
Can you drink yogurt if you have gastritis? Can you eat more steamed buns to neutralize stomach acid? Wrong! When you have flatulence and acid reflux, don't eat like this

author:Dr. Li Xuejun of the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Imagine that one calm afternoon, you walk into a café with a slight stomach ache. You order a cup of yogurt and a steamed bun in the hope that this combination will ease your discomfort. However, after a few hours, not only did the stomach pain not relieve, but it felt even more uncomfortable. Have you ever experienced this situation? Many gastritis patients have misconceptions about their diet, which is the invisible killer that leads to the aggravation of the disease. Today, let's uncover the truth about the dietary misconceptions of gastritis patients and explore how to manage and alleviate gastritis through the right eating habits.

Can you drink yogurt if you have gastritis? Can you eat more steamed buns to neutralize stomach acid? Wrong! When you have flatulence and acid reflux, don't eat like this

Dietary misconceptions for gastritis patients

Yogurt myth: Is yogurt really a friend of the stomach?

Many people with gastritis believe that yogurt improves stomach health due to its probiotic content. However, this view is not entirely true. Lactic acid bacteria in yogurt do have benefits for gut health, but when the stomach lining is damaged or in an inflammatory state, acidic foods such as yogurt may irritate the sensitive stomach lining and cause worsening symptoms. Therefore, patients with gastritis need to be cautious when choosing yogurt, especially during the acute attack of gastritis, and it is best to avoid or reduce the intake of yogurt.

The Relationship Between Mantou and Stomach Acid: Solution or Source of the Problem?

As a common staple food, steamed bread is mistaken by some gastritis patients for neutralizing gastric acid, thereby relieving the discomfort caused by excessive stomach acid. In fact, starch-rich foods such as steamed buns can stimulate gastric acid secretion during digestion, which may worsen gastric acid secretion and cause or exacerbate stomach discomfort for patients who already have excessive gastric acid. Therefore, simply relying on steamed buns or similar foods to "neutralize" stomach acid is not a scientific approach.

Dietary choices for flatulence and acid reflux: Be careful about aggravating the condition

When experiencing gas or acid reflux, many patients choose to eat foods that seem to relieve symptoms quickly, such as carbonated drinks, fatty foods, or excessive fruit juices. However, these foods are not only not effective in relieving symptoms, but may exacerbate the condition by stimulating gastric acid secretion and increasing the burden on the stomach. In particular, carbonated beverages can increase intra-abdominal pressure, promote acid reflux, and exacerbate the symptoms of flatulence and acid reflux.

Can you drink yogurt if you have gastritis? Can you eat more steamed buns to neutralize stomach acid? Wrong! When you have flatulence and acid reflux, don't eat like this

Correct eating habits and recommendations

The Art on the Plate: Choose the right one, not just what you eat

The dietary choices of patients with gastritis should be aimed at improving digestion and reducing the burden on the stomach. Prefer easy-to-digest, low-fat, fiber-rich foods such as lean meats (chicken breast, fish), cooked vegetables (carrots, spinach), and whole grains. These foods not only nourish the body, but also avoid irritating the sensitive gastric mucosa.

Lean meat: Provides essential protein to help repair the stomach mucosa.

Cooked vegetables: easier to digest and less burden on the stomach.

Whole Grains: Rich in fiber to help keep your digestive system running smoothly.

The wisdom of the meal sharing system: small and frequent meals, easy and unburdened

Eating smaller, more frequent meals can significantly reduce the workload on your stomach. It is recommended to eat 5 to 6 meals a day, and the amount of each meal should not be too much, especially to avoid excessive dinner, because the recovery ability of the stomach is weak at night, and excessive eating can easily lead to excessive stomach acid and stomach discomfort.

Sensitive Foods: Documentation and Analysis

Patients with gastritis should avoid irritating foods such as spicy, greasy foods and pay attention to the individual's sensitivity to specific foods. Maintaining a food diary that records the types of foods, when they are consumed, and subsequent body reactions can help identify and avoid foods that trigger an upset stomach.

Can you drink yogurt if you have gastritis? Can you eat more steamed buns to neutralize stomach acid? Wrong! When you have flatulence and acid reflux, don't eat like this

Healthy living advice outside of diet

Peace of mind: Stress reduction is key

Psychological stress is an invisible driver of exacerbating gastritis symptoms. Practice has shown that maintaining a calm mind and reducing stress through meditation, yoga or light exercise can significantly improve gastritis symptoms.

Quality sleep: Nighttime is the prime time for treatment

Ensuring adequate, high-quality sleep is essential for people with gastritis. During sleep, the body enters a state of self-repair, which helps relieve gastritis. Avoid caffeinated beverages and maintain a regular sleep schedule to create an environment conducive to sleep.

Moderate exercise: activity promotes digestion

Moderate physical activity can promote gastrointestinal peristalsis, help food be better digested and absorbed, and reduce the burden on the stomach. Light to moderate-intensity exercise such as walking and jogging is recommended for patients with gastritis.

Correct dietary habits and lifestyle adjustments are the key to managing symptoms and promoting recovery for gastritis patients. Through careful dietary choices, the practice of separate meals, avoiding sensitive foods, combined with stress reduction, maintaining good sleep and moderate exercise, it can effectively reduce stomach discomfort and improve symptoms. In addition, it is crucial to work closely with your doctor to develop a personalized treatment plan based on your individual situation. Although gastritis is common, with proper management and adjustment, it can effectively improve the quality of life and reduce the risk of exacerbations. Therefore, it is recommended that patients with gastritis take active action to develop healthy lifestyle habits and protect their health.

Can you drink yogurt if you have gastritis? Can you eat more steamed buns to neutralize stomach acid? Wrong! When you have flatulence and acid reflux, don't eat like this

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