
Follow-up to the smashed subway of a pregnant woman: The situation is very bad, the family reveals more inside information, and the subway response is controversial

author:Hongli traveled all over the global village

In the past, there was "a woman who entered the supermarket and was caught in the escalator", and now there is another "taking the subway escalator and being smashed"! It really confirms the saying: we never know which one will arrive first tomorrow or the accident!

For office workers, the escalator in the subway is almost every day, since the incident of being involved in the escalator, I found that many people will pay attention to their feet when taking the escalator, but I never expected that the foot can not be prevented, but the top of the head!

Follow-up to the smashed subway of a pregnant woman: The situation is very bad, the family reveals more inside information, and the subway response is controversial

A thrilling scene at Chongqing Nanping Station

In our daily urban life, the subway, as a convenient means of transportation, is relied on by countless citizens every day.

However, on April 15, near Nanping Station in Chongqing, a thrilling accident occurred.

An expectant mother, a pregnant woman with hope, was unfortunately hit by a falling decorative stone brick above the elevator, and the emergency immediately triggered the attention of the whole city.

Follow-up to the smashed subway of a pregnant woman: The situation is very bad, the family reveals more inside information, and the subway response is controversial

Description of the scene: Bloodstained, emergency rescue

According to eyewitness accounts, at the time of the incident, the stone bricks suddenly fell from a high place above the elevator and accurately hit the pregnant woman directly below. The scene was bloodstained and miserable.

The emergency rescue team quickly arrived at the scene and rushed the pregnant woman to the Chongqing Emergency Medical Center for rescue.

It is understood that the condition of the pregnant woman is extremely critical, and her heart has stopped beating twice on the way to the hospital, and the doctors are doing their best to rescue her.

Follow-up to the smashed subway of a pregnant woman: The situation is very bad, the family reveals more inside information, and the subway response is controversial

Rail transit responded: not within the scope of responsibility?

This incident has aroused widespread social concern and controversy. Chongqing Rail Transit responded that although the accident site was close to the subway station, it did not fall within the scope of rail transit's responsibility.

The response raised strong questions from the public, with many citizens saying that the safety management of subway stations as part of public areas should be strictly monitored.

Follow-up to the smashed subway of a pregnant woman: The situation is very bad, the family reveals more inside information, and the subway response is controversial

Security can't wait

The occurrence of the accident not only revealed a single problem of stone bricks falling off, but also exposed serious loopholes in the safety management of the entire urban infrastructure.

Follow-up to the smashed subway of a pregnant woman: The situation is very bad, the family reveals more inside information, and the subway response is controversial

The public has called for the management of public safety not to wait for the tragedy to occur before taking measures, and that every inch of important public places such as subway stations should be strictly maintained and inspected to ensure the safety of citizens.

Follow-up to the smashed subway of a pregnant woman: The situation is very bad, the family reveals more inside information, and the subway response is controversial

Netizen reaction: Dissatisfied with the behavior of dumping the pot

As the incident fermented, many netizens said that they could not accept the initial response of the rail transit staff, believing that this was an act of shirking responsibility.

Although some people familiar with the matter pointed out that the accident site may not be within the scope of rail transit management, and this area is also connected to Yonghui supermarket, and the attribution of responsibility is still disputed, the public believes that in this case, a more active attitude of responsibility should be taken.

Follow-up to the smashed subway of a pregnant woman: The situation is very bad, the family reveals more inside information, and the subway response is controversial

Solve it in good faith and avoid secondary injury

In this accident, netizens strongly appealed that the victims should not be made to suffer more.

The public hopes that the relevant responsible parties, whether they are metro companies, Yonghui supermarkets or other units, will clarify their responsibilities as soon as possible and assume their due responsibilities, including but not limited to the bearing of medical expenses.

In the event of an accident, the problem should be solved with goodwill and a positive attitude to protect the legitimate rights and interests of the victim.

Follow-up to the smashed subway of a pregnant woman: The situation is very bad, the family reveals more inside information, and the subway response is controversial

Rethinking at the management level: the need for personnel training

The incident also exposed the inadequacies of the general staff in responding to the crisis.

While each staff member is not a PR expert, basic training in crisis management and emergency response is necessary.

Effective communication can reduce public panic in the event of an accident, and a reasonable response can mitigate potential negative impacts.

In this case, the staff's response may have not only failed to alleviate the situation, but rather exacerbated public discontent and sentiment.

Follow-up to the smashed subway of a pregnant woman: The situation is very bad, the family reveals more inside information, and the subway response is controversial

Responsibility & Solution: A Step Forward

Regardless of the eventual division of responsibility for the accident, the first priority is to ensure the safety of the injured pregnant woman and her fetus, and to provide them with the necessary medical and follow-up support.

In the long run, metro authorities and relevant units need to reassess and strengthen on-site safety measures to avoid similar incidents from happening again.

In addition, clearer responsibilities and emergency response mechanisms should be established to ensure safety at every corner.

Follow-up to the smashed subway of a pregnant woman: The situation is very bad, the family reveals more inside information, and the subway response is controversial

Response: Dispute over the attribution of responsibility

  1. The customer service of Chongqing Rail Transit (Group) Co., Ltd. and the staff of the train control room of Nanping Station of Line 3 both said that this area is not their area of responsibility.
  2. The staff of Wanda Plaza in Nanping, Chongqing, said that the area was in charge of the subway station.
Follow-up to the smashed subway of a pregnant woman: The situation is very bad, the family reveals more inside information, and the subway response is controversial

This situation reflects the possible fragmentation of management, i.e. the lack of clarity in the definition of responsibilities of departments for specific areas, which makes it impossible to respond effectively and quickly in the event of an emergency.

Safety & Maintenance: Preventable "Accidents"

Although the occurrence of accidents is called accidents, it reflects a deeper systemic problem. Such an accident could have been avoided if the construction quality of the area was up to standard and proper maintenance had been carried out.

Follow-up to the smashed subway of a pregnant woman: The situation is very bad, the family reveals more inside information, and the subway response is controversial

In addition, successive incidents of object shedding suggest that there may be a broader safety hazard.

Legal & Liability: Finding the responsible party

From a legal point of view, the owner or manager of the property has an inescapable responsibility for the safety of the area under its management.

Follow-up to the smashed subway of a pregnant woman: The situation is very bad, the family reveals more inside information, and the subway response is controversial

This is especially true for public places such as metro stations. Whether it is Chongqing Rail Transit (Group) Co., Ltd., the staff of the vehicle control room or Wanda Plaza, the scope of their responsibilities and specific responsibilities must be clarified to ensure that similar incidents do not occur.

Interpretation of legal provisions

According to the provisions of Article 1253 of the Civil Code, any building, structure or other facility and its shelving and hanging objects shall fall off or fall and cause damage to others.

Follow-up to the smashed subway of a pregnant woman: The situation is very bad, the family reveals more inside information, and the subway response is controversial

If the owner, manager or user cannot prove that he is not at fault, he shall bear tort liability. This law provides a clear path to liability for similar accidents.

Definition of the subject of responsibility

In the case of Chongqing Nanping Station, the responsible parties may include:

  1. Owner: i.e. the owner of the property record, which may be a subway company or a shopping mall.
  2. Manager: The individual or unit responsible for the day-to-day management and maintenance of the building, depending on the contract with the subway or shopping mall.
Follow-up to the smashed subway of a pregnant woman: The situation is very bad, the family reveals more inside information, and the subway response is controversial
  1. Occupants: Units that are clearly using the space, undoubtedly including metro stations and shopping malls that may be involved.

Accountability in practice

Pregnant women and their families can legally take the subway and shopping malls as defendants while suing them for damages. The division of internal responsibilities is determined by the contractual relationship between the metro and the mall, or further clarified in litigation.

Follow-up to the smashed subway of a pregnant woman: The situation is very bad, the family reveals more inside information, and the subway response is controversial

Other responsible parties that may be involved

  • Property management: If routine maintenance and safety inspections are outsourced to a strata company and the accident is caused by poor property management, the strata company should also be held responsible.
  • Construction unit: If the accident is caused by the quality problem of the construction unit, such as cutting corners or substandard workmanship, the construction unit should also be held responsible.
Follow-up to the smashed subway of a pregnant woman: The situation is very bad, the family reveals more inside information, and the subway response is controversial

Shared responsibility to promote public safety

Such incidents remind us that public safety is a shared responsibility of society. From basic facility inspections to emergency responses, every aspect should not be overlooked.

Follow-up to the smashed subway of a pregnant woman: The situation is very bad, the family reveals more inside information, and the subway response is controversial

For a big city like Chongqing, ensuring the safety of every corner is not only a commitment to citizens, but also a necessary condition for maintaining social stability and harmony.

It is hoped that this unfortunate incident will be a turning point for all parties involved to pay attention to and improve public safety management.

Security for the future

This incident should be a turning point for all management units to reassess and strengthen their safety and maintenance measures.

Follow-up to the smashed subway of a pregnant woman: The situation is very bad, the family reveals more inside information, and the subway response is controversial

Investment in public safety is not a burden, but a guarantee for the safety of citizens' lives.

Transparent management and a clear division of responsibilities, coupled with regular safety inspections and maintenance, are key to preventing future tragedies. It is hoped that this incident will attract enough attention to ensure the safety of public space and protect the lives of every citizen.

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