
The winning rate of Marco Polo at the top ranking is not as good as that of Lu Ban and Hou Yi, and Yu Ji has sprung up

author:The little driver said the game

I don't know if you have noticed, but now the heroes of each rank have quietly changed. In the past, there were not many people playing Lanling King at the top of the ranking, but now, it is more popular. In the past, it was difficult to play Lu Ban, Hou Yi and other sluggish shots in high segments, but now they have a win rate of about 50% at the top rank...... On the contrary, some shooters with strong displacement ability, but the winning rate is not very good, so let's talk about some of the top rankings:

1: Ao Yin Win rate 52.6% Appearance rate 10.5%

Ao Yin has been good in winning since it was launched, and this hero has a relatively strong explosive ability, and if you make the first move, you can easily set a set of crispy skins in seconds. Moreover, his basic attacks can be controlled with incident, which often makes people have no power to fight back. In terms of survival, Ao Yin is also much stronger than ordinary shooters, and other shooters are already relatively strong if they have two displacements, but after Ao Yin flies into the sky, the displacement distance is more outrageous than the two-stage displacement of others, and if it is not surrounded, it is almost very caught.

The winning rate of Marco Polo at the top ranking is not as good as that of Lu Ban and Hou Yi, and Yu Ji has sprung up

2: Di Renjie 50.3% win rate 25% appearance rate

Di Renjie's appearance rate at the top of the rankings in recent seasons has always been at the top, a little higher than Marco Polo and Sun Shangxiang. And the win rate is relatively stable, has been maintained at about 50%, a hero with a high appearance rate and a stable win rate, indicating that it is more suitable for mass players to score.

The winning rate of Marco Polo at the top ranking is not as good as that of Lu Ban and Hou Yi, and Yu Ji has sprung up

On the contrary, some heroes with a high win rate but relatively unpopular are only suitable for some unique brothers. Indeed, Di Renjie, a hero, is not difficult to operate, he only needs to prevent being caught in the opposite line in depth, and pay attention to the position in the team battle. In terms of installation, we must know how to be flexible and flexible, and when the living environment is good, full output. If auxiliary protection is not enough, some defensive equipment can be appropriately produced.

Three: Yu Ji Win rate 49.4% Appearance rate 22.2%

Yu Ji's original win rate among shooters has been at the bottom, but after the last adjustment, both the appearance rate and the win rate have increased significantly, and the data has surpassed Marco Polo and Sun Shangxiang to become a new strong hero. Yu Ji's feature is that the two skills are immune to physical damage, which is very uncomfortable for many heroes, especially the kind of heroes with high burst damage, two seconds, can resist all a set of skills.

The winning rate of Marco Polo at the top ranking is not as good as that of Lu Ban and Hou Yi, and Yu Ji has sprung up

In the past, Yu Ji's skill was too strong to shake forward, and it was not suitable for use when she was close. After the update, with the increase in attack speed, the forward swing time has also been greatly reduced, making Yu Ji's output more silky.

The winning rate of Marco Polo at the top ranking is not as good as that of Lu Ban and Hou Yi, and Yu Ji has sprung up

Four: Marco Polo Win rate 47.3% Appearance rate 22.2%

Marco Polo is almost the same as Lu Bu, with high popularity all year round, but the winning rate is very low, and it can be said that he is at the bottom. It's not that Marco Polo is particularly weak, it's just that there aren't many people who can play this hero well. After all, Marco Polo is still higher than Di Renjie in terms of operation.

The winning rate of Marco Polo at the top ranking is not as good as that of Lu Ban and Hou Yi, and Yu Ji has sprung up

When many players play Marco Polo, it seems that they don't send a few kills, but when they go out and look at the output, it is very low. This is because Marco Polo mainly relies on a skill to consume from a distance, and the melee basic attack can't beat some dull shots. And a skill strafing, the distance is very critical, if it is far, many bullets will be missed, and if it is close, it is easy to be killed. In addition, Marco Polo's ultimate can be used to escape and enter the field to harvest, so this time needs to be grasped. Once interrupted, it means death.

Five: Sun Shangxiang Win rate 49.7% Appearance rate 20.8%

Sun Shangxiang is a hero with a relatively high popularity regardless of whether he is in a low segment or a high segment, but the win rate in a low segment is slightly lower. Playing Sun Shangxiang, the prediction skill is very important, her basic attack can reduce the CD of a skill tumbling, so a skill can be used frequently, and if this skill is used well, you can easily dodge some skills. With Sun Shangxiang's high explosion, as long as he is not controlled and killed with one blow, he will have a chance to turn the tables.

The winning rate of Marco Polo at the top ranking is not as good as that of Lu Ban and Hou Yi, and Yu Ji has sprung up

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