
Red Scarf & Environmental Education

author:The style of western Anhui

——The experimental school of Maotanchang Middle School in Lu'an City carried out the knowledge lecture activity of "garbage classification, turning waste into treasure, and green environmental protection".

  Garbage is a misplaced resource. In today's society, garbage recycling is not a technical problem, but people do not have a strong awareness of garbage sorting and recycling. As the main position of moral cultivation, it is a long-term educational task to cultivate students' awareness of garbage classification and improve students' garbage classification action. Therefore, on April 17, the experimental school of Maotanchang Middle School organized all the fourth-grade students to carry out the theme activity of "garbage classification, turning waste into treasure, green environmental protection", which was taught by teacher Wang Fang, using rich and interesting forms to further strengthen students' mastery of garbage classification knowledge, stimulate students' enthusiasm for participation, and form a fine atmosphere of garbage classification starting from you and me.

Red Scarf & Environmental Education

In the activity, Mr. Wang interacted with the students in the form of on-site Q&A and on-site classification, guiding them to correctly distinguish kitchen waste, recyclables, hazardous waste, and other garbage, and using colorful PPT to explain to the children the types, collection, transportation and disposal methods of domestic garbage, pointing out the harm caused by garbage classification to the environment, and sharing how to subdivide garbage, such as: waste paper, plastics, glass, metal and textiles, etc. Such as waste batteries, waste fluorescent tubes, expired medicines, expired cosmetics, etc. The school is the main position of garbage classification and citizen education, and students are trained to establish the concept of "garbage classification should start from me", so that children can take the lead in promoting the knowledge of garbage classification, so as to form a new atmosphere of "small hands join hands and create a civilized city".

Red Scarf & Environmental Education
Red Scarf & Environmental Education
Red Scarf & Environmental Education
Red Scarf & Environmental Education
Red Scarf & Environmental Education
Red Scarf & Environmental Education
Red Scarf & Environmental Education
Red Scarf & Environmental Education
Red Scarf & Environmental Education
Red Scarf & Environmental Education
Red Scarf & Environmental Education

Through this activity, students realized the importance of domestic garbage classification, and also understood that garbage classification should start from me, start from bit by bit, and gradually form a sense of resource conservation and environmental protection, take garbage classification as a living habit, and promote the construction of a beautiful campus and a beautiful Gaocheng.

Photo/Text: Li Yuanyuan

Re-examination: But Qiaoling

Final review: Zhang Yi

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