing the risk of alcoholic hepatitis and other diseases.

If liver cells are damaged for a long time, they are very likely to develop severe cirrhosis.

Can't eat more celery if you have a bad liver? The doctor reminded: If you don't want to suffer from cirrhosis, don't be greedy for 4 things

3. Animal offal

Many people like to eat animal offal, such as pig liver, pig kidney, etc., although they are nutritious, but they also contain a lot of cholesterol and fat, too much intake of these substances may lead to excessive fat accumulation in the liver, forming fatty liver.

In addition, animal liver also contains high cholesterol, if consumed in large quantities for a long time, it may lead to an increase in body fat and cholesterol, thereby increasing the risk of obesity, hyperlipidemia, and other diseases.

These diseases, although not directly cause cirrhosis, may increase the burden on the liver and affect the health of the liver, for example, if this fatty liver is not treated and controlled in time, it will gradually develop into cirrhosis, therefore, we should eat animal offal in moderation and do not overeat.

However, we still have to say that we all know that the main causes of liver cirrhosis include hepatitis B virus infection, long-term alcoholism, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, etc., although these causes are not directly related to the intake of animal liver, you can eat appropriately, but you should also pay attention to risk factors to maintain physical health.

Can't eat more celery if you have a bad liver? The doctor reminded: If you don't want to suffer from cirrhosis, don't be greedy for 4 things

4. High-calorie foods

The high-calorie foods mentioned here contain high cholesterol and fat, and these substances will cause the body's bad cholesterol levels to rise at the same time, affect the metabolism of body fat, thus laying a hidden danger for fatty liver.

And animal internal organs contain certain toxins, if used for a long time, these harmful substances will form a accumulation in the human body, and then affect the normal function of the liver, over time, it is very likely to develop into a large number of liver cells necrosis and produce liver cirrhosis of regenerative nodules.

There are also fried foods, such as fried chicken, which are delicious but also contain a lot of fat and calories.

After these fats and calories enter the human body, it will not only lead to obesity and cardiovascular diseases, but also increase the burden on the liver, so we should also try to eat less fried food and choose more light and healthy food.

When it comes to high-calorie foods, many people will also think of "high-sugar foods".

It is true that foods with high sugar content can also cause damage to the liver, but according to a previous study conducted abroad, even the intake of "sugary" foods will increase the risk of liver disease in the human body, what is going on?

Can't eat more celery if you have a bad liver? The doctor reminded: If you don't want to suffer from cirrhosis, don't be greedy for 4 things

3. Studies have shown that even drinking 1 sugary drink a day may increase the risk of liver disease?

According to a study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, a team of researchers from Harvard Medical School and other institutions in the United States has confirmed the relationship between "sugary drinks and liver disease" through experiments:

The research team selected more than 90,000 postmenopausal women aged between 50 and 79 years old as the subjects, and after understanding their intake of sugar-sweetened beverages through questionnaires, they were divided into three groups: "never drink or < 3 cups per month", "1-6 cups per week", and "≥ 1 cup per day", and began a follow-up survey with an average duration of 21 years.

During this time, the researchers recorded the subjects' liver disease and deaths due to liver disease, and conducted a comprehensive analysis of all the data, which ultimately found that:

The group that "≥ 1 cup per day (about 355ml per cup)" had an 85% increased risk of liver cancer and a 68% increased risk of death from chronic liver disease compared to the group that "never drank or < 3 cups per month".

Therefore, the research team said that even drinking 1 cup of 355ml sugary drink a day will increase your risk of liver disease.

Can't eat more celery if you have a bad liver? The doctor reminded: If you don't want to suffer from cirrhosis, don't be greedy for 4 things

Seeing this, some readers will inevitably ask, what exactly is the sugary drink involved in the experiment?

The so-called sugary drinks, simply put, contain more than 5% of the sugar artificially added to the drink, such as various carbonated drinks, milk tea, and various energy drinks.

The reason why it can induce a series of liver diseases is that after the human body consumes this sugary drink, the sugar will be further converted into fat, and it is easy to form accumulation in the body, and excess fat is likely to lead to an increase in blood lipids.

As an important metabolic organ of the human body, the liver is mainly responsible for the metabolism of blood lipids. To put it bluntly, when the amount of fat in the body increases, the burden on the liver also increases.

Can't eat more celery if you have a bad liver? The doctor reminded: If you don't want to suffer from cirrhosis, don't be greedy for 4 things

In this way, not only will the normal function of the liver be impaired, but it is also likely to cause fat to accumulate in the liver, increase the risk of fatty liver disease, and further damage liver function. In this regard, we must understand that liver function impairment is a long-term pathological change, and in severe cases, it is easy to develop into chronic liver disease such as cirrhosis.

Secondly, after the intake of sugary drinks, the human body will cause blood sugar to rise in a short period of time, which can easily make the body's metabolism disordered, coupled with artificially added sugar, it is easy to change the intestinal flora, and intestinal flora imbalance is also a potential factor leading to liver cirrhosis.

Therefore, under the combined influence of many aspects, the liver is vulnerable to various diseases.

Therefore, doctors here advise everyone that if you want to avoid various chronic liver diseases such as cirrhosis, and even major diseases such as liver cancer, staying away from sugary drinks is also a key that cannot be ignored.

Can't eat more celery if you have a bad liver? The doctor reminded: If you don't want to suffer from cirrhosis, don't be greedy for 4 things


[1] Sugar-sweetened and artificially sweetened beverages are associated with the risk of cancer and chronic liver disease mortality . Journal of the American Medical Association

[2] Patients with cirrhosis pay more attention to their diet. Family Medicine

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