
The 57-year-old actor and his family settled in the United States, lived in a mansion with the money earned in China, and praised foreign countries

author:Wait for the wind

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The 57-year-old actor and his family settled in the United States, lived in a mansion with the money earned in China, and praised foreign countries

Text/Equal wind


Maybe life is like that, always catching people off guard, full of unexpected surprises and disruptions. Just when we thought everything was going according to plan, something suddenly popped up that completely upended all our perceptions of a person. This time, it was the turn of the old drama bone Sun Sihan, who was highly respected by the audience.

The 57-year-old actor and his family settled in the United States, lived in a mansion with the money earned in China, and praised foreign countries

Sun Sihan can be said to be one of the most important actors in the Chinese film and television industry. Over the years, he has used his superb acting skills and dedicated work attitude to present us with countless classic and unforgettable screen roles. From the mighty emperors and generals to the ill-fated tragic heroes, he has mastered everything like life, making the audience sometimes enthusiastic and sometimes crying in front of the big screen.

The 57-year-old actor and his family settled in the United States, lived in a mansion with the money earned in China, and praised foreign countries

is this actor who is regarded as a "national treasure" by the audience, who has dedicated most of his life to the film and television career, but at this time he made an unexpected decision - he immigrated to the United States with his family and lived a leisurely life in a luxury villa ever since!

The 57-year-old actor and his family settled in the United States, lived in a mansion with the money earned in China, and praised foreign countries

When the news broke, countless fans were shocked and disappointed. After all, in everyone's eyes, Sun Sihan is an acting master who serves the people with his life, and what he has tempered is clearly the classicist feelings of family and country. Who would have thought that this seemingly reserved and low-key old artist would suddenly make such an "escape" move?

The 57-year-old actor and his family settled in the United States, lived in a mansion with the money earned in China, and praised foreign countries

Yes, judging from the beautiful scenery and villa life posted by Sun Sihan on social media, he is indeed at ease and carefree now. The villa estate is large enough to open a party, surrounded by greenery, flowers, and everything you need to live. There, Sun Sihan can enjoy the sun, swimming pool, gym, etc., and live a more leisurely life day by day.

The 57-year-old actor and his family settled in the United States, lived in a mansion with the money earned in China, and praised foreign countries

Some people say with regret that Sun Sihan is using the rest of his life to seek personal freedom and happiness. However, in the eyes of many viewers, this is clearly a betrayal and "deviance" of past dedication. After all, the reason why this national treasure actor has achieved such achievements is all due to the love and support of Chinese audiences along the way. Now he is taking the money he earns in China and going to the United States to live a luxurious pastoral life and bask in happiness, which is really incompatible.

The 57-year-old actor and his family settled in the United States, lived in a mansion with the money earned in China, and praised foreign countries

"Why did you suddenly forget your roots?" How did he betray us viewers who financed his fame?" Such doubts and accusations have come and gone one after another on the Internet. It is believed that Sun Sihan has long been immersed in the luxurious life of a foreign country and has forgotten the self who once worked hard. He seems to have forgotten that what he carries is actually the culture and spirit of the Chinese nation.

The 57-year-old actor and his family settled in the United States, lived in a mansion with the money earned in China, and praised foreign countries

In the face of public condemnation, Sun Sihan did not say a word. In fact, what he does overseas is all about promoting Chinese culture and the pursuit of a better life. For example, he often shares the practice of Chinese cuisine on social media, explaining the essence of Chinese culture; He also often explains China's customs and customs to foreign friends, and strives to eliminate the prejudice and misunderstanding of outsiders about China.

The 57-year-old actor and his family settled in the United States, lived in a mansion with the money earned in China, and praised foreign countries

I have to say that Sun Sihan has injected new vitality into the spread of Chinese culture with his own strength and influence. He may be seen by others as a "deviant" traitor, but he himself has not forgotten his pride and sense of responsibility as a Chinese. It's just that he chose a different way of life and lived a spiritual life that follows the local customs.

The 57-year-old actor and his family settled in the United States, lived in a mansion with the money earned in China, and praised foreign countries

In fact, the criticism of Sun Sihan is inevitably too harsh. Imagine if he stayed in China honestly and still lived a 9-to-5 lifestyle, how could he appreciate the influence of multiculturalism? Moreover, Sun Sihan is not a young man in his early 20s, and living a leisurely life at the peak of his career may also be an expectation for him, an old actor.

The 57-year-old actor and his family settled in the United States, lived in a mansion with the money earned in China, and praised foreign countries

Take 10,000 steps back and say, even if Sun Sihan really turns his back on us, the audience who supports him, it is his personal free choice. He earned money through hard work, and how he spent it was up to him. We can question his approach, but we should not attack him personally. After all, as an artist, Sun Sihan has given everyone so much that it is difficult for us to truly understand the inner world.

The 57-year-old actor and his family settled in the United States, lived in a mansion with the money earned in China, and praised foreign countries

There are also viewers who interpret Sun Sihan's migration behavior from another angle. Some speculate that the reason why he moved overseas with his family may be to give his elderly parents a better living environment. Some people also believe that Sun Sihan's move may be out of safety concerns - after all, many celebrities and artists now choose to send their children to study overseas for various reasons.

The 57-year-old actor and his family settled in the United States, lived in a mansion with the money earned in China, and praised foreign countries

In any case, Sun Sihan, an old actor, has undoubtedly brought shock to the entire entertainment industry. His departure is undoubtedly a great loss, but it also makes us reflect on whether the relationship between artists and the public is too exploitative and unfair. How many years can a person's life be dedicated, and will they always live for the "audience"?

The 57-year-old actor and his family settled in the United States, lived in a mansion with the money earned in China, and praised foreign countries

Sun Sihan may just want to use his own way to announce the self-emancipation of artists. He wants to live the life he dreamed of at the beginning, instead of living in the lights of the stage forever. His departure is like a thunderclap that rings in the hearts of each of us who question life.

The 57-year-old actor and his family settled in the United States, lived in a mansion with the money earned in China, and praised foreign countries

Looking at the ins and outs of the whole incident, it is not difficult for us to find that this is actually a confrontation of "narrow views" caused by generational differences and cultural differences. For Sun Sihan's generation, they would rather live a free life in a foreign country in their later years than be trapped in the box of "nationalism". The "narrow views" of the younger generation have led them to deny the legitimacy of Sun Sihan's life choice.

The 57-year-old actor and his family settled in the United States, lived in a mansion with the money earned in China, and praised foreign countries

This kind of "right and wrong" controversy is actually untenable. Because everyone's definition and yearning for a "happy life" is different. Sun Sihan's approach is not a kind of pursuit and interpretation of happiness, so what qualifications do we have to judge and criticize? It is important to understand that his departure is not a betrayal of the country and culture, but a kind of reshaping and liberation of the artist's self-worth.

The 57-year-old actor and his family settled in the United States, lived in a mansion with the money earned in China, and praised foreign countries

So, when we meet Sun Sihan again, a former "national treasure" actor, should we look at his life choices with a more open and inclusive attitude? After all, artists are also mortals, and they should not always live under the public's gaze and expectations.

The 57-year-old actor and his family settled in the United States, lived in a mansion with the money earned in China, and praised foreign countries

If Sun Sihan's departure can arouse our attention and reflection on the artist, that is the greatest significance of this whole thing. Because everyone should have the right to pursue a happy life, no matter who the person used to be. Only by getting rid of narrow stereotypes and embracing differences with a broad mind can we truly release the self of artists and find the fullness and completeness of life.

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