
Zong's tendons are soft, and wolfberry is a taste, nourishing water and essence, and skillfully relieving weakness

author:Dr. Andro Kodu of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Introduction~ Zong's tendons are soft, and wolfberries are delicious, nourishing aquatic essence, and skillfully relieving weakness

For the weak and sensitive sponge, I believe that many male friends who hurt sperm are no strangers. If there is such a problem, if the symptomatic treatment is coupled with the ability to recover itself, the disease will gradually get better and return to a normal life. However, Chinese medicine is a relatively open discipline, and each doctor has a different view on the same disease, so the final result is not the same, and many people are not right, so there is no reason to persevere, and the disease will naturally not be good.

Zong's tendons are soft, and wolfberry is a taste, nourishing water and essence, and skillfully relieving weakness

For the sensitive and weak corpora cavernosa, we often think that it is the result of the fire failure, just like a car that can't be ignited, or it will turn off immediately after running for a while, in short, it can't last for a certain time. The result of the fire decay of the life gate is that our invisible yang energy is excessively lost along with the visible essence. Therefore, we need to greatly replenish yang energy, accompanied by the fire of the life-raising gate.

Zong's tendons are soft, and wolfberry is a taste, nourishing water and essence, and skillfully relieving weakness

Many people will say that I went to the hospital and had my kidneys checked, and the indicators are normal, and the doctor said that I am not sick because of psychological factors, what is the reason for this? Organic things that can be seen and touched can be checked, but functional things cannot be checked, such as kidney deficiency, such as abdominal distention, such as yang qi weakness, and what cannot be seen does not mean that it will not exist. So even if your kidneys are fine, it doesn't mean that your yang energy is not weak, after all, even if young people have a good foundation for injury to sperm, they are far from reaching the point of kidney failure. But if it is found that there is a problem with your kidneys, your yang energy must be weakened, because the invisible yang energy is attached to the visible organs.

Zong's tendons are soft, and wolfberry is a taste, nourishing water and essence, and skillfully relieving weakness

Mr. Liu, who is from Shanghai, is weak in his actions, and most of the situations cannot be completed, and he is also very anxious and irritable, and he has found a lot of partners because of this problem. Symptoms:

1. The strength of the sect is weak, and it is easy to defect

2. Cold hands and feet, fear of cold

3. God is tired and tired, and he is lazy and lazy

4. Soreness in the waist and knees, insomnia and dreams

5. Memory loss, easy to forget

6. The tongue is light, pale, and the pulse is weak

The tongue coating is as follows:

Zong's tendons are soft, and wolfberry is a taste, nourishing water and essence, and skillfully relieving weakness

Dialectic: Yang Qi is weak, and the fire is declining

Treatment: Greatly replenish yang qi and start a fire

Astragalus membranaceus, atractylodes atractylodes, yam, ginseng, mangrove meat, rehmannia, poria cocos, zexiao, danpi, hyssop, cinnamon, licorice, wolfberry. He was instructed to insist on a light diet, eat less sweets, big fish and meat, not to be too anxious and irritable, and not to live in illness and not to get out. After a period of conditioning, the memory is enhanced, the hands and feet are mild, and the sensitivity of the tendons is reduced.

Zong's tendons are soft, and wolfberry is a taste, nourishing water and essence, and skillfully relieving weakness

For such a disease needs to be solved bit by bit, one bite can not eat a big fat man, many people always want to make up for more and make up for the big supplement, but rush for quick success, and finally form twenty or thirty kinds of big squares, can not distinguish the monarch and the minister, the final result can be imagined.

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