
The high incidence of cerebral infarction patients is related to the three kinds of spices in the kitchen, and try to put as little as possible when cooking

author:Dr. Xiaoxia's health science
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In the medical field, cerebral infarction is a notorious regular, which silently invades people's brains and causes countless families to suffer sudden pain. After careful analysis of this phenomenon, medical experts have found that there is a certain connection between the patient's eating habits and cerebral infarction that cannot be ignored.

In the eating habits of modern people, high salt, high oil, and high sugar are everywhere, and these are the invisible killers that induce cerebral infarction. These poor diets, like chronic poisons, gradually erode the health of blood vessels, making blood vessel walls fragile and accumulating the risk of blood clots. When the blood vessels are overwhelmed and blood flow is blocked, cerebral infarction occurs inadvertently.

The spice bottle in the kitchen may seem ordinary, but it can be an invisible killer of health. Salt, as the "big brother" of condiments, is risky not to be underestimated.

The high incidence of cerebral infarction patients is related to the three kinds of spices in the kitchen, and try to put as little as possible when cooking

Long-term high-salt diet will lead to an increase in blood pressure and increase the burden on cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, which is directly related to the occurrence of cerebral infarction. And MSG, a widely used taste enhancer, may also unknowingly increase the risk of cerebral infarction.

Although it can instantly enhance the umami flavor of dishes, it may invisibly increase the body's intake of sodium, which is an accomplice to high blood pressure.

The high incidence of cerebral infarction patients is related to the three kinds of spices in the kitchen, and try to put as little as possible when cooking

While delving into the link between kitchen seasoning and the incidence of cerebral infarction, we have to mention the potential impact of other dietary habits on cerebrovascular health.

Alcohol is an indispensable part of cultural exchange, but the damage to the cerebrovascular system caused by excessive drinking is obvious. Long-term heavy alcohol consumption can lead to persistent high blood pressure and increase the risk of cerebral hemorrhage and cerebral infarction.

Excessive intake of high-purine foods, such as seafood and animal offal, may also cause an increase in blood uric acid levels, and there is a potential correlation between cerebral infarction.

In this battle against cerebral infarction, antioxidant foods are like a clear stream, they are rich in vitamins C and E, which can scavenge free radicals and protect blood vessels, thus playing an important role in preventing cerebral infarction.

After exploring the relationship between diet and cerebral infarction, we can't help but ask, how can we make the right dietary choices in our daily life? The first suggestion is to strictly control the intake of the three major seasonings - salt, sugar, and monosodium glutamate.

Sugar intake is not only related to cerebral infarction, but also can cause diabetes, obesity and other diseases, and aggravate cardiovascular and cerebrovascular pressure. Therefore, it is necessary to reduce sugar intake, especially when cooking.

While reducing salt, it is also important to pay attention to the choice of alternatives such as low-sodium salt and sea salt, which can reduce sodium intake to a certain extent.

To reduce our reliance on MSG, we can opt for natural spices and herbs such as onions, ginger, garlic, coriander, etc., which not only add flavor to the dish but also provide additional health benefits.

We should recognise that changing poor eating habits and adopting a healthier lifestyle is essential to prevent cerebral infarction. This means not only reducing the use of salt, sugar and MSG in daily cooking, but also increasing the intake of vegetables and fruits, maintaining a moderate amount of exercise, and getting regular health check-ups.

With the increasing attention to health issues, it is expected that more public health strategies and health promotion activities aimed at reducing the incidence of cerebral infarction will emerge in the future.

The high incidence of cerebral infarction patients is related to the three kinds of spices in the kitchen, and try to put as little as possible when cooking

The haze of cerebral infarction cannot be dispelled overnight, but through the efforts of each of us, we can gradually unveil its mystery and reduce the threat it brings.

Starting with every bottle of spice in the kitchen, we have the opportunity to build a line of defense for ourselves and our family, so that this uninvited "guest" has nowhere to hide. On the road to health, prudence and perseverance at every step are crucial.

Table salt: the invisible driver of blood pressure

In the abyss of discussing the relationship between cerebral infarction and diet, table salt is undoubtedly an unavoidable topic. The sodium in table salt is an essential trace element for maintaining the normal physiological functions of the human body, but excessive intake has become an invisible killer of health.

A high-salt diet can easily lead to a continuous increase in blood pressure, and long-term hypertension can damage the vascular endothelium, promote arteriosclerosis, and increase the risk of cerebral infarction. The World Health Organization recommends that adults should not consume more than 5 grams of sodium per day, and in reality, many people consume well more than that. Salt reduction should be an important issue on every family's table.

The high incidence of cerebral infarction patients is related to the three kinds of spices in the kitchen, and try to put as little as possible when cooking

Sweeteners: Hidden blood sugar spoilers

Sugar, this sweet temptation, often leads to an overdose without even realizing it. Although it brings short-term pleasure to people, long-term excessive sugar intake can lead to obesity, diabetes, which are all risk factors for cerebral infarction.

People with diabetes are more susceptible to damage to the walls of blood vessels, slowing down blood flow and making it easier for blood clots to form. In our daily lives, we should minimize the consumption of foods and beverages high in sugar, as well as reduce added sugars when cooking, to protect our blood vessels from sugar.

MSG and Artificial Additives: The Health Hazards Behind Umami

Although MSG and other artificial additives can increase the umami taste of food, their health effects cannot be ignored. Monosodium glutamate, the main ingredient of monosodium glutamate, is a common food additive, and excessive intake may cause headaches, increased blood pressure and other problems, and indirectly increase the risk of cerebral infarction.

Some artificial additives may also affect the normal function of blood vessels and increase the incidence of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. In the daily diet, it is recommended to use natural flavors to replace these artificial additives to reduce the potential threat to health.

Cerebral infarction is closely related to our daily eating habits. We have a responsibility to raise public awareness of the potential risks in food and promote healthier lifestyles. Through scientific dietary structure adjustment and reasonable nutritional intake, we can completely reduce the incidence of cerebral infarction and enhance our health defense.

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