
The 71-year-old cleaning property office committed suicide, and his son claimed 150,000 yuan

author:Hongli traveled all over the global village

On April 15, a number of media exposed a piece of news: Lao Zhang, a 71-year-old cleaning uncle in Dalian, Liaoning Province, hanged himself in the property office.

The 71-year-old cleaning property office committed suicide, and his son claimed 150,000 yuan

This information has attracted the attention of netizens, and the topic has appeared on the hot search positions of many online platforms, and everyone can't help but wonder: What is the reason why a 71-year-old man wants to seek death?

The 71-year-old cleaning property office committed suicide, and his son claimed 150,000 yuan

With the exposure of information from all parties, the context of the incident is becoming clearer and clearer.

[Exposing the Cold Reality: The Desperate Suicide of a 71-Year-Old Man]

Recently, a tragedy that shocked the society occurred in Dalian: a 71-year-old cleaner chose to hang himself in the company's office after being fired by Xinshunda Property Company.

Is it really fair that the old man was accused of being fired for "not sweeping the floor"?

The 71-year-old cleaning property office committed suicide, and his son claimed 150,000 yuan

The old man's suicide note wrote: "This practice of mine was all forced out by you, and you are not human beings as managers and squad leaders." ”

This act not only exposed his despair, but also reflected the indifference of society towards older workers.

The old man's son seeks justice in desperation, hoping to raise awareness of the rights of older workers.

After the incident, the property company expressed its willingness to pay 10,000 yuan in compensation, but can this compensate for the loss of a human life?

The 71-year-old cleaning property office committed suicide, and his son claimed 150,000 yuan

The society's reaction to this incident is also thought-provoking, with some netizens' comments revealing a lack of basic respect and understanding for the rights and interests of the elderly.

Should older people end their lives in such stress and helplessness?

This is not only a tragedy for one family, but also a problem that the whole society should face squarely.

Behind this story, we see not only an old man who has been fired, but also a social structure that ignores the psychological and social status of the elderly.

The 71-year-old cleaning property office committed suicide, and his son claimed 150,000 yuan

When we talk about productivity and business management, should we also take into account the dignity and worth of the human person?

This incident should serve as a wake-up call for us to reflect on how to build a society that is more inclusive and respectful of every member of society. Only then can we ensure that similar tragedies do not happen again.

In our society, most people believe that at the age of 71, a person should be able to enjoy retirement and spend quality time with their families.

The 71-year-old cleaning property office committed suicide, and his son claimed 150,000 yuan

However, in an ordinary community in Dalian, Liaoning Province, a 71-year-old veteran chose to continue working because he could not let go of his sense of responsibility for life.

The old man's posthumous independence and strong self-demand finally chose to end his life in an extreme way after suffering injustice and insults in the workplace.

The veteran's suicide note reveals his desperation and the injustice he was subjected to.

The 71-year-old cleaning property office committed suicide, and his son claimed 150,000 yuan

In his suicide note, he revealed the humiliation of being dismissed and his deep grievances. His son also mentioned that despite the old man's strong body and kind personality, he was ruthlessly dismissed for small mistakes at work and severely scolded.

Such treatment is a heavy blow to anyone, especially an elderly veteran.

The reaction from society has been mixed. Some blamed the company for being indifferent and inhumane, while others criticized the son for failing to provide enough support for the elderly to go out to earn a living at this age.

The 71-year-old cleaning property office committed suicide, and his son claimed 150,000 yuan

This incident not only reflects the unfair treatment of the elderly in the workplace, but also exposes the inadequacy of society in taking care of the elderly.

We should learn from this tragedy and rethink how to better respect and protect the rights and interests of the elderly.

Everyone should have the right to live their old age with dignity and serenity.

It is hoped that the story of this old man will inspire social attention to improving the living conditions of the elderly and improving their working environment.

The 71-year-old cleaning property office committed suicide, and his son claimed 150,000 yuan

It is also a reminder to each and every one of us that society should give every elderly person the respect and care they deserve, so as to ensure that they can live out their old age in an environment where they can live out without worry.

We owe this veteran an apology, and we owe all the old people who have worked hard a more gentle world.

I hope that in the future, we can do better, so that old age is no longer a burden of life, but a beautiful stage worth looking forward to.

The 71-year-old cleaning property office committed suicide, and his son claimed 150,000 yuan

【Discussion: The Deep Issues Behind the Tragic Incident of a 71-Year-Old Man】In this heart-wrenching incident, Xiao Zhang's father, a 71-year-old man, unfortunately committed suicide, and the complexity and sensitivity of the incident have attracted widespread attention and discussion.

Xiao Zhang firmly believed that the property management company was inescapable of being responsible for his father's death, and based on this, he put forward two specific demands: one was to demand the dismissal of the property manager involved, and the other was to demand 150,000 yuan for funeral and related expenses as compensation.

The 71-year-old cleaning property office committed suicide, and his son claimed 150,000 yuan

The property company's response was relatively indifferent, and it was only willing to provide a symbolic consolation of 10,000 yuan.

The attitude of the property manager indicates that the company believes that Lao Zhang's suicide has nothing to do with them, blaming it on normal personnel adjustments.

The 71-year-old cleaning property office committed suicide, and his son claimed 150,000 yuan

However, from an ethical and humane point of view, this approach clearly ignores the fundamental fact that even in the case of a legitimate dismissal, the psychological and economic impact of the dismissal on the individual should be taken into account, especially for older employees.

The 71-year-old cleaning property office committed suicide, and his son claimed 150,000 yuan

Lao Zhang's age and background of military discharge made his re-employment opportunities in the job market very limited, and his dismissal under such circumstances undoubtedly increased the pressure on his life.

The 71-year-old cleaning property office committed suicide, and his son claimed 150,000 yuan

In addition, netizens' criticism of the property squad leader revealed the problem of society's respect for the elderly.

If the small squad leader had communicated in a more decent and respectful way, there might not have been such a tragedy.

The 71-year-old cleaning property office committed suicide, and his son claimed 150,000 yuan

This incident shows that there is still a lot of room for improvement in the attitude of our society towards the elderly, especially the elderly workers.

From a broader socio-cultural perspective, the incident has raised concerns about the protection of the rights and interests of the elderly.

In many countries, older persons are still active in the labour market, and their rights and dignity should be protected by both law and society.

The 71-year-old cleaning property office committed suicide, and his son claimed 150,000 yuan

This case reminds us that companies need to be more humane when dealing with HR issues, especially in the way they treat older employees, which requires more empathy and understanding.

This tragedy is also a wake-up call, reminding all enterprises and society that every employee, especially those elderly employees who have worked hard for many years, should be treated with the utmost respect and care.

The 71-year-old cleaning property office committed suicide, and his son claimed 150,000 yuan

It is hoped that this incident will promote the improvement of relevant laws and the enhancement of corporate social responsibility, so as to avoid the recurrence of similar incidents.

The 71-year-old cleaning property office committed suicide, and his son claimed 150,000 yuan

The society should pay sufficient attention to Xiao Zhang's appeal and deal with it fairly to ensure that Lao Zhang's tragedy is not repeated.

This harrowing incident has indeed sparked a wide range of social discussions, particularly on the living conditions of older persons and family responsibilities.

The place of older persons in society and their well-being should be the focus of broader discussions.

The 71-year-old cleaning property office committed suicide, and his son claimed 150,000 yuan

Social participation of the older workforce

With regard to the employment of older workers, we need to recognize that many older people still have the will and ability to contribute to society.

The 71-year-old cleaning property office committed suicide, and his son claimed 150,000 yuan

However, employers and societal structures should provide more support and accommodate the specific needs of older persons, for example through flexible working hours, appropriate adjustment of work intensity, and respect and recognition of their work.

The 71-year-old cleaning property office committed suicide, and his son claimed 150,000 yuan

Family Responsibilities and Social Support

During the incident, netizens' criticism of being a son also touched on the sensitive topic of family responsibility.

Indeed, the care of the elderly by family members, especially children, plays an important role.

The 71-year-old cleaning property office committed suicide, and his son claimed 150,000 yuan

Societies should encourage and support care and responsibility for older persons within the family, and there needs to be strong social safety nets to support older persons who do not have adequate family support.

The 71-year-old cleaning property office committed suicide, and his son claimed 150,000 yuan

A social culture that cares for the elderly

The whole society should establish the values of respecting the elderly and caring for the young.

From education to media publicity, it is necessary to strengthen the popularization of respect and care for the elderly, so as to change some negative perceptions and prejudices, so that the elderly can feel loved and respected not only in the family, but also in the society.

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