
The confinement sister-in-law took a nap and caused the baby's head to fall to the ground, and she lied afterwards, netizens: Children who are not full moon can't be hugged like this

The confinement sister-in-law took a nap and caused the baby's head to fall to the ground, and she lied afterwards, netizens: Children who are not full moon can't be hugged like this

The confinement sister-in-law took a nap and caused the baby's head to fall to the ground, and she lied afterwards, netizens: Children who are not full moon can't be hugged like this

Original | Pregnancy

Whenever you hold your child, you should protect your child's head and neck.

Parents should know this, and so should confinement nannies and nannies.

It's safety common sense.

Recently, there was a hot search news: the confinement lady took a nap in the middle of the night with the baby, causing the child's head to fall to the ground and bleeding under the skull.

Video source: @津云

After watching the news video, I really feel sorry for the child.

The baby in the video was only born for more than ten days, and it was 1 o'clock in the morning when the incident occurred, and the confinement lady was napping with the child in her arms.

The confinement sister-in-law took a nap and caused the baby's head to fall to the ground, and she lied afterwards, netizens: Children who are not full moon can't be hugged like this

Suddenly, the child fell headfirst to the ground, and the child fell to cry.

The parents said: The child was thrown to the subcranial hemorrhage, and the confinement lady panicked that she did not fall on the child's head, and she was thinking about changing her arms and not taking a nap.

The confinement sister-in-law took a nap and caused the baby's head to fall to the ground, and she lied afterwards, netizens: Children who are not full moon can't be hugged like this

The confinement lady is also unable to compensate.

The confinement center said: The child is fine, but the skin is traumatic, which is caused by the parents who make the confinement lady tired and take the baby.

The confinement sister-in-law took a nap and caused the baby's head to fall to the ground, and she lied afterwards, netizens: Children who are not full moon can't be hugged like this

At present, the news has attracted a lot of attention, and netizens are also talking about it.

Some netizens said:

"It's because there is a problem with the posture of the confinement sister-in-law, and the child who is more than ten days old can't be hugged like that, so he has to lie down and hug him. ”

"Can a child who is not full moon hug like this? ”

"Obviously asleep, the child moved first by himself, and such a young child can't be held vertically. ”

"This month's sister-in-law first held the child's posture was wrong. ”

The confinement sister-in-law took a nap and caused the baby's head to fall to the ground, and she lied afterwards, netizens: Children who are not full moon can't be hugged like this

Some people also say: Confinement is not a machine, but also to rest, fatigue with a baby is really dangerous.

The confinement sister-in-law took a nap and caused the baby's head to fall to the ground, and she lied afterwards, netizens: Children who are not full moon can't be hugged like this

That's right, confinement sao is indeed a person who needs to rest.

But in this case, if the child falls asleep, put it in bed to rest.

If the child is held in the hand, then it is necessary to hold it correctly and protect the child's head.

The confinement sister-in-law took a nap and caused the baby's head to fall to the ground, and she lied afterwards, netizens: Children who are not full moon can't be hugged like this

As netizens said: The main reason why the child was dropped was that the posture of holding the baby was wrong, and the baby could not be held like this!

Grandma fell and killed her 1-month-old baby

This baby is really dangerous!

Holding the baby without protecting the baby's head is really very dangerous.

Do you remember the news that grandma fell and killed her 1-month-old baby before?

A grandmother holds a 1-month-old baby.

Maybe the grandmother was too tired, and the baby suddenly slipped out of her arms and fell his head heavily on the ground....

This scene is terrifying to watch....

The grandmother immediately picked up the child to comfort her, but the fall still cost the child's life.

The confinement sister-in-law took a nap and caused the baby's head to fall to the ground, and she lied afterwards, netizens: Children who are not full moon can't be hugged like this

(Image source: @河南乡村频道)

After that, the baby was taken to the hospital, which caused a serious brain injury, and the baby eventually died due to ineffective resuscitation.....

This result will be a lifelong pain for their family.

After watching the video, many netizens felt heartache for their children, and many netizens pointed out:

"Such a small baby, you really can't hold it like this, you have to protect your neck, you have to hold the baby's buttocks, and you can't hold it horizontally. ”

"For babies who have just reached the full moon, this position is not right, and they should be held horizontally. ”

"Let's remind the majority of netizens, it's really important to hold the child correctly, this baby is so pitiful. ”

The confinement sister-in-law took a nap and caused the baby's head to fall to the ground, and she lied afterwards, netizens: Children who are not full moon can't be hugged like this

Yes, it's really dangerous to hold a child like this.


You can't hold it like this at any time

Babies under 6 months old have not fully developed their spine, their heads are heavier, and their bodies are not supported enough.

At this time, they are very particular about hugging them.

Today, pregnant mothers list 4 of the most dangerous postures for holding babies, which are absolutely forbidden for babies:

First: Do not protect your baby's head and neck

Newborn babies, the head and neck are very fragile, if you don't do a good job of protection and support, if you lean back, the injury to the baby is really fatal.

The confinement sister-in-law took a nap and caused the baby's head to fall to the ground, and she lied afterwards, netizens: Children who are not full moon can't be hugged like this

Second: Don't hold the baby with one hand

When the baby's head and neck are not enough support, you must protect the baby's head and neck when holding the baby, even if the baby is a little older, the head and neck have support, but also consciously protect the baby, to prevent the baby from accidentally leaning back!

Don't easily try to hold your baby with one hand, the consequences of accidents can not be borne by any parent.

Third: Don't hold your baby and shake it too hard

Newborn babies must not be held and shaken vigorously.

For babies under 1 year old, the brain is as fragile as a tofu block, and shaking it vigorously can lead to shaking syndrome, which is a very terrible complication.

To soothe the baby, it is okay to shake gently.

But remember to support your neck and move slightly, so that the baby's head moves only a few centimeters, and does not shake violently from left to right with the movements.

Don't let your body face in one direction while your head rocks in the other direction.

Fourth: don't hold a single posture

In the waking state of the baby, the baby can lie down, lie on his stomach, can be held horizontally, or briefly held vertically.

As long as the parents are accompanied, ensure safety, do not stick to a certain posture, and maintaining a certain position for a long time is easy to cause discomfort for adults and babies, and it is very natural for various holding positions to take turns.

The right way to hold your baby

Every parent and child's caregiver should learn!

Although holding a baby is a technical job, as long as you master the key points, you can be handy, the following points, parents should keep in mind:

The confinement sister-in-law took a nap and caused the baby's head to fall to the ground, and she lied afterwards, netizens: Children who are not full moon can't be hugged like this

● The baby's head is the heaviest part of the body, so be sure to protect the baby's head and neck.

● Support your baby's head and neck with one arm and the bottom of your baby with the other, then slowly stand up.

● Note that your right hand and arm support most of your baby's weight, and your left hand supports and protects the head and neck.

● Remember to keep your baby's head facing to one side (mouth and nose not covered) so that they can breathe at any time.

●Wash your hands before holding your baby, as the baby's immune system is not fully developed, and bacteria on the hands may cause infection in the baby.

Rinse your hands with mild soap and water before holding your baby.

Hand sanitizer can also be prepared for convenience and speed.

With a good grasp of the key points, every parent can learn to hold the baby correctly.

Finally, it is important to emphasize: when the baby is not able to support his head, any holding posture needs to protect the baby's head and neck, and do not be careless.

This knowledge is passed on to every family member!

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