
The old man complained that he couldn't stand on his feet when he walked like stepping on cotton, and reminded: You must be vigilant against this disease!

author:Clever Coke dJs

The lower limbs feel numb, the strength is reduced, and the walk is swaying, as if the gait is vain...... Faced with such symptoms, many patients may first think of neck or lower back problems, however, the actual "culprit" may be a disease of the chest and spine. Today, we're going to take a deep dive into a thoracic spine problem that is not often mentioned in everyday life, but is relatively common in medical practice – thoracic spinal stenosis.

The old man complained that he couldn't stand on his feet when he walked like stepping on cotton, and reminded: You must be vigilant against this disease!

Clinical manifestations of lumbar spinal stenosis

Low back discomfort is usually accompanied by tenderness in one or both buttocks and thighs, accompanied by abnormal sensation or weakness in the legs. This condition is more pronounced when walking or standing, while squatting or lying down can be relieved or disappeared, and the cycling posture is found to be more relieved during activity. Sciatica, which is common in patients with narrowing of the spinal canal, tends to be gradual and radiating in nature, radiating from the buttocks to the dorsum of the feet. Spinal stenosis may also compress the cauda equina nerve (a bundle of nerves at the base of the spinal cord), causing dysuria and sellar paresthesias, and emergency surgery should be considered if the onset is acute. Neurogenic intermittent claudication is characterized by numbness, pain, soreness, and weakness in one or both lower extremities, which often forces the patient to sit down and rest and walk again after rest, while cycling activity is usually not affected. In some cases, walking may also cause urinary and rectal disorders such as urinary urgency, urinary incontinence, or sexual dysfunction.

How to prevent it

In order to maintain the health of the neck and shoulders, it is essential to adopt a correct sitting posture. Maintaining a natural and comfortable posture and avoiding working with your head down for long periods of time or using electronic devices in bed can help prevent neck problems. In addition, regular neck activities, gently rotating and flexing the head and neck, can relieve joint fatigue and strengthen muscles, especially after hours of continuous work.

When riding in high-speed vehicles, the correct use of seat belts and the adjustment of the angle and position of the seat and headrest can effectively prevent head and neck injuries that may occur during sudden braking. The recommended three-point harness should be able to extend 10 to 15 cm during exertion, ensure that the headrest properly supports the head, and the seat recline is maintained between 15 and 30 degrees for optimal protection.

The old man complained that he couldn't stand on his feet when he walked like stepping on cotton, and reminded: You must be vigilant against this disease!

It is important to note that not all neck discomforts are suitable for massage treatment. Neck massage without a professional diagnosis can have serious consequences. Therefore, appropriate treatment should be carried out under the guidance of a regular medical institution.

Keeping your neck warm is just as important to avoid pain caused by constriction of blood vessels and muscles. Avoid direct wind blowing in cooler environments and choose appropriate clothing to keep warm, especially when changing seasons.

The old man complained that he couldn't stand on his feet when he walked like stepping on cotton, and reminded: You must be vigilant against this disease!

Finally, the correct pillow height is essential for cervical spine health. When sleeping on your side, the pillow should be about shoulder width and 6 to 7 cm tall when lying flat. Considering that people spend a considerable part of their time sleeping, choosing the right pillow height can significantly affect the health of the cervical spine. The appropriate principle is to "lower the pillow when lying on your back and relatively high when lying on your side" to ensure the natural curvature and support of the cervical spine.

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