
"Self-combing": The pain of a young girl who aspires not to marry for life, but accidentally falls in love with a woman in the Qinglou Building under the traditional concept of marriage

author:Speak up

There is such a group of women, in order to resist the unhappy marriage, they send their own hair to show that they will not marry for life. They are called "self-grooming women", and these women live in "aunt houses", supporting each other and taking care of each other.

In order to pay off the debt, Yi Huan's father sold her to the old man as a concubine. Desperate, Yi Huan resolutely threw himself into the ranks of self-combing.

"Self-combing": The pain of a young girl who aspires not to marry for life, but accidentally falls in love with a woman in the Qinglou Building under the traditional concept of marriage

Even though Yi Huan became a self-groomed woman, the father still forcibly broke in with someone and wanted to take his daughter away.

Her father dragged Yi Huan's hair braids and dragged her out, and Yi Huan took scissors to resist to the death, but her mother cried and said that even if she died, the debt would still be repaid.

Yi Huan looked at her parents in front of her, and her eyes were filled with tears of despair. Just as the scissors in his hand were about to fall on the atrium, a woman's voice came from behind him, "Is this enough?" I only have so much . A woman with a delicate face poked her head out of the flower boat.

"Self-combing": The pain of a young girl who aspires not to marry for life, but accidentally falls in love with a woman in the Qinglou Building under the traditional concept of marriage

Immediately a bag of silver dollars scattered on the ground. The money was more than my father owed.

Before I could thank her, the flower boat on the waterway was long gone, and the woman left in a hurry.

In this way, the woman saved Yi Huan's life.

The self-combing women work in the silk reeling factory, and Yi Huan has been looking for a benefactor.

"Self-combing": The pain of a young girl who aspires not to marry for life, but accidentally falls in love with a woman in the Qinglou Building under the traditional concept of marriage

One day, the owner of the silk factory Chen took in a new aunt. Yi Huan found that this bright and beautiful woman was the benefactor who saved herself that night.

The woman's name is Yuhuan, which is the top card of the Xinghua Building, and Boss Chen is fascinated by her and can't go home all day, so he made her the eighth aunt of the family.

When Grandma Dashao asked Yuhuan for trouble, Yi Huan did not hesitate to slap Yuhuan.

"Self-combing": The pain of a young girl who aspires not to marry for life, but accidentally falls in love with a woman in the Qinglou Building under the traditional concept of marriage

On the day of the Dragon Boat Festival, in order to make Yuhuan ugly at the dragon boat meeting, the aunts bribed the perm master and broke Yuhuan's hair.

The skillful Yi Huan cut off Yu Huan's permed hair and changed a good new hairstyle for Yu Huan, Yu Huan told Yi Huan that she was the first person to be good to herself, and gave the earrings left by her mother to Yi Huan as a gift.

"Self-combing": The pain of a young girl who aspires not to marry for life, but accidentally falls in love with a woman in the Qinglou Building under the traditional concept of marriage

At the dragon boat meeting, Yi Huan reunited with wang cheng, the sweetheart of his green plum bamboo horse, and Wang Cheng said that he would meet her again after the dragon boat race, but Yi Huan had already vowed not to marry for life, so he did not go to the appointment.

Yi Huan and Yu Huan gradually became close friends, and Yu Huan understood that she only had temporary stability in marrying Boss Chen, and that there would be other women to replace her at any time, and only Yi Huan was the one who was good to her.

"Self-combing": The pain of a young girl who aspires not to marry for life, but accidentally falls in love with a woman in the Qinglou Building under the traditional concept of marriage

Boss Chen took Yuhuan out to talk about business, but Boss Chen left Yuhuan alone with Commander Jiang, and three days later Yuhuan came back with a tired body, and Boss Chen's business was also negotiated.

Yuhuan saw Yi Huan again and hugged her tightly. The two are like a reunion of life and death.

Yi Huan helped YuHuan wipe the wounds brought from Commander Jiang, and Yi Huan was so distressed that tears fell on YuHuan's back, Yuhuan's body was wet, but the corners of his mouth smiled softly.

"Self-combing": The pain of a young girl who aspires not to marry for life, but accidentally falls in love with a woman in the Qinglou Building under the traditional concept of marriage

After this business, Yuhuan left the Chen family with the money given to her by Boss Chen, and the money she took was enough for the rest of her life.

There is a self-combing sister on Yi Huan's side who is going to "get married". Although the self-combing woman said that she would never marry, she was also afraid that no one would pay tribute to her after death, and she would become a lone ghost, so she spent money to make a nominal wife, which was called "buying the door".

Yi Huan was sent as a dowry to marry a sister, however, to Yi Huan's surprise, the man who bought the door was his sweetheart Wang Cheng.

"Self-combing": The pain of a young girl who aspires not to marry for life, but accidentally falls in love with a woman in the Qinglou Building under the traditional concept of marriage

That night, when the cave room was haunted, although the men knew that the bride could not touch it, they still couldn't help but drink alcohol, and they moved their hands and feet to Yi Huan, and Wang Cheng and Yi Huan escaped from the room.

The night gave them the courage to confess, and the love they had hidden deep in their hearts finally came out.

The two embraced each other, and after this night, Yi Huan also changed from a young girl to a woman.

"Self-combing": The pain of a young girl who aspires not to marry for life, but accidentally falls in love with a woman in the Qinglou Building under the traditional concept of marriage

The first taste of the forbidden fruit was still savoring the taste of love, all of which was seen by Yuhuan, followed by a huge loss.

Deep in love, it was difficult to control, Yuhuan kissed Yihuan, but Yihuan pushed away.

Yi Huan was pregnant, and she told Wang Cheng to let Wang Cheng take her away, but Wang Cheng instigated it.

Sadly, Yi Huan scraped the palace with a wire while bathing, and shed the child.

"Self-combing": The pain of a young girl who aspires not to marry for life, but accidentally falls in love with a woman in the Qinglou Building under the traditional concept of marriage

The miscarriage was discovered by the other sisters, the "aunt house" could not stay any longer, and Yi Huan was sent to Yuhuan.

Because of the miscarriage, Yi Huan's body was seriously injured, and it was Yuhuan who saved Yi Huan with all his money.

After Yi Huan recovered, the two went to Guangzhou to make a living by selling dumplings, and their lives were plain but stable.

From then on, only the other party is the one who relies on each other.

"Self-combing": The pain of a young girl who aspires not to marry for life, but accidentally falls in love with a woman in the Qinglou Building under the traditional concept of marriage

The good times did not last long, the war broke out, and the two were separated while fleeing, and this dispersion was 50 years.

Yuhuan has never forgotten Yi huan, although she does not know whether Yi Huan is still alive, she has not given up looking for it.

After inquiring about the news from many parties, Yuhuan finally saw Yi Huan sitting in a wheelchair, Yuhuan sorted out the hairstyle that had not changed for many years, stared at each other with her eyes, and their hands were clenched, as if they had returned to the joy and emotion of the first sight.

"Self-combing": The pain of a young girl who aspires not to marry for life, but accidentally falls in love with a woman in the Qinglou Building under the traditional concept of marriage

This is the film "Self-Combing", released in 1997, which is directed by Zhang Zhiliang and starring Liu Jialing and Yang Caini. It tells the story of the young Yi Huan who chose not to marry for life, but fell in love with Yuhuan due to an accident and was forced to separate for fifty years in the war.

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > the pain of women under the traditional concept of marriage</h1>

Self-grooming women are also called "mother sisters" or "aunts", which means that women curl their hair like married women to show that they will never marry for life.

The silk industry that emerged during the Ming and Qing dynasties provided women with the opportunity to earn an independent livelihood, and the custom of self-grooming was developed and continued.

Self-combing is the awakening of women's self-consciousness, self-combing women are mostly dissatisfied with feudal injustice marriage, there are many girls, see their sisters and friends married, in the in-laws' family angry and scolded, bear the burden of humiliation, they choose to comb themselves, never marry.

"Self-combing": The pain of a young girl who aspires not to marry for life, but accidentally falls in love with a woman in the Qinglou Building under the traditional concept of marriage

The film is dedicated to breaking through women's choice of marriage and the courageous pursuit of love.

In order to resist the buy-and-sell marriage arranged by her father, Yi Huan was forced to join the ranks of self-combing, however, after she met Wangcheng of Qingmei Bamboo Horse again, she risked being impregnated with a pig cage and fell in love with Wangcheng.

When she was abandoned by Wang cheng, she found that the long-sought love was originally around, so she seized the opportunity and bravely joined Yuhuan.

"Self-combing": The pain of a young girl who aspires not to marry for life, but accidentally falls in love with a woman in the Qinglou Building under the traditional concept of marriage

Yuhuan was sold by her father to the Qinglou from childhood, and when she was young, she had already seen through the red dust, and being Boss Chen's aunt was only forced by life.

When she met Yi Huan, she understood true love, and she resolutely left the Chen family and bravely expressed her heart to Yi Huan.

Although Yuhuan was at the bottom, he was oppressed. But she is stubborn and arrogant, not alarmed, dares to love and dare to hate, and is the representative of an independent new woman.

"Self-combing": The pain of a young girl who aspires not to marry for life, but accidentally falls in love with a woman in the Qinglou Building under the traditional concept of marriage

Love is supposed to be the most beautiful thing in the world, and it exists in people's hearts in a variety of forms. Some people look forward to it, some people look forward to it, some people are afraid, some people are disgusted.

Expectation or resistance, it is always there, regardless of age, regardless of gender, even beyond life and death.

In life, the most important thing is to be at ease, and the so-called love is to find a person who makes you feel at ease.

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