
Steamed egg custard, just remember 3 tips, no matter whether it is cold or hot water, there are no holes, smooth as a mirror!

author:Three-point moment

Egg custard is not only a home-cooked delicacy with great taste and taste, but also a nutritious and healthy choice. Each bite of the creamy custard is packed with high-quality protein that's easy to digest and absorb, making it perfect for all ages, especially children and the elderly. Eggs are rich in vitamins A, D, and E, as well as a range of B vitamins, which are essential for the proper functioning of the body.

Steamed egg custard, just remember 3 tips, no matter whether it is cold or hot water, there are no holes, smooth as a mirror!

A small amount of water is usually added to the egg custard, which not only helps to absorb the protein better, but also makes the final taste more delicate and smooth. In addition, the dish's low fat and proper calorie content make it a regular on the diet menu. Eating egg custard in moderation can effectively supplement the core nutrients needed daily while ensuring that you do not consume too many calories.

Steamed egg custard, just remember 3 tips, no matter whether it is cold or hot water, there are no holes, smooth as a mirror!

In terms of health care, egg custard also has the effect of strengthening the immune system, improving skin health and promoting brain development. It is easy to prepare and eat, and the addition of accessories such as chopped green onions, shrimp or light condiments can be adjusted according to personal taste, which not only enriches the flavor, but also enhances the nutritional value.

Steamed egg custard, just remember 3 tips, no matter whether it is cold or hot water, there are no holes, smooth as a mirror!

But don't underestimate this seemingly simple bowl of steamed eggs, its production is exquisite. Many people may encounter the problem that the surface of the steamed egg custard is full of holes, and the taste is rough and unsmooth, which actually greatly affects the enjoyment. Doing it right will ensure that your custard is both beautiful and delicious.

Steamed egg custard, just remember 3 tips, no matter whether it is cold or hot water, there are no holes, smooth as a mirror!

Next, I'm going to share some of the most inconspicuous but crucial tips that will make it easy to make the perfect egg custard that's both smooth and delicate. Whether you start steaming with cold or hot water, these tips will guarantee your success and make your steamed custard win your family's admiration every time.

Tip 1: Egg wash ratio

Steamed egg custard, just remember 3 tips, no matter whether it is cold or hot water, there are no holes, smooth as a mirror!

To make a smooth egg custard, it's important to know the right ratio of egg mixture. The ideal ratio is usually one part egg to three parts water, which ensures that the custard is soft enough without being too diluted. When stirring the egg mixture, use chopsticks to gently make a circular motion to avoid stirring too vigorously and bringing in too much air, which can reduce the bubbles generated during steaming and maintain the smooth texture of the egg custard.

Tip 2: Sift and sit

Steamed egg custard, just remember 3 tips, no matter whether it is cold or hot water, there are no holes, smooth as a mirror!

Screening egg wash is a simple but often overlooked step. Straining the egg through a fine-mesh sieve removes the egg whites and yolk fragments that are not sufficiently beaten, as well as most of the air bubbles. After screening, let the egg wash sit for about five to ten minutes, which will allow the remaining small bubbles to float and burst. This process helps to further ensure that the steamed egg custard has a smooth and flawless surface.

Tip 3: Steaming skills

Steamed egg custard, just remember 3 tips, no matter whether it is cold or hot water, there are no holes, smooth as a mirror!

Water temperature management when steaming egg custard is extremely critical. Steaming with cold water will make the custard more delicate, as slow heating will give the egg enough time to heat evenly and avoid the rapid solidification of the surface and the formation of holes. Whether you start with cold or hot water, the steaming time should be strictly controlled, steam on a simmer for about 8 to 10 minutes, then turn off the heat and let the residual heat work for a few more minutes. This avoids overcooking and keeps the custard tender and moist.

Steamed egg custard, just remember 3 tips, no matter whether it is cold or hot water, there are no holes, smooth as a mirror!

Once you've mastered these three key tips, you'll be able to make the perfect egg custard that's as smooth as a mirror and has no holes, whether you're steaming with cold or hot water. These tips are not only easy to learn, but they're also effective and can significantly improve your cooking. Remember, every step of the way, from blending the perfect ratio of egg mixture, to careful selection and resting, to the precisely controlled steaming process, is all about ensuring that the final product is beautiful and delicious. The next time you want to enjoy this classic and delicious home-cooked dish, remember to use these tips to ensure the best taste and appearance every time.

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