
The country is in the "heart", and the security is in the "line"

author:Browse the horizon

In order to thoroughly implement the overall national security concept, further enhance the national security awareness and literacy of teachers and children in the whole park, and promote the implementation of national security publicity and education, on the occasion of the ninth "National Security Education Day", Qingping Kindergarten in Hai'an High-tech Zone, Jiangsu Province, attaches great importance to it, carefully plans, and actively carries out the theme activities of National Security Education Day.

Co-ordinate deployment and detailed arrangement

The kindergarten held a special meeting on safety work, organized all teachers and staff to conscientiously study the "National Security Law", "Counter-espionage Law" and other relevant laws and regulations, and studied and deployed specific activities on the National Security Education Day to ensure that the educational activities were implemented and more effective.

The country is in the "heart", and the security is in the "line"

Safety education nourishes children's hearts

With the theme of "national security" education, combined with the age characteristics of children, the teachers of each class publicize and popularize safety knowledge and safety concepts through vivid video animations, pictures, children's songs and other forms, so as to nourish children's hearts from all angles and care for the healthy growth of children.

The country is in the "heart", and the security is in the "line"
The country is in the "heart", and the security is in the "line"
The country is in the "heart", and the security is in the "line"
The country is in the "heart", and the security is in the "line"

Create an atmosphere and promote publicity

The kindergarten uses the theme flag-raising ceremony, outdoor display screen, WeChat public account, class group, etc. to publicize the impact of national security on individuals, families and society to teachers, students and parents, and create a good atmosphere in the campus where everyone participates and everyone is responsible for jointly safeguarding national security and social security.

The country is in the "heart", and the security is in the "line"
The country is in the "heart", and the security is in the "line"
The country is in the "heart", and the security is in the "line"
The country is in the "heart", and the security is in the "line"

Through the development of the theme activity of the National Security Education Day, it not only improved the awareness of all teachers and children in the kindergarten to maintain national security, enhanced the sense of responsibility for safeguarding national security, but also laid a solid foundation for building a safe campus and a harmonious society. (Jiang Yuhong)

Editor in charge: Wang Wei

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