
Truly make people's livelihood practical things become the embodiment carrier of "Chinese-style modernization".

author:Jianyang release

Jianyang Rong Media Center

Truly make people's livelihood practical things become the embodiment carrier of "Chinese-style modernization".

On April 8, the 2024 Jianyang City Top Ten Projects for a Happy and Beautiful Life Leading Group Meeting was held to summarize and analyze the work in 2023, sort out and study the work ideas and priorities in 2024, and refine the deployment. Wang Kai, secretary of the municipal party committee and leader of the leading group, attended the meeting and delivered a speech, he emphasized that it is necessary to deeply study and implement the important expositions of general secretary Xi Jinping on protecting and improving people's livelihood, always adhere to the people-centered development idea, find countermeasures with "heart", use "feelings" to observe public opinion, and use "strength" to grasp practical results, so as to truly make people's livelihood practical things become the embodiment carrier of "Chinese-style modernization". Zhang Wenhao, deputy secretary of the municipal party committee and deputy head of the leading group, attended the meeting.

Truly make people's livelihood practical things become the embodiment carrier of "Chinese-style modernization".

The meeting listened to the report on the progress of the work of the special promotion groups of the ten major projects for a happy and beautiful life. In 2023, the city will solidly promote the ten major projects for a happy and beautiful life and the "I do practical things for the masses" activity, the investment in the field of people's livelihood will grow steadily, the social security work will be carried out in an orderly manner, the public service facilities will be continuously improved, and the citizens' observation will receive a good response.

It was noted that -

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping has attached great importance to people's livelihood, delivered a series of important speeches and made a series of important instructions, profoundly expounded the political position, basic principles and key tasks to protect and improve people's livelihood, and pointed out the direction of progress and provided fundamental guidance for us to do a good job in people's livelihood. The Chengdu Municipal Party Committee insists on taking people's livelihood as the top priority, and creatively carries out the "Ten Major Projects for a Happy and Beautiful Life", which clarifies the focus of our work to do a good job in people's livelihood. At present, the development of Jianyang has reached a new starting point, and is based on the reality of "small cities with large rural areas", accelerating the construction of a people-centered modern port-industry-urban-rural integration demonstration city. We must keep in mind General Secretary Xi Jinping's earnest entrustment, insist on keeping the people's will as the greatest politics, take the benefit of the people as the greatest political achievement, and vigorously implement the people's heart-warming actions and practical things for the people's livelihood; we must give more prominence to development for the people and development to benefit the people, and continue to improve people's livelihood and well-being in promoting high-quality development; we must consciously conform to the people's will, respect the people's will, pay attention to the people's feelings, give full play to the people's strength, improve the people's livelihood, and constantly meet the people's yearning and needs for a better life.

Truly make people's livelihood practical things become the embodiment carrier of "Chinese-style modernization".
Truly make people's livelihood practical things become the embodiment carrier of "Chinese-style modernization".

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The meeting emphasized-

It is necessary to anchor the goals and tasks, implement key measures, and achieve every practical matter of people's livelihood to the hearts of the citizens.

◆Adhere to the project leadership to promote high-quality development, keep an eye on the work goals for 2024, accurately analyze the key projects in 2024, implement them one by one, and promote the selection of the "Top Ten Citizen Praise Projects for the People's Scoring" with high quality, and guide the public to pay extensive attention to and actively participate in the construction of the project. Highlight the creation of scenes and actively promote consumption promotion, adhere to the concept of pragmatic and effective, exquisite and beautiful, convenient and efficient, and ecological livability, closely focus on the needs of citizens, accelerate the construction of a number of ecological scenes and life scenes that highlight the characteristics of Jianyang and reflect the charm of Jianyang;

Truly make people's livelihood practical things become the embodiment carrier of "Chinese-style modernization".

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◆ Adhere to systematic thinking to speed up the completion of people's livelihood shortcomings, pay close attention to the balanced supply of high-quality education and medical resources, the guarantee of "one old and one young", the improvement of convenient service measures, the improvement of ecological environment and other people's livelihood shortcomings with high concern and high expectations, adhere to the principle of doing our best and doing what we can, and strive to make up for the functions of urban areas, communities and parks. Strengthen smart support to improve the level of scientific governance, rely on the urban transportation platform to further deepen the construction of "smart Chengdu", build a number of effective, easy-to-use, and easy-to-use smart application scenarios, continuously deepen the construction of the "micro-grid real grid" and the source of litigation governance system, organically integrate into the service management functions such as employment, elderly care, and childcare, and coordinate the promotion of the construction of "face projects" and "linzi projects", promote key areas such as building construction, hazardous chemicals, food and drugs, and campus safety. The construction of urban governance projects such as the upgrading and reconstruction of old pipe networks has been accelerated.

Truly make people's livelihood practical things become the embodiment carrier of "Chinese-style modernization".

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It is necessary to change the style of work, unite and work together, and promote the implementation of various tasks in people's livelihood. Explore the working model of the "area + double team leader in charge" system, strengthen the responsibility of municipal leaders, strengthen the coordination of municipal departments and towns (streets), effectively supervise the efficient promotion of projects, continue to deepen the service mechanism of the whole life cycle of projects, select and commend a number of typical people's livelihood work, and form a strong atmosphere of concern for the whole society and support and participation in people's livelihood work. Coordinate resources, multi-party linkage, innovate public service organizations and supply methods, encourage enterprises to participate in the provision of diversified, high-quality, and customized public service products, and encourage social organizations, professional social work, and volunteer services to carry out more "small and beautiful" public welfare projects for specific groups in need, and continuously meet the needs of multi-level public services. Change the style of work, pay close attention to implementation, actively promote the implementation of the voting system of people's congress deputies for practical projects on people's livelihood, continue to expand the channels for citizens to express their opinions and suggestions online and offline, such as "dam meetings" and "online politics", further deepen the observer system, and respond to and do a good job in every "little thing" of people's livelihood with a rush to take the exam.

Truly make people's livelihood practical things become the embodiment carrier of "Chinese-style modernization".

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Lei Qifeng, Jiang Liwang, Yang Xinqiu, Du Xueliang, Wang Yong, Lu Bing, Yang Jun, Lei Lei, Yang Ke, Zeng Jiyuan, deputy leaders of the leading group, the main (or standing) responsible comrades of the member units of the leading group, the secretaries of the party (work) committees of each town (street), the deputy director of the leading group office, and the leaders of each working group attended the meeting.

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Reporter | Gu Hang, Cao Liqin

Photography | Yan Wei

Edit | Zheng Yuelan

Editor-in-charge | Hu Yu

Audit | Duan Xiaoyan

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Truly make people's livelihood practical things become the embodiment carrier of "Chinese-style modernization".
Truly make people's livelihood practical things become the embodiment carrier of "Chinese-style modernization".
Truly make people's livelihood practical things become the embodiment carrier of "Chinese-style modernization".

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