
Claimed 6.5 million? "Wang Baoweak" cried and apologized to Wang Baoqiang: I shouldn't have connected with Mrs. Ma

author:See the history

During the Qingming holiday, a day that was supposed to be a day of missing relatives and reminiscing about the past, it became confusing because of an Internet celebrity named "Wang Baoqiao". He has caused a storm of public opinion for imitating Wang Baoqiang excessively, and a recent apology video he released is even more shocking.

Claimed 6.5 million? "Wang Baoweak" cried and apologized to Wang Baoqiang: I shouldn't have connected with Mrs. Ma

In recent years, with the rise of short video platforms, more and more ordinary people have become Internet celebrities because of their momentary creativity or humor, especially those amateurs who look similar to celebrities. For example, "This Ying" imitates Na Ying, and "Porridge Cake Lun" who sells egg scones, etc., and "Wang Baoqiao" is one of them.

Claimed 6.5 million? "Wang Baoweak" cried and apologized to Wang Baoqiang: I shouldn't have connected with Mrs. Ma

He is famous for imitating Feng Yuxiu played by Wang Baoqiang in the movie "One Man's Martial Arts". His imitation skills are very good, and Wang Baoqiang himself is an actor from the grassroots, so he has attracted the attention of many fans. However, a recent apology video he released has sparked heated public debate.

Claimed 6.5 million? "Wang Baoweak" cried and apologized to Wang Baoqiang: I shouldn't have connected with Mrs. Ma

In this video, he has tears in his eyes, holding his ID card, and tells his guilt. He admitted that he imitated Wang Baoqiang excessively, and promised that he would not take over commercial performances under the banner of Wang Baoqiang. He also said that he is a person who has "no bottom line", but at least there is a little bit of humanity.

Claimed 6.5 million? "Wang Baoweak" cried and apologized to Wang Baoqiang: I shouldn't have connected with Mrs. Ma

The video shows that the real name of "Wang Baoqiao" is Yang Longgang, who is less than 24 years old. He confessed that he had made an unforgivable mistake because of the lure of money and was deeply remorseful.

Claimed 6.5 million? "Wang Baoweak" cried and apologized to Wang Baoqiang: I shouldn't have connected with Mrs. Ma

What's even more striking is that he mentioned his relationship with Wang Baoqiang's ex-wife Ma Rong in the video. He admits that he and Ma Rong have joined the microphone and made videos together is "something that should not be done", and said that "memory is the source of pain".

Claimed 6.5 million? "Wang Baoweak" cried and apologized to Wang Baoqiang: I shouldn't have connected with Mrs. Ma

The reason why "Wang Baoqiang" publicly apologized to Wang Baoqiang at this time may be because Wang Baoqiang filed a lawsuit against him, demanding compensation of 6.5 million for a huge claim. If this news is true, then it is not difficult to understand why "Wang Baoqiao" is so repentant.

Claimed 6.5 million? "Wang Baoweak" cried and apologized to Wang Baoqiang: I shouldn't have connected with Mrs. Ma

However, it is regrettable that "Wang Baoweak" did not realize his mistake after playing with fire, and continued to act more excessively. Regardless of Wang Baoqiang's pain, he continued to use Wang Baoqiang's failed marriage experience to win attention, which not only violated Wang Baoqiang's privacy, but also hurt his feelings.

Claimed 6.5 million? "Wang Baoweak" cried and apologized to Wang Baoqiang: I shouldn't have connected with Mrs. Ma

Wang Baoqiang's marriage experience was once the focus of public discussion, and he was hurt by the betrayal of his wife, Ma Rong. However, "Wang Baoweak" used this painful memory as capital for speculation, which is intolerable.

Claimed 6.5 million? "Wang Baoweak" cried and apologized to Wang Baoqiang: I shouldn't have connected with Mrs. Ma

I hope that "Wang Baoweak's" apology this time is sincere, but his behavior has made people lose trust in him. I hope he can really realize his mistakes, instead of washing his face with tears to try to pay off his debts.

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