
The appearance of these "five uncleannesses" in a family is not a good sign, and Heaven will take away your blessings

author:Barley said

Ladies and gentlemen, before reading, I would like to remind you that although this article is interesting and philosophical, it is for entertainment reference only, and you should not be superstitious!

The family and everything are prosperous, and the family is declining.

There is a heartwarming story about the allusion of "home and everything is prosperous".

It is said that in ancient times there was a family that was very envious of the harmony of the neighbor's family because of constant quarrels. So, the elders of the family went to the neighbor's house for advice. The neighbors told them, "We don't quarrel because there are too many bad people in our house." The elder was angry and thought the neighbor was joking. However, he later learns what his neighbors really mean: in a family where everyone in the family thinks they are "bad people" and is willing to take responsibility and understand each other, there will naturally be no quarrels.

For example, in a family, if the husband and wife often quarrel over trivial matters, or even blame and attack each other, then such a family environment will have a negative impact on the growth of the children and the mental health of the family members.

In the long run, family relationships can become increasingly strained, and may even lead to the breakdown of marriages or the estrangement of family members. Such families will hardly have a chance to thrive.

The appearance of these "five uncleannesses" in a family is not a good sign, and Heaven will take away your blessings

The family is the cell of society and the harbor of personal destiny.

A harmonious, clean and positive family can often give birth to a happy and successful life.

However, when there are some "unclean" phenomena in the family, it may be a warning from God to remind us to clean up the dust in our hearts and correct our behavior in time.

Today, let's discuss these "five unclean" and use them as a lesson to protect our family blessings.

Take you through the bits and pieces of family life, and pursue those "unclean" that we may ignore.

The appearance of these "five uncleannesses" in a family is not a good sign, and Heaven will take away your blessings

1. Words are "unclean"

Words, the window of the soul, have always been a bridge between people to communicate their emotions.

"Tao Te Ching" has a cloud: "Faith is not beautiful, beautiful words are not believed." Words that mean truth are often not ornate, and flowery words are not necessarily true.

This is a reminder that in our daily lives, we should associate with sincere and kind words and avoid hurting each other.

Think of a story in ancient times, the beautiful talk of Confucius's disciple Zeng Zi killing pigs and godsons.

In order to appease the child, Zengzi's wife promised to kill a pig for him to eat when he returned home, and when he returned, Zengzi caught a pig and killed it. The wife stopped and said that she was just playing with the child, but Zeng Zi said: "The baby is not playing." Babies are not knowledgeable, they treat their parents and scholars, and listen to their parents' teachings. This son deceives him, and he teaches his son to deceive him. The mother deceives the son, and the son does not believe in his mother, so he becomes a religion. So he killed the pigs to feast.

This story teaches us that the consistency of words and deeds is essential to educating children and creating a harmonious family atmosphere.

Looking at modern society, we often ignore the importance of words in our fast-paced lives.

In a family, if it is full of bad words, quarrels and abuse, chickens and dogs, then the atmosphere of the family will inevitably be tense and depressing. It's like a cold winter day, and it makes people feel extremely cold.

"Good words are warm in three winters, and bad words are hurtful and cold in June. This is a wise saying, and a profound reminder of our everyday words.

Warm words are like the sunshine of spring, which can melt the cold barrier and make the family a harbor for each other's hearts. Bad words are like sharp blades, deeply hurting the hearts of family members.

The appearance of these "five uncleannesses" in a family is not a good sign, and Heaven will take away your blessings

2. Behavior is "unclean"

Behavior is the refraction of the soul and the embodiment of character.

In ancient societies, the story of Kong Rong Rang Pear has been passed down through the ages, telling us that respect and humility are important elements of family harmony. However, when there is dishonesty such as cheating, betrayal, etc., between family members, this harmony will be seriously disrupted.

"The Yellow Emperor's Neijing" has a saying: "If the form is weak, the god is also weak, and if the form is strong, the god is also strong." The "form" here can be understood as our behavior, while the "god" is the mental state of the family. When we act with disintegrity and dishonesty, the mental state of the family will naturally be affected, and the foundation of trust will be shaken.

Looking back at history, we can find many examples of integrity. Like Guan Yu during the Three Kingdoms period, he was loyal and brave, loyal to Liu Bei, and his integrity and honesty were admired by the world. His story teaches us that integrity is the most basic bond of trust between people and the cornerstone of a strong family.

Looking at modern society, integrity crises occur from time to time.

Some people in the family deceive and betray their family members for personal gain, which not only damages the trust foundation of the family, but also makes the relationship between family members strained and alienated.

Such behaviour will ultimately be self-defeating, because when trust is destroyed, it is much harder to rebuild it.

Integrity is golden, a precious quality that each of us should cherish.

The appearance of these "five uncleannesses" in a family is not a good sign, and Heaven will take away your blessings

3. The soul is "not clean"

The mind, it is a vast ocean, which can give birth to warm sunlight or a gloomy storm.

When the hearts of family members are filled with negative emotions such as resentment and jealousy, the ocean will become turbulent, and the harmony and warmth of the family will dissipate.

Gu Shiyun: "It is born from the same root, why is it too anxious to fry each other." This poem profoundly reveals the root of family strife - the "uncleanness" of the soul.

In an ancient legend, there is a story about "resentment", which tells the tragedy of a man who ended up destroying himself and his family because of resentment. This warns us that negative emotions in the soul can spread like poisonous weeds and erode the happiness of the family.

There is a saying in the "Book of Songs": "Pick the herbs, and pick the thin words." There are thin words, thin words to look at, and thin words to think. This tells us that family members should appreciate and miss each other, rather than letting resentment and jealousy take over the mind. Like collecting beautiful flowers, we should discover and cherish the advantages of our families, and feel and experience the warmth of our families with our hearts.

In "How Steel Is Made", the protagonist Paul Kochagin always maintains optimism and firm belief in the face of life's hardships and setbacks. He said, "The most precious thing for man is life, and life is only once per person... When he looks back, he will not regret that he wasted his time, nor will he be ashamed of his inaction..."This inspires us to face the difficulties and challenges in the family with a positive attitude, and to resolve conflicts with tolerance and understanding.

Uncle Wang next door often said to the boys in the community: "The family is prosperous, and the resentment is difficult to calm the family." ”

This phrase succinctly expresses the importance of a clean mind for family harmony.

When our minds are occupied by negative emotions, the family loses its former peace and warmth.

Restore the tranquility and depth of the ocean of the mind, and let the family's boat sail steadily in this ocean.

The appearance of these "five uncleannesses" in a family is not a good sign, and Heaven will take away your blessings

Fourth, the environment is "not clean"

The environment of a home is not only about the external cleanliness and beauty, but also has a profound impact on the quality of life and inner peace of the family.

Modern life is fast-paced, but we must not use this as an excuse to ignore the cleanliness and maintenance of the home environment.

Imagine how a cluttered, dusty home can make people feel happy and refreshed?

As said in the famous foreign book "The Weakness of Human Nature": "The impact of the environment on a person is far beyond our imagination." The "unclean" family environment invisibly erodes our quality of life, and is more likely to breed various diseases and become an invisible killer of health.

"The Yellow Emperor's Neijing" emphasized: "If you are quiet, you will be closed and refused, although there is a strong wind and poison, and the Buddha can be harmful." "A clean and tidy home environment is like putting on an invisible layer of protective armor for the family to resist external aggression.

The Tao Te Ching also advocates that "purity is the righteousness of the world", which is not only a requirement for personal practice, but also applies to the environment of our daily life.

As the old saying goes, "If you don't sweep a house, how can you sweep the world?" If you can't even take care of your own small home, how can you govern the bigger world?

I believe that the cleanliness and beauty of the family is not only to leave a good impression on outsiders, but more importantly, to the physical and mental health of the family. Every time I come home and see a home with clean windows and an orderly home, the sense of comfort and belonging cannot be expressed in words.

The ancients said: "The thatched eaves are long and clean without moss, and the flowers and trees are planted by hand." "It's both an attitude to life and a reflection of family responsibility.

Let's take action and practice good hygiene by cleaning and tidying up regularly. This is not only for the sake of the family to shine with neatness and beauty, but also for the happiness and health of ourselves and our families.

A clean and comfortable home is our warmest harbor and a solid backing for us to face the wind and rain outside.

The appearance of these "five uncleannesses" in a family is not a good sign, and Heaven will take away your blessings

5. The relationship is "not clean"

The family is supposed to be a haven full of love and warmth, but when the relationship between family members becomes complicated, mixed with entanglements of interests and power struggles, this harbor can become stormy.

In Dostoevsky's "Crime and Punishment", we see the struggle and sinking of human nature in the face of interests and desires. Although the background and environment of the novel are different from those of family relationships, the moral discussion and profound analysis of human nature in the novel undoubtedly warn us that when family relationships are eroded by interests and power, purity and sincerity will no longer exist, leaving only endless strife and pain.

"Three Character Classic" says: "Father and son are kind, and husband and wife are from." Brother is a friend, brother is a friend. This short but profound lesson tells us what family members should have with each other—love between father and son, harmony between husband and wife, and friendship and respect between brothers and sisters.

The ancient sages once said: "The family and everything prospers, and the family declines endlessly." This sentence is also profoundly enlightening in modern times.

When family relationships are complex and full of strife, family harmony and happiness are disrupted, and everything is difficult to prosper. On the contrary, if family members can treat each other sincerely and maintain their relationship with love, then the family will become our warmest haven.

In the face of the complexity of family relationships, we need to have enough wisdom and courage to resolve conflicts and regain the purity and sincerity of the family.

First of all, we need to clarify the core values of the family - love and care.

On this basis, we can try to establish open, honest lines of communication where every family member can express their feelings and thoughts.

We must also learn to listen and understand, and respect everyone's choices and decisions.

In addition, we can also draw on the concept of family ethics in traditional culture, emphasizing mutual assistance and dedication among family members. When everyone is able to contribute to the happiness and harmony of the family, family ties become stronger and stronger.

I would like to quote a modern saying: "The family is not a place of reason, but a place of love." ”

The appearance of these "five uncleannesses" in a family is not a good sign, and Heaven will take away your blessings

Family is the harbor of life and the destination of our souls.

When the above "five unclean" appear in the family, we should be vigilant in time and take measures to correct them.

Let the blessings of God remain in our lives forever.

May every family have a clean, tidy, harmonious and warm environment, so that love flows in it and transmits endless warmth and strength!

The appearance of these "five uncleannesses" in a family is not a good sign, and Heaven will take away your blessings

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