
15 ways for girls to take care of themselves (recommended collection)

author:Xiao Zhang, who lives every day

Girls want beautiful skin and beautiful mood.

Skin-care is better than all luxuries, and a well-maintained mood is the best skin care product.

15 ways for girls to take care of themselves (recommended collection)

1. The easiest way to maintain is to rest early. Usually stay up late, staying up late can be very harmful, not only will it affect the skin, such as panda eyes, dull skin aging, but also make metabolism low, destroy endocrine, and make the whole in a sub-healthy state.

After writing this article, Xiao Zhang is going to rest, friends should rest early after reading this article, remind yourself to rest early every day, and slowly develop the habit of resting early.

2. Good habits to raise people, eat regularly and lightly every day, drink 2~3 liters of water every day to promote metabolism, do not stay up late, do not go to bed late.

3. Proper exercise to nourish people, exercise at least 3~4 days a week, exercise once a day on average, at least half an hour each time, slightly sweating, skin condition will get better.

15 ways for girls to take care of themselves (recommended collection)

4. Healthy food nourishes,

(1) You can eat more fruits and vegetables, such as broccoli, onions, bitter gourd, green leafy vegetables, tomatoes, tomatoes, kiwifruit, apples, bananas, etc.

(2) You can usually eat more foods that replenish qi and blood, such as beans, liver, yams, etc., as well as red dates and wolfberries to make tea.

5. Take good skin care and take care of your skin, poor skin tone is an important sign of aging, dull complexion, yellowish complexion, dehydrated and loose skin, swollen eye bags, dark circles, this series of problems will make your skin dull.

6. Skin care and skin care, rest early every day, insist on resting before 11 o'clock, do not have less water and milk before going to bed, choose appropriate anti-aging essences, creams, eye creams, and apply masks when you have time.

15 ways for girls to take care of themselves (recommended collection)

7. Don't be stingy to spend time and money on your face and body, every inch of time and every inch of gold, every inch of skin and every inch of gold.

8. Practice yoga to relieve stress, improve the flexibility of the body, relax the mood, and have less pressure in a person's heart, and life will be comfortable.

9. Insist on soaking your feet to relieve fatigue, dispel dampness, and soak your feet before going to bed to eliminate fatigue and sleep.

10. A good mood nourishes people, greet the new day with a happy face every day, smile, the face is also vibrant, smile, and the mood is also sunny.

11. Happiness in life is to take care of yourself, live a comfortable life, your face is nourished, and your natural complexion is ruddy and shiny.

12. Appropriately lower expectations. Whatever you do, it doesn't matter what you want, even if the result isn't what you want.

15 ways for girls to take care of themselves (recommended collection)

13. Less anger, less sighing, less sad face, when the face on your face has a little bitter look, a little sad look, you will find that the whole person's face is not very good-looking.

14. Less anxiety, less internal friction, a good attitude is the best way to maintain, put the mentality flat, see everything open, think through, let go, then, no matter how big things will become smaller, small things are in a good mood, and they are getting better and better.

15. Maintaining your mood is to take care of yourself, and women who often lose their temper will accelerate skin aging, acne, aunt delay, hair loss, insomnia, endocrine disorders, and will lead to various diseases. From today onwards, go to sleep with a good mood and have a pleasant mood in the morning, and the whole person will be in a different state.

15 ways for girls to take care of themselves (recommended collection)

Take care of yourself, start today, start with good habits, start with a good mood, start with a good attitude.

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