
Grass mushrooms have a high protein content, which can replenish qi and health, and teach you two family dishes of grass mushrooms

author:Lunchtime food

Nutritional composition of grass mushrooms: The protein content of grass mushrooms is several times higher than that of ordinary vegetables, and has the reputation of "meat in the vegetarian", containing 8 kinds of essential amino acids.

Efficacy: Grass mushroom cool, sweet, non-toxic, can benefit the spleen to replenish qi, clear heat and relieve heat, for summer heat irritability, weak body and hypertension patients are more suitable. Contains a large amount of vitamin C, can promote human metabolism, improve the body's immunity, effectively fight scurvy. In addition, eating more mushrooms also has the effect of improving brain function and improving intelligence.

Diet should be avoided: whether it is fresh or dry, it should not be soaked for too long.

Therapeutic diet home practices

1. Grilled bamboo shoots with mushrooms

Grass mushrooms have a high protein content, which can replenish qi and health, and teach you two family dishes of grass mushrooms

Ingredients: Ingredients: 1500 grams of winter shoots, 50 grams of dried mushrooms, 25 grams of cooked ham, 500 grams of belly meat. Excipients: 500 grams of raw oil, monosodium glutamate, salt, sesame oil, wet starch each appropriate amount.

Directions: Peel and wash the winter shoots, cut them into 3 cm long olive-shaped pieces with a knife, and fry them in soft oil over a slow heat. Slice the ham and set aside. Remove the mushrooms from their heads, soak in water, wash and drain. Stir-fry the belly meat slices, then add the second soup, bamboo shoots, grass mushrooms and simmer for about 30 minutes, take out the belly meat, add monosodium glutamate, sesame oil, drizzle with starch water, put the pan on the plate, and put the ham slices on top.

Efficacy: This dish protects the liver and stomach, and helps digestion.

2. Straw mushroom pork rib soup

Ingredients: Ingredients: 500 g of ribs, 250 g of mushrooms. Accessories: 1/2 cup milk, 3 slices of ginger, 6 bowls of water.

Directions: Wash the mushrooms, scrape off the black substance of the stalk, and cut in half; Wash the ribs, cut into pieces, rinse with water. Bring water to a boil, add ribs and ginger slices, simmer for 20 minutes, reduce heat to 1 hour, add mushrooms, roll for 10 minutes, pour in the milk, bring to a boil again, season with salt.

Efficacy: Detoxification and anti-cancer, promote human metabolism, enhance disease resistance; Grass mushrooms can also slow down the body's absorption of carbohydrates and are a good food for diabetics.

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