
Popular science | self-combing women, combing their hair, never marrying for life, and becoming self-reliant for life

author:Miss your notes

In any era, in any country or region, the essence of marriage is the exploitation of women.

Self-combing women, combing their hair, never marrying for life, and becoming self-reliant for life.

What is a self-combing woman?

In ancient times, unmarried women would comb a long braid and hang it on their backs, and when they were married, the mother or female elders would tie the braids into a ball and stick it to the back of the head, called a bun. Women who are determined not to marry need to perform a certain ritual to carry out a bun, which is called "self-combing".

Born in the late Qing Dynasty, the Self-Combing Women are a special group unique to the Pearl River Delta region. According to the "Shunde County Chronicle", at that time, the silk industry in Shunde was developed, and many female workers had considerable incomes and were economically independent. They saw that some sisters were angry in their in-laws after they got married, and their status was low, they did not want to be oppressed by the feudal etiquette, they did not want to be abused by their husbands under the traditional etiquette, and they were willing not to marry for life, so they produced self-combing women.

"Self-combing" is also bound by feudal etiquette. After choosing, you can't repent, you must keep your virginity, and you are not allowed to fall in love with men or have sex, otherwise you will be beaten or even soaked in a pig cage by the villagers.

Recently, several elderly people in the documentary short film "Self-Combing" were asked about the reasons for not getting married and were screenshotted on the hot search, causing a sensation.

Popular science | self-combing women, combing their hair, never marrying for life, and becoming self-reliant for life

What exactly does marriage bring to a woman? Society requires women to be independent and take care of the family, who has considered that women are also people, women will also be tired, women also need to understand!

When a woman marries, she will live a very hard life, and after marriage, there will be no less work and more things in the family. When you get married, you must take care of your children, the elderly, and you must also manage your husband, and whether your husband will cheat.

Before marriage, the sea vows and mountain alliances, all kinds of care into mutual complaints after marriage, always thinking that they are tired and hard! The child is the crystallization of common love, the bond of marriage, and in the end, the child becomes the mother's bondage!

I've seen a passage like this:

Don't mind being alone, have been prepared for a person to grow old, born without the obligation to become whose wife or mother, marriage and children in life is not a necessary option, born to be a person in this society has been very hard, only wish parents well-being.
Popular science | self-combing women, combing their hair, never marrying for life, and becoming self-reliant for life

The only thing in the world that cannot be copied is time, and the only thing that cannot be repeated is life, how to go, what kind of life to live is up to your own choice!

In today's society, no matter how hard you work in other aspects or how good you can be, in the eyes of your parents, as long as you don't get married and don't have children, you are a freak, you are really unhappy, but when you get married, you will find that if you don't want children, you will also be born, after giving birth to a second child, after giving birth to a second child, after giving birth to a third child.

The people closest to you in the world don't understand you and feel that there is no point in doing anything.

You have your life, I have my life, less worry about other people's affairs! But we can't criticize girls who want to get married because of this, whether they want to get married or not, it's just a personal choice.

No choice is necessarily correct, as long as you can bear the consequences, which choice will be very happy!

Popular science | self-combing women, combing their hair, never marrying for life, and becoming self-reliant for life

Nowadays, fear of marriage and childbearing has become the norm under the high-pressure urban life.

"Marrying a man and having children is not a must for life" has also become a new consensus, and behind these seemingly "fashionable" values is the disintegration of traditional concepts.

What doesn't get married and get old and be pathetic? "Self-combing" has no children, the money is all one person, the flowers can't be spent, if you become a stupid old woman, then play with the old sisters, why do you have to have a man around to be considered someone? If you don't get married, you don't have to bear so many responsibilities, that is, you are kidnapped, selfish, and greedy, you only love yourself, and when you are old, it is the biggest blessing given.

In fact, objectively speaking, the world has its original appearance, that is, it is diverse and all-encompassing, not in your personal eyes.

Thoughts of your note conclusion:

Everyone has the right to choose the life they want, whether to get married or have children should not become the criterion for judging whether people are born or failed, and the relationship between the two parties will naturally get married, but they are not guilty if they do not want to get married.

To put it bluntly, getting married and having children is a private matter, and everyone can take care of their own business, don't point fingers at other people's decisions.

Thank you for reading. Think of your notes, melt into words, and take you to understand the emotional world together.

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