
#Challenge 30 days to write a diary in the headlines #"Xiaoman" eat 8 more foods, clear heat and detoxify, moisturize and hydrate, appetizing and cool off!! Ingredients for scrambled eggs with chili pepper: green thread pepper, millet spicy,

author:Splendid v Shandong

#Challenge 30 days to write a diary in the headlines# "Xiaoman" eat 8 more kinds of food, clear heat and detoxify, moisturize and hydrate, appetizing and cool off!!

Scrambled eggs with chili

Ingredients: Green pepper, millet spicy, minced garlic, egg.

Practical steps:

1. Remove the stems of green pepper and millet pepper, clean and cut into circles. Finely chop the garlic.

2. Heat the oil, beat the eggs after the oil is hot, and then quickly stir-fry and scratch.

3. Heat the oil again, add minced garlic and stir-fry until fragrant, then add millet spicy and green pepper and stir-fry a few times, stir-fry until broken, add eggs and stir-fry evenly.

4. Then add light soy sauce, oyster sauce, dark soy sauce and pepper to taste, quickly stir-fry and evenly taste before you can take it out of the pot and put it on a plate.

Homemade braised pork

Ingredients: 750g pork belly, 60g rock sugar, 3 tablespoons light soy sauce, 2 star anise, 2 fragrant leaves, 2 slices ginger, 1 teaspoon salt


1. Wash and cut the pork belly (about 2 cm, cubes);

2. Add an appropriate amount of water to the pot, pot under cold water of pork belly, pour an appropriate amount of cooking wine, boil over high heat, remove the foam, and fish out for later;

3. Pour an appropriate amount of cooking oil, add rock sugar, stir-fry over low heat, stir-fry until all the rock sugar melts, and yellow bubbles start from the bottom of the pot;

4. Put the pork belly into the pot, turn to medium heat and stir-fry quickly, so that each piece of pork belly is coated with sugar color;

5. Add an appropriate amount of soy sauce, stir-fry evenly, pour hot water, put in an appropriate amount of salt, ginger slices, star anise, bring to a boil over high heat, turn to low heat and simmer for about 40 minutes;

6. Finally, collect the juice on high heat, put it on a plate and eat;

Shrimp smooth egg seaweed soup

Ingredients: prawns, carrots, eggs, seaweed, chopped green onion.

Practical process:

1. Remove the shrimp line after opening the back, then take out the shrimp and clean it, then chop it into shrimp slippery, put it in a bowl for later, then peel the carrot, cut it into minced carrot, put it together, and then grab and mix with the shrimp slip evenly for later use.

2. Beat three local eggs into a bowl, then stir well with chopsticks, then heat the oil in a hot pan, after the oil is hot, pour in the adjusted egg liquid oil and fry, fry until the egg liquid is formed, put out the cut egg shreds for later use.

3. Bring the water to a boil, turn to low heat, then knead the shrimp into a shrimp slippery ball, simmer for three minutes and cook.

4. Then turn to medium heat, add seaweed and eggs to cook together, then add an appropriate amount of salt to taste, then sprinkle a handful of chopped green onion to garnish, and then you can eat it out of the pan.

Chill folded ear roots

Ingredients: folded ear root, minced garlic, coriander, green onion, millet spicy.

Practical process:

1. Wash the ear roots, fold them into small pieces, put them in a large bowl, then prepare the coriander, green onion, minced garlic and millet spicy and put them together.

2. Then add an appropriate amount of light soy sauce, chili oil, white vinegar, rattan pepper oil, salt and chicken essence, and mix together.

3. Then cover with plastic wrap, refrigerate for an hour, and then continue to grasp and mix well, then you can eat.

Roasted tofu with green onions

Ingredients: tender tofu, green onions, lean meat, garlic, ginger, red pepper, sugar, cornstarch, peppercorn

1. Cut the tender tofu into small pieces, put it in a bowl, add a spoonful of salt, and color two spoonfuls of old soy sauce. Pour a large bowl of water over the tofu, cut a green onion diagonally into small pieces, cut the garlic into garlic pieces, cut the ginger into minced ginger, and chop a piece of lean meat into minced meat. Slice the red pepper.

2. Seasoning sauce, a spoonful of light soy sauce, oyster sauce for freshness, edible salt, chicken essence, a small amount of white sugar for freshness, then a spoonful of pepper, a spoonful of cornstarch, pour a small bowl of water and stir evenly.

3. Heat the oil to four heat, add tofu and fry until golden brown on both sides, put it out for later use, and then stir-fry the lean meat until fragrant. Add the minced ginger and garlic, Sichuan peppercorns and red pepper segments, and stir-fry over high heat until the garlic aroma. Add the green onions and continue stir-frying, adding the tofu and stir-frying a few times.

4. Add the seasoned sauce to it, stir-fry for about ten seconds, penetrate the seasoning into the tofu, the green onion roasted tofu is ready, and then sprinkle a little green onion to decorate the color.

Stir-fried beef with oyster sauce and grass mushrooms

Ingredients: Appropriate amount of grass mushrooms, 5 strains of kale, 300g of beef

Seasoning: 15ml real oyster sauce, 5ml real dark soy sauce, 5g sulfur-free white sugar, 1g pepper, 10ml small sesame oil, 10g starch, 3ml soy sauce

Steps: 1. Wash and treat grass mushrooms, marinate beef: add 10ml of oyster sauce, 3g of sugar, 1g of pepper, 5ml of dark soy sauce, 10ml of small sesame oil, 5g of starch, stir well and set aside;

2. Modulation: 5g starch, 5ml oyster sauce, 3ml soy sauce, 2g sugar and 60ml water;

3. Bring water to a boil, put in kale and blanch, take out the plate, put the processed mushrooms into the pot and boil, take out the slices after cooking;

4. Pour in the marinated beef, simply stir-fry and take out, then pour in the grass mushroom fusion sauce and stir-fry, then pour the beef into and stir-fry, pour in the prepared sauce to thicken and go out of the pot.

Sweet and sour yam


Iron stick yam to taste, black and white sesame seeds to taste.


1. Peel and cut the iron stick yam into sections, and soak it in clean water to prevent oxidation.

2. Put boiling water in the pot, boil yam water for two minutes, and take out the controlled water for later use.

3. Sweet and sour sauce method: two spoons of tomato paste, one spoonful of light soy sauce, one spoonful of white sugar, two spoons of white vinegar, a small amount of salt, a few spoons of water and stir well.

4. Put oil in the pot, add yam and stir-fry for a while, put in the adjusted sweet and sour sauce and bring to a boil.

5. Pour water starch into half a spoonful of chicken essence, sprinkle with black and white sesame seeds, and you can get out of the pot~

Scrambled eggs with mushrooms

Ingredients: 1 large mushroom, 3 eggs, 2 garlic cloves, a few spring onions, dark soy sauce, salt, white vinegar.

Method: 1. Prepare the required ingredients, cut off the roots of the mushrooms, break them open and tear them into small pieces, clean them, and squeeze out the excess water.

2. Knock 3 eggs into a bowl, beat and stir, wash and chop the spring onions, chop the garlic cloves, put more oil in the pot, pour the egg liquid into the hot pot, quickly slide it out, use the old taste of the eggs I like, and fry for a while.

3. Pour oil into the pot, stir-fry the mushroom cubes, stir-fry the mushrooms until soft, add minced garlic and stir-fry until fragrant, pour in the old soy sauce and stir-fry for a while, pour in the scrambled eggs and prepared green onions, add an appropriate amount of salt, continue to stir-fry for half a minute, turn off the heat and serve.

#Challenge 30 days to write a diary in the headlines #"Xiaoman" eat 8 more foods, clear heat and detoxify, moisturize and hydrate, appetizing and cool off!! Ingredients for scrambled eggs with chili pepper: green thread pepper, millet spicy,
#Challenge 30 days to write a diary in the headlines #"Xiaoman" eat 8 more foods, clear heat and detoxify, moisturize and hydrate, appetizing and cool off!! Ingredients for scrambled eggs with chili pepper: green thread pepper, millet spicy,
#Challenge 30 days to write a diary in the headlines #"Xiaoman" eat 8 more foods, clear heat and detoxify, moisturize and hydrate, appetizing and cool off!! Ingredients for scrambled eggs with chili pepper: green thread pepper, millet spicy,
#Challenge 30 days to write a diary in the headlines #"Xiaoman" eat 8 more foods, clear heat and detoxify, moisturize and hydrate, appetizing and cool off!! Ingredients for scrambled eggs with chili pepper: green thread pepper, millet spicy,
#Challenge 30 days to write a diary in the headlines #"Xiaoman" eat 8 more foods, clear heat and detoxify, moisturize and hydrate, appetizing and cool off!! Ingredients for scrambled eggs with chili pepper: green thread pepper, millet spicy,
#Challenge 30 days to write a diary in the headlines #"Xiaoman" eat 8 more foods, clear heat and detoxify, moisturize and hydrate, appetizing and cool off!! Ingredients for scrambled eggs with chili pepper: green thread pepper, millet spicy,
#Challenge 30 days to write a diary in the headlines #"Xiaoman" eat 8 more foods, clear heat and detoxify, moisturize and hydrate, appetizing and cool off!! Ingredients for scrambled eggs with chili pepper: green thread pepper, millet spicy,
#Challenge 30 days to write a diary in the headlines #"Xiaoman" eat 8 more foods, clear heat and detoxify, moisturize and hydrate, appetizing and cool off!! Ingredients for scrambled eggs with chili pepper: green thread pepper, millet spicy,

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