
The Russian poet Pushkin, who dueled with people 30 times in his life, died at the age of 38 to defend the duel of love, the son of an emotionally rich nobleman, and the final duel

author:History of Crazy Clouds

When it comes to Russia, what can make us think of, in addition to the strong vodka, the tall Russian beauty, and the cold winter, the fierce style of the fighting nation is also impressive, especially in the Middle Ages, when their dignity and reputation are threatened, they always use the way of dueling to solve problems, and they do not agree with each other, even Pushkin, a great poet we are familiar with, is also a regular on the dueling field, in his short 38 years of life experience, It provoked and accepted as many as 30 duels.

So why did Pushkin, known as the "Sun of Russian Poetry", a great love poet with rich emotions, be so keen to resolve the contradictions between men by means of duels, and why did he die after being shot in the abdomen in the last duel?

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="32" >, the children of the aristocrats who are rich in emotion</h1>

As the founder of modern Russian literature, Pushkin, who lived only 38 years old, left behind immortal literary achievements for posterity, and in his works, love poems and novels accounted for the vast majority, which were inseparable from his amorous character and rich emotional experience.

The Russian poet Pushkin, who dueled with people 30 times in his life, died at the age of 38 to defend the duel of love, the son of an emotionally rich nobleman, and the final duel

(The great Russian poet Pushkin)

Pushkin was born in a Moscow aristocratic family in the era of the Russian Tsar, he grew up reading all kinds of love poems and novels, which made him full of yearning for beautiful love, and this spiritual pursuit has also become the source of inspiration for his creation, it can be said that his collection of love poems is basically a review of his rich emotional history.

However, the difference between Pushkin and ordinary amorous men is that he will express his yearning and pursuit of love, as well as feelings such as happiness, jealousy and mutual harm in love, in a poetic way, and resonate with everyone's heart.

Pushkin had a crush on the sister of a classmate when he was a student at the Imperial Village High School in St. Petersburg, when a woman named Bakunina often visited her brother at school, and her elegant conversation and versatile temperament made Pushkin fascinated as a teenager, but this was only his unrequited love, in 1815, at the age of 16, he wrote his first love poem "I Once Felt Happy" in his diary, and then wrote no less than 20 love poems for Bakunina.

After graduating from high school, Pushkin worked as a secretary at the Diplomatic Association in St. Petersburg, during which time he met many aristocratic youths who opposed the tsarist autocracy, and wrote many poems satirizing those in power, and finally in 1820 he was exiled to Odessa in southern Russia.

The Russian poet Pushkin, who dueled with people 30 times in his life, died at the age of 38 to defend the duel of love, the son of an emotionally rich nobleman, and the final duel

(Pushkin, whose emotional life is rich)

With his rise in the cultural world, Pushkin was placed in exile in Odessa, and The Duke of Vorontsov, who was also highly literate, not only did not suffer hardships, but also often went to the ducal residence and participated in the literary salons held by the Duchess.

In 1824, when rumors of An affair between Pushkin and the Duchess spread to women and children, Duke Vorontsov, who wore a green hat, was furious and imprisoned Pushkin in the village of Mikhalovsk, and it was during this period that he wrote the depression in his heart and the thought of the Duchess into the famous love poem "In order to miss you, I give everything".

However, this depression and longing did not last long, and after meeting the young girl Anna Petrovna Kane, Pushkin quickly fell in love with the most beautiful girl in the village and wrote "To Kane", which was in the top three of his love poems, which was widely sung in Russia after being composed and is still loved by people.

Second, the dueling madman who advocates dueling

Many people do not understand why Pushkin, as a famous poet and writer, would impulsively go to a duel for one or two insulting words, and eventually lose his life, in fact, in the Tsarist Period, dueling was the highest etiquette for settling disputes between men in Russian high society, and only the Tsarist nobles of equal status were eligible to hold duels, and Pushkin was famous for being keen on duels at that time.

The Russian poet Pushkin, who dueled with people 30 times in his life, died at the age of 38 to defend the duel of love, the son of an emotionally rich nobleman, and the final duel

(Duel between Russian nobles)

Pushkin's first duel was at the age of 17, at a dance party, because of the competition for the young girl Roshakova, he did not hesitate to challenge his uncle Hannibal, but with the intervention of the family, the challenge was finally lost.

In 1819, Pushkin wrote a poem mocking his friend Kissilbe, who was enraged and immediately took off his gloves and threw them at him, challenging him in a duel, after the duel began, Kissilbe took the lead in shooting, but did not hit him, and when it was his turn to shoot, he threw away his pistol and wanted to hug the other party, but Kisilbe still angrily rejected him and shouted to him: Shoot, coward. But in the end, Pushkin persuaded the other side, and the two reconciled.

In 1822, at a ball, duel over different pieces of music, Pushkin and the lieutenant colonel Stanov dueled, the officer first shot but did not shoot, and Pushkin let the bullet fly past the officer, and the duel ended.

In 1827, Pushkin rented a noble family in Moldova, and when a dispute arose with the landlord's family over trivial matters, an angry poet launched a duel on the spot, and in the end, both opened fire, but neither shot each other.

The Russian poet Pushkin, who dueled with people 30 times in his life, died at the age of 38 to defend the duel of love, the son of an emotionally rich nobleman, and the final duel

(Pushkin and Natalia)

In addition, the poet had more than twenty other duels, all of which were eventually canceled, and he experienced as many as 30 duels in his short 38-year life.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="63" > third, the final duel</h1>

In 1829, when Pushkin attended a ball in Moscow, he fell in love with Natalia, the first beauty of Russia at that time, but Natalia, who had many aristocratic suitors, including Tsar Nicholas I, had no interest in his humor and talent, and rejected his marriage proposal.

This greatly depressed Pushkin, who had always been proud of his love scene, and after repeated cold and perfunctory treatment, he returned to St. Petersburg discouraged and borrowed wine every day to pour sorrow. It was not until the summer of the following year, when the two met again at a dance, and after doing everything in their power to fully display his humor and literary talents, he gradually won the favor of the goddess and proposed successfully. Pushkin, who successfully embraced the beauty, and then had five children with his wife in six years, but the married life of the two was not happy, Natalia had no interest in literature, but only pursued a luxurious life and enjoyment, which made Pushkin soon in debt.

The Russian poet Pushkin, who dueled with people 30 times in his life, died at the age of 38 to defend the duel of love, the son of an emotionally rich nobleman, and the final duel

(Final Duel Object Dantes)

With the appearance of the first beauty, Natalia still has no shortage of suitors after marriage, among which Dantes, the son of the fallen nobleman from France, seriously undermined the tranquility of pushkin's family, and this seemingly strong and elegant lustful woman, who dated Natalia without scruples, making the whole Russian high society known.

Dantes's righteous father, the Dutch ambassador to Russia, Gecken, also wrote an anonymous letter signed "Green Hat Certificate" and sent it to Pushkin to humiliate him, so the poet, who was completely enraged, launched a duel challenge to Dantes, and the two sides agreed to leave Natalia if they failed.

At 4 p.m. on January 27, 1837, pushkin was in a dessert shop, after drinking the last cup of coffee of his life, accompanied by the witness of the duel, Danzas, and rode a sleigh to the small black river, where the sky was cloudy and cold, and unlike previous duels, it was a duel in the true sense of the word, and in the end, Dantes, who had won the first shot, hit Pushkin in the abdomen, and Pushkin, who fell to the ground, shot the other side in the arm.

The Russian poet Pushkin, who dueled with people 30 times in his life, died at the age of 38 to defend the duel of love, the son of an emotionally rich nobleman, and the final duel

(Pushkin shot in a duel)

After that, the witness Danzas pulled Pushkin back to his home in St. Petersburg, where he had lost too much blood, and the doctors decided to treat him conservatively, not to perform surgery, but to stop the bleeding with ice cubes and bandage, which made Pushkin feel unbearable pain.

In the early morning of the 28th, Pushkin's abdomen was swollen and his pulse was weak, he asked people to call his wife and children to the bed and say goodbye to them, after which his spirit improved for a while, but a day later, at 14:45 p.m. on the 29th, his injury worsened again, and he finally stopped breathing after spitting out a sentence "Life is over".

A hundred years after Pushkin's death, Kahirsky, an academician of the Soviet Medical Academy, believed that if the immediate operation could be performed, the bullet was removed, the broken intestines and muscles were sutured, and the wounds were treated with antibiotics to prevent infection, then the sun of Russian poetry should have continued to shine and would not have fallen.

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