
A bowl of cold salad malan head will take you to taste the freshness of the season!

author:Shanghai Fengxian
A bowl of cold salad malan head will take you to taste the freshness of the season!

The young stems and leaves of Marantou contain water, calcium, phosphorus, iron, carotene, potassium, vitamin B, niacin, etc. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that Ma Lantou has a spicy and slightly cold taste, and has the effects of clearing heat and detoxifying, cooling blood and stopping bleeding, and diluting dampness and reducing swelling. Spring is coming, let's taste the taste of spring together!

Preparation of ingredients

Marantou, salt, sugar, chicken essence, fragrant dry, edible oil

A bowl of cold salad malan head will take you to taste the freshness of the season!

Wash the maran head.

A bowl of cold salad malan head will take you to taste the freshness of the season!

After blanching in water, drain the marantou. Chop into minced pieces, and chop the dried incense into minced pieces for later use.

A bowl of cold salad malan head will take you to taste the freshness of the season!


A bowl of cold salad malan head will take you to taste the freshness of the season!

Put the maran head and fragrant dried rice in a pot, sprinkle with salt, oil, chicken essence, etc. and stir.

A bowl of cold salad malan head will take you to taste the freshness of the season!

Add sugar, sesame oil, etc. to enhance freshness, and stir well.

A bowl of cold salad malan head will take you to taste the freshness of the season!

Serve at the end for plating.

A bowl of cold salad malan head will take you to taste the freshness of the season!

Ma Lantou in spring is a gift from nature, this cold dish is a seasonal dish, but also a home-cooked dish, simple and easy to make, move quickly, eat the spring flavor in your memory!

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