
When people are over 60, the smartest way for the elderly to live is not to focus on health care, but to pay attention to the following things

author:Unpretentious Sydney V

People are over 60, and life enters the second half. There are too many elderly people in real life, focusing on health care, keen to listen to free health classes, and then do not hesitate to buy a bunch of health care products and health care beds that have no health care effect, praying for health care to promote health and longevity, don't you know that such old people put the cart before the horse, and the way to live for the smartest elderly people in old age is by no means to focus on health care, but should pay attention to the following things:

When people are over 60, the smartest way for the elderly to live is not to focus on health care, but to pay attention to the following things

Take care of your health

Except that health is all floating clouds, this is not chicken soup, health first, everything else is zero.

When people are over 60, only if they are healthy can they have the capital to enjoy the rest of their lives.

Therefore, when people are over 60, the first thing to pay attention to is our own physical health, and here we must remember to maintain good living habits and eating habits at all times.

Don't be unhappy without meat, but with meat and vegetables. Don't overeat, eat eight minutes at each meal. Don't eat leftovers, eat plenty of fresh vegetables and fruits. Drink plenty of milk to supplement calcium. It is necessary to reduce salt, sugar and oil, avoid the "three highs", and prevent the occurrence of chronic diseases.

Don't smoke, don't drink, don't stay up late, find a way to exercise that suits you, and stick to it consistently.

It is necessary to bask in the sun more, do a proper body massage, and soak your feet before going to bed, which is conducive to blood circulation and promotes health and longevity.

It is also important to remember that regular physical examinations are aimed at early detection of diseases, early symptomatic treatment, and early control of diseases before they occur.

When people are over 60, the smartest way for the elderly to live is not to focus on health care, but to pay attention to the following things

Keep an eye on your money

After 60, people quit the workplace and return to their families, and for some reason, they can no longer return to the front line to continue working to earn money and save money, so they can only rely on pensions and savings to survive.

At this time, our smartest approach is to pay attention to their own money, because people are old, money is the confidence and dignity of the elderly's survival, the father has a mother is not as good as their own, the wife and children have to stretch out their hands, there is surplus food in their hands, they are not panicked, and never live the days of reaching out.

At this time, we should focus on our own money, and in order not to let our money go down the drain, remember to do this:

1. That is, as mentioned above, don't buy health supplements.

Don't go to a free health class, remember that there is no such thing as a free lunch, and often the free ones are the most expensive.

Don't hear others call your father and mother, so you will be overjoyed, and you will get carried away, and you will take out all your pension money and buy a bunch of health care products and health care beds that have no health care effect.

Remember that the best health supplement is coarse tea and light rice, and the best doctor is yourself.

When people are over 60, the smartest way for the elderly to live is not to focus on health care, but to pay attention to the following things

2. Don't give all your money to your children early

When people get old, as they get older and older, either this pain or that disease, big and small problems will appear anytime and anywhere, and it is a lot of money when you are sick and hospitalized.

Don't give all the money to your children early, and when you are sick and hospitalized, you will be passive when you reach out to your children to ask for money.

Originally, we should have put the initiative in our own hands, so why should we passively open our mouths to ask our children for money? Therefore, we should not give all the money to our children as soon as possible.

3. Another point is that when people are old, don't vouch for others

When people are old, face is not valuable, don't love face, because, once the guarantee is risky, when you are unable to repay, it may not only be that your money has been damaged, but you will also have to take your own life if you don't get it right.

So, to be on the safe side, remember not to vouch for someone else.

4. Don't lend money to others casually

Even if it is a brother or sister, relatives and friends should not borrow, otherwise they will be standing and borrowing money, kneeling to ask for debts, and in the end, not only will the money be wasted, but they may not even have to do the friendship of relatives, friends, brothers and sisters.

5. Don't invest blindly and manage your finances

People are old, if there is no experience in financial management when they are young, then don't be blushing, see who has made money in financial management and are eager to try to smash all their money into it, financial management is risky, sometimes once there is a risk, often lose all your money, at that time it may be called every day, called the earth is not working, and you may have to take your own health.

Therefore, when people reach old age, they must not earn money other than they know, and put money in the bank, not just to earn interest, but most importantly, to ensure the safety of the principal.

When people are over 60, the smartest way for the elderly to live is not to focus on health care, but to pay attention to the following things

Pay attention to your own mindset

When people are over 60, living is to live with a mentality. When people are old, it is like a machine that has been aging for a long time, and it is a normal physiological phenomenon to have a small illness and pain, as long as the disease is not called a disease.

Therefore, you must adjust your mentality, don't moan without illness, don't make a fuss, don't scare yourself, treat a minor illness, give up a major illness, earn a day when you live, and be happy every day.

In short, when people are over 60, the smartest way to live is definitely not to blindly focus on health care, but to always pay attention to their physical health; Keep an eye on your money; Pay attention to your own mindset.

As long as you have a healthy body, financial support, and a good attitude, you will definitely have a wonderful old age, which is the smartest way for the elderly to live

When people are over 60, the smartest way for the elderly to live is not to focus on health care, but to pay attention to the following things

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